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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. I hear Hogan has been nicknamed The Hulk by the unwashed
  2. Loads of boning in this show, shocked you've never seen it.
  3. I tapped out when Rick left which was probably 1 season too late. Best thing I ever did in my life.
  4. I bought the DVD box set of this a few years back just to watch it all over again. The first season is great, Lance really nails it. But the 2nd and 3rd season sort of lose it and just go a bit weird, the writing isnt as good on those later episodes. Also worth knowing there is a X-Files crossover episode that catches up with the character Lance plays years later (same writer I think), worth checking out.
  5. Agreed. Find a boiler with at least a 5 year parts and labour warranty.
  6. I personally think you're bang on the money there.
  7. Ordered a BMW i3s as my first company car. Taking the plunge with full electric. Quite looking forward to embracing the EV revolution.
  8. This sickens me. A player who couldnt hit a cow's arse with a banjo has scored 3 in 3 for those scumbags. I hope we sell him to them for 10 million and then he goes on a goal drought for the next 5 years, while on 80k a week.
  9. This is a bat shit crazy story. Has to be seen to be believed.
  10. The Pharmacist - Netflix 2 episodes in, so far so good.
  11. I should of gave a bit more context I suppose, so here goes. She moved out exactly 5 years ago and we both have new partners. She's lived with hers pretty much straight after meeting him (that pissed me off) I've been seeing my partner nearly 4 years, don't live together. I have a 13yr old son which custody is split 50\50 but I still have to fork out child maintenance (that also pisses me off). During our 10 years of marriage she'd always say she'd never get divorced and once we'd split she'd also say she'd never get married again. So to sum it up, she's full of shit. I guess this would be better in the relationship thread.
  12. The Kalief Browder doc on Netflix. Just got the last episode left. Very very powerful stuff and incredibly sad.
  13. Found out my ex-wife is getting remarried. Shouldn't piss me off at all, but for some reason it does.
  14. I second this, another great season comes to an end. I'm surprised this doesn't get more mentions, it really it a top notch show.
  15. stuart_75

    New Music 2020

    Yep. Been a fan since day 1, and this is terrible.
  16. Frightingly good performance from Phoenix.
  17. Need to see an example of skinny fat. I'm bamboozled.
  18. Sick of the Royal family being portrayed like some sort of Mafia in the media. Isn't the ginger knobber allowed to hand his notice in? The way the BBC & papers go on you'd think The Boss has dug a couple of holes in the desert for Mr & Mrs Sussex.
  19. So what was the real lady like from purchasing? Munter?
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