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Everything posted by bickster

  1. So if we lift lockdown today, then thats ok but if it's tomorrow then it'll go on forever? PS Lockdown ended months ago, there is very little you can't do now. Go to gigs, go to pubs and order at the bar and some foreign travel. Thats about it. Given the later is in the hands of two seperate governments wherever you go then that's not even in the control of this country. What are you thinking should actually end that isn't, which aspect of your life is currently impacted so severely you need the restriction to stop?
  2. But but but.... thats exactly the same effort (if not more) as just arranging which ones you pick out after it's done its job surely? Anyway, dishwashers, ours has been broken for at least two years, not bothered getting it fixed, don't miss it.
  3. You really aren't getting the point. A company has to do what is right for the company's shareholders. Branson is the figurehead for Virgin Group, it's a venture capital endeavour, he isn't it's CEO nor it's Chairman. He isn't in control of it any more. Like I said before it licences the Virgin name out to other comapnies or take stakes in companies that use it's brand VA is not Branson, nor is VG. It's not up to him to raise money, He might make the announcements but that is about it. The myth that Branson is soime sort of genius businessman, is all part of the package. In reality, he's just one of them people on the panel of Dragon's Den
  4. Edinburgh that innit? Glasgow is deep fry everything that isn't nailed down
  5. I'm not sure what your point is? That RIchard Branson doesn't own 76% of Virgin Gallactic so isn't in control of the company. That Virgin Atlantic aren't the same comany as Virgin Gallactic? Delta Airlines owns 49% of Virgin Atlantic and the Virgin Group have been trying to ofload 31 of that 51% for a few years now Companies are separate entities to each other, with fiduciary responsibilities to their own shareholders and conflating what one company recieved with what you think another should do isn't logical. Just because the company is called Virgin doiesnt mean its the same entity
  6. What Tyrone said is political and it's about a (the) Tories.
  7. What I heard on the radio was, some of you are going to die, tough shit. We're also going to blame you for your own deaths because you had no common sense and went back to work when we told you to, you effing idiots* (*wasn't what was actually said)
  8. Haha, a mate in work has just had to self-isolate because his kid has just tested positive. Three girls turned up, all three coughing all morning. Two tested positive, the other parents refused to get her tested. My mates son, tested positive. Thats all four of them self isolating for ten days, my mate has been double jabbed and also had Covid once too. The child who tested positive is also on his second dose of Covid now. (also displaying absolutely no symptoms) Sorry my point was that in that one class at least 6 they know of already have tested positive and one pretty much nailed on case that isn't going to get tested., nah schools aren't a source of infection at all
  9. You missed out the crucial bit about her former husband. Even though they were supposedly separated at the time of his appeal against sentencing, she supported his appeal on the grounds that she thought the sentence rather harsh and that the bench are "on a bit of a mission." For the sake of clarity, he was sentenced to 2 whole years for those 3 sexual assaults.
  10. I think Genie might have a point. It has become very noticeable that with me, if I work in the cab for a few hours, I'm out like a light and sleep for between 7 and 8 hours. If I don't I end up going to bed earlier and getting up really early - 5 and half hours usually
  11. She can't be that f***ing stupid can she? That is effectively saying the team that goes ahead first will win the match.
  12. She can't be that f***ing stupid can she? One team would enter the match knowing a draw would be sufficient to win
  13. Without wanting to drag this into the realms of football… wtf is average goals per minutes played? Both teams played 120 minutes and scored 1 goal each. Now without doing the maths and making it complicated…. They are both the same. FFS some people once voted for her as the actual leader of a political party
  14. The disgraced Charlie Elphicke's wife, whom the Tories handed their little Fiefdom in Kent to on a plate. Although separated at the time, she supported her husband's appeal against sentencing for sexually assaulting two different females because she thought the courts were "on a mission" and the sentence was harsh. That's the measure of the woman. Yes, she's vile
  15. Sorry for laughing but that's been me the last two nights, it was an empathetic laugh
  16. Crept in by storming a security line? Assaulting the staff in the process
  17. As an indication of the importance of the occaision, the missus has invited me to watch the match in the living room with her This has never happened ever in over 25 years, she even made me miss England beating the Netherlands 4-0 for an ante-natal class
  18. I like having cold feet in bed
  19. Holy F no, what kind of animal are you, sleeping in socks, what kind of fresh hell is this?
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