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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Just watched the first episode of Banshee. WOW. Loving it. I hope there is more mot, mot, mot action and that ep1 was not just a one-off to get me to watch.
  2. Saw Frank Turner at the O2 last night. Top drawer as always.
  3. Crap showers anyway. You weren't missing much.
  4. Yep, there has been 8, and we have to wait until July for the next eight. Bastards! Its being filmed as we speak. Follow the writers and actors on Twitter and they tweet pictures from the shoot.
  5. I thought S3 was very slow and nothing much happened, until the end where it started to pick up pace.
  6. I don't think many people have heard of it. You're right though, its a winner. Another vote for Southland from me. Its the nearest thing to "The Shield" I have seen.
  7. With the first few episodes of The Wire, I had to switch the subtitles on just so I could pick up the local street slang, otherwise I wouldnt of had a clue what was going on.
  8. I've got Sickbeard all over that like a rash. Can't wait.
  9. Sat Nav rocket polishers. Its dark but they have their sat navs on at full brightness, how the **** they can concentrate on the road god only knows.
  10. MvG threw some right shite at the end, 41, 57 etc. Might as well of conceded right there. He raped the shit out of that T20 bed at the start of the game. **** knows what happened to him after the half way point.
  11. 6-4 now, and the slob is dancing with the crowd. No class whatsoever.
  12. Fat smug **** acting like he has won the title.
  13. Agreed, came out the blocks at full speed, looks like he's out of gas now. Taylor starting to crank it up.
  14. Taylor looks a worried man, haha.
  15. Yodal? I'm having some grief from DPD, a right bunch of tw@ts
  16. Netflix for me. Good selection of documentaries. Watched Gasland about fracking in the US, frightening effect on the environment.
  17. Saw Frank Turner last Friday at the Wolves Civic. Had a great night.
  18. Didnt Christopher Walken also go for the Han Solo role?
  19. Its on Netflix, so Sky might not be getting it.
  20. Ive been a Netflix subscriber since it launched here in the UK. Agreed it wasnt great at the start, but the library has got better in recent months. I think its TV section and documentries are best with only about 25% of the regular movies worth a viewing. The kids section is also not bad. Plenty cartoons for the nipper to watch.
  21. I've just finished watching it too. Really wanted a nice Hollywood ending with the bad guys going to jail and the good guys getting out the ghetto. But I guess the streets really aren't like that. I suppose thats what makes it so good.
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