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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. I went to state schhols and have no kids atm, but I'd love them. I'd judge it on the merits of the school I guess; private schools aren't necessarily better; I have friends from private and state schools, although I admit that when I was at Uni I really found many private school pupils way too up themselves, but most have mellowed over time, the ones who haven't would've been pricks anyway. I know some of the most left wing leaning people who were so anti private school until they had kids and then they had something of a rethink. I live in Hackney and whilst my local primary school is fantastic (no I don't hang around the playground) I'd not want them to go to a secondary round here. I don't think I'd like my kids to board - it's important to be around your parents and besides, I'm not going through all that effort to bring up children only to miss a huge part of their upbringing. Additionally, when I came to do my A levels I went for an assisted place at our local private school Gresham's in Norfolk. I got through so I'd have recieved free tuition, but I'd have had to board (not THAT local) and even when they offered to waive 75% of the boarding fees we still couldn't affford it. My dad's response? "good, they turn out right little shits those places." Gee, thanks dad.
  2. I just got my invitation last night. I'm really enjoying it, although right now I'm listening to Ultravox...
  3. Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds Big up to Mike for the FBB.
  4. From this week's popbitch: Old Jokes Home: Q. What does a Catholic priest & a pint of Guinness have in common? A. Black coat, white collar & you've got to watch your arse if you get a dodgy one.
  5. I've got a rape joke. Or maybe not; you had to be there. Yes, I know it's in really poor taste.
  6. Only 12? Assuming you weren't in a monogomous relationship, that shows a lack of commitment to the cause. An awful lot of angry and disappointed women out there, it's your fault and I have to go round sorting them out.
  7. Doris Day - Move over darling - greatest hits...
  8. Jesus and Mary Chain - Blues from a gun. On the Automatic album.
  9. I would suggest these two reasons coexist. Very few things happen for ONE reason only. We don't have to choose either one OR the other.
  10. Things are definitely better for me. I had just started working for a friend's startup company as a sales and Marketing manager for a company with a completely unsellable product. I was living with my girlfriend in Docklands, but the relationship was on the rocks. Had barely enough money to exist. I could afford bills and basic food, but that was it. Since then I've had a couple of failed relationships (with lots of fun for a long time when they were working!), but the main thing for me was an ex forcing me to go to the doctors to talk about depression. Since then I've been hospitalised twice, pretty much successfully, and now I appreciate every day and realise that I hadn't really been happy since I was about 5 years old. I read the posts of those who were/are '16 and without a care in the world' and it reminds me of how different I was back then - if I wasn't worrying about somehting then I would worry that I should be worrying about something.
  11. you could be in luck as there are lots of Rumours that Tom Cruise is starring in a remake ... be careful what you wish for though as it could turn into a America wins the Battle of Britain film but agree , the original does kinda make you cringe when you see the same plane being shot down over and over in the film ..sometimes they don't even bother using different camera angles to try and disguise the act they only had 1 plane :-) Ah crap. My least favourite actor in the whole world. As far as 'America wins the battle of britain' goes, I hope they wouldn't be so stupid (again), but I'm more concerned that a remake would lose the neutrality and war weariness of the original. And Laurence Olivier is dead. Could you imagine Tom Cruise playing Park instead of Larry?
  12. My vote goes for the Battle of Britain. More is known about it now so you could put in more accuracy and more background, maybr even sporead it over two or three films. If you check out the air battle scenes they don't really stand the test of time; with moden effects it could be awesome.
  13. Hear hear. BTW, why hair straighteners? Surely you just need an iron for your paper bag?
  14. Didn't Saha pick up a knock too? Peas in a pod him and Vaughan.
  15. I reckon people are just clicking the 'gay girl' button just to wind up Wendy and Rob.
  16. What Risso said. Richard, have a peek at Stoke Newington for a cure. Might involve standing up tho...
  17. I would as it would be the right thing to do and hang the consequences to me.
  18. both definitely. He'd probably try to fist her and claim it was the nahd of God.
  19. I'm against it, although it would be really convenient in many cases. For me it's the principle: don't kill people. Also the principle of 'an eye for an eye' was, I believe, introduced to LIMIT reprisals at a time when people tended to go over the top without a second thought.
  20. I went for a balti, although it seems anyhthing can be called a balti nowadays as long as it has, er, balti in it. The name, that is.
  21. Paddy aren't you supposed to avoid scummy, filthty, infectious areas on account of your colourful health issues?
  22. Obviously time I think for the Council to step in and give them some money towards a bigger stadium. Oh, and the title of this thread has always bugged me. SHA? Surely it's sha...
  23. John Carew? He has such a large personality that MoN won't let his daughters ner him.
  24. 38 Physically; About 12 emotionally
  25. West Ham - cheating racist violent scumbags Newcastle and Spuds - more the media wankfest than the clubs to be honest.
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