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Everything posted by carlitobrigante

  1. been a heavy cannibis user since i was 16. Never had a paronoid thought in my life.....that being said theres an old lady in the bus stop who looks very dodgy, i think she is watching me, i dont trust her.... on a more serious note yep Cannabis is a gateway drug, simply because you get it you have to mix with dodgy characters who end up shoving other more dangerous drugs in your face. Yep I ended up being addicted to class A's, obviously ive only got myself to blame, but alot of asian dealers i knew were and are, mainly dealing H with weed dealing on the side, buisness sense to them is obviously getting people onto the more lucrative drug... That was a long time ago when no-one really knew about Heroin. The ironic thing is, it was mainly cannibis that helped me get off the harder stuff... Its the same as anything, its all about moderation. The very very few who go mental due to cannibis (and ive yet to meet one despite knowing hundreds of smokers during my life) are the ones probbaly smoking themselves silly night after night with huge quantities of strong cheese type skunks.. Legalising it could help with that aswell as you could limit the amount people could buy per day. Anyone with any true expierience will see it just isnt working as it is. It would save the NHS millions. It would make the Gorvernment millions in taxation. It would take money out of the hands of criminal gangs. The pro's so outweight the negatives that anyone who is dead against this idea im afraid just doesnt know all the facts.
  2. its quite lucky for us that their pathetic fanbase and stadium will always hold them back, as Mcleish is a damn good manager and has turned them into a solid side that i cant see getting relegated this season or anytime soon...unfortunately. Losing Mcfadden is a blow for them, but they do have some good defenders (ridgewell excepted), Hleb is also a very very good player.
  3. very very good that with Milner gone the 2 players who most needed to step up their game, Young and Downing, have done exactly that and are getting more goals also. Ive been as frustrated as the rest of you with Heskey at times. I feel he gets a hard time though when it isnt warranted and he looks like he can do a good job for us for a while yet. He is light years ahead of Carew at the moment in terms of work rate, fitness, and unbelievably also goal theat. Carew will be gone by the summer, and i although i will be gratefull for his goals and his service to us, he is so obviously shot these days i wont miss him at all. Bit of tweaking in midfield and some re-inforcements up front and we will still be a damn good team. Warnock worrys me though, i think he has looked very shaky defensively since mid way point of last season. Good cross today for the goal, but the current weak spot in our back 4. So happy to see Cuellar at CB, for me he is one of our best 2 x centre backs. Finally we can put the crap of the last few months behind us and start being optimistic again!!
  4. best appointment we could have gotten out of who was realistically available it seems.. Houlliers contacts will be a god send for us, and finally our scouting system will get up to scratch. im fully behind the bloke as all fans should be at this point, very intersted to see what he does to the team. More good news is the fact that there is obviously money available for him else he wouldnt have come here... glad we can now move forward..
  5. interesting, houliers contacts alone would be invaluable.. i would be dead set against curbishly either, as long as it wasnt on a silly long contract and only if that was honestly the best thats out there. Out of all the names mentioned in order of preference it would be: Moyes KMac / Houllier Klinsman Curbs Sven Kmac on his own Koeman Bradley Southgate
  6. difficult times, the majority still have faith general, im still hearing 'one randy lerner' sung at the games, fans turn quick when things go wrong but in the main we still think your doing your best for us this post below though explains why some are so upset. On a side note ill give my backing to any new boss regardless if i rate him personally and give him a chance like we all should.
  7. really cant make my mind up, Moyes would be no1 but unrealistic. Id take Mcleish as he's building something solid at blues. Failing that it seems a 3 way tussle between Sven, Curbs, and Kmac.....
  8. wow. Milners worse than Barry in my eyes. Barry had been here for years, and the clock was ticking on his chance at the big time. Milner is 24, has been here 2 seasons, only one of which he has been any good. He has been turned from a very average winger playing for a championship team, to an England international, and this is how he repays us. Im still in shock that he actually came to MON before the world cup and said he wanted out. Get rid, and get rid quick. I didnt boo barry, but by jove Milner is going to get both barrells when I see him play against us next season. He is 24, his stock has risen massively over the last 12 months thanks to the enviroment we have provided, he is still at a high level club, with an outside chance of champ league, and excellant chances of cup finals and uefa cup games... he owed us another couple of seasons at least. Sounds like he was angling to get away before city even put a bid in. More and more feels like things arent very happy behind the scenes. Im starting to think that alot of players just dont like playing for MON.
  9. That's not true, as I found out the first time I did it. You have to hit the gun, definitely. hhm, thats strange, it was one of the highest level sharpshooter challenges and i completed it and some of the disarms were done where the bullet actually hit the hand and i saw blood......who knows... i have to say, the single player was one of the greatest most immersive games ive ever played. My game time spent just in single player when i read it about an hour fooling around after the end of the story, said 3 days 14 hours! Thats 86 hours!! Multiplayer hasnt sucked me in as much and i dont tend to play much red dead now the great story is done with which was probably (along with the enviroment) its best part. They are releasing some dlc soon for multiplayer which im sure will entice me back. And if we are lucky then they will give us something similar to the DLC's for GTA.
  10. wow, great stuff. Your livving the dream my friend, and doing a damn good job of it too... So could any of these kids make the big time do you think? How old are these kids? Most importantly how did you land a job like this and how much does a coaching job like this pay? Im assuming a degree in P.E and sports sciences, and was it then just a case of spotting an advert and moving abroad? It sounds like such a rewarding job, you are really helping these kids grow into good people, i really wish we had more stuff like this going on in our schools....
  11. just go and attack one of the gang hideouts, that way you have lots of bad guys to try it out with, it seemed that even actually shooting them in the hand and making them drop the guns counts as a disarm, originally i thought you had to only shoot the actual gun itself and not harm the guy you are disarming...
  12. its re-assuring to hear with are in strongly for Ireland. The one player of true quality that is available, sensibly priced, likely to come and has prem league expierience.. I think Bellamy would come aswell and Id love him here. Gabby, Fonz, Bellamy, and Id be tempted to keep one of Carew / Heskey, although if Weiman is as good as some seem to be saying they im all for taking a gamble on our home grown youth. Im glad to hear some of our youngsters will step up, Albrington and Fonz look ready to me and they need to be thrown in sooner or later. Very hopefull on these two.... Im surprised there have been no exits yet. With Reo, Sidwell, Beye, Davies, L Young etc all apparantly looking for exits / for sale, i thought we might have seen one or two leave by now (p.s only one of them id be happy to lose would be Sidwell, and maybe Beye)...
  13. not for wigan he wasnt berbs was 10 odd millon and sold for 3 times as much modric was a quality player who cost 3m more than downing yep. Unfortunately our policy of buying British can only get you so far, as the decent players go for high prices usually, and you end up paying inflated fee's.. The technical / creative / possesion based side of our game needs major work. Unfortuantely this is where foreign players tend to excel. Im not asking for blockbuster 20 million signing. I just wish every now and then we'd take a punt on a talent abroad that gives us something different. Lots of tidy players in the £7-12 million mark, which is what we are spending on the likes of Downing... I guess we just arent going to see it, and MON has more than earnt our trust and we have to back the guys decisions. I just think he is making the next step much harder than it could be...
  14. the beavers are up north, where beavers tend to roam (i.e by the river)... i just finished it yesterday. Some tips? Take your time, savour each area before you move on to the next...and watch out for cougars!!
  15. If Milner goes, I want MON to go in quick for Ireland and Bellamy. Both top notch and probably the best within the league we could attract. Id also try to break the bank and go all out for joe cole. If you dont try you dont get, theres a slight chace if mon worked his magic, we could tease him away. I cant see chelsea wanting to sell to the other top 4 other than arsenal (they are owed a favour for the gallas-cole swop) so it could be between us and spurs. Suppose the London factor will scupper it most likely. Still want to take a gamble abroad, just tidy little players for not ridiculous fees....
  16. i like milner and would like him to stay, however £25-30 mill is silly money and could well work in our favour if shrewdly invested... like someone said above, he aint that good, my only worry though is he still seems to be improving rapidly, and in another year or two maybe he will be that good...
  17. just went on a massive rampage in blackwater, to try and get my honour down to zero just to see what happens... After finally dodging the marhsalls, i found that when you have zero honour and press the 'greeting' button, you throw insults instead of friendly greetings! Also you you get a message pop up saying 'the black horse has been drawn to your whistle', you get an awesome looking evil horse with reddish eyes, covered in nasty scars, looks ace!!!
  18. I havent got a problem with admitting city are now a bigger club, a more attractive proposition for players, and likely to win the league within the next few years.. What I do have a problem with, is Milner is a player who we over paid for at the time, with the majority of newcastle fans laughing at us.. Since then he's been played week in week out, has been given the stability and freedom to develop, all the while having the chance to compete near the top end of thwe table and sample cup finals and european football. Now that Man City show up the fact he seems happy to jump ship straight away is dissapointing to say the least. Its not the same situation as Milner or even Downing joining us, or even Petrov or Cuellar, for a start they were either in a lesser foreign league, the championship and hadnt a hope in hell of competing near the top or in europe for the forseeable future. We on the other hand are quite close, are ambitious, are are moving forward year on year and have come within touching distance of the champions league for 2 seasons in a row. For me, a player with intergrity, would stick it out here abit longer before deciding to jump ship. Barry was a good few years older and was running out of time to play at the highest level. Milner is alot younger and has much more time on his hands. Yep I know that is the way of the modern player and its the norm these days, I guess I just always thought / hoped that Milner was abit different to the mercanary footballers our league is full of. And after blossoming with us thanks to the faith O'Neils shown in him, I guess I just hoped he would stick around for more than a couple of years and not jump ship the first time a 'big' club came a knocking... Besides its all conjecture anyway, Im still not totally convinced he actually wants to leave for City anyway. I expect he has had his head turned more by the rumours Man Utd and Chelsea are looking at him...
  19. hmm, sounds like we may not get the 30mill plus we were hoping for... if milner has had his head turned, id ask for £18-20 mill + ireland. Thats a very good deal for us.... I have to say though, that if even James Milner can have his head turned by the money of man city, there really is no integrity left in the modern game. If theres one player i would have thought would have told city to feck off, its milner...
  20. I dont see any mentions for deadwood in here? One of the best written most engrossing tv shows ive ever watched. Fantastic dialogue, absolute travesty it only got 3 seasons.. breaking bad is also turning into one of my all time favourite shows. getting better and better... The wire is fantastic, if you can stay with it till half way through the first season it then just grabs you and wont let go. Amazing television.# The shield is another great show. Clever and brutal. Rome is another cracking series, as is Dexter. If youve missed any of those shows, do yourself a favour and watch them now!
  21. Some tidy players out there, lots of options... Firstly I want to see Sidwell, Beye, Heskey, Shorey and maybe even Carew (I know he still scores but his fitness, inconsistancy, and fact that season on season he looks like he is gettign worse and worse means now is the time to sell and at least get a decent fee) all moved on for between £2-5 mill each, will Carew hopefully getting £6-7 mill. We need to sort out the midfield. Petrov and Milner doesnt work as a pair. Its all going to hinge on whether Milner goes, but if he does, we could get Ireland as a swop, then buy one of Jamie O'Hara / Scott Parker. Prefer O'Hara and I doubt Spammers will let Parker go anyway. Thats only if MON is scared of buying from europe again, if he actually takes a plunge then there are some real talents out there. Up front we need 2 to replace Carew and Heskey. Id get one of Bellamy / Doyle, and then a wilcard from abroad. I like the look of that South Korean striker at Monaco that someone mentioned, but theres lots of gifted players out there who would love a move to the premiership, we just need to take a gamble.
  22. perfect, now im shooting guns out of hands no probs, now for the hat and pistol combo.. thanks for the help
  23. can someone help me with the controls for duelling on the 360 version? I missed the on screen instructions, and im still not certain what every button does during the mexican standoff? Anyhelp?
  24. If Milner does go for mega bucks, and MON signs Keane for 15 mill, I;; lose faith altogether, used to be a handy player, now not good enough for the money.... If we do lose Milner it gives us some options at least, id love a deal like 20 mill plus Bellamy + Richards, or 10 mill + Hart + Ireland + Bellamy + Richards....although that might be dreaming abit... Theres some very very good players on the continent, particulary in france and germany who would jump at the chance to join a top 6 prem side....just hope MONS scouting system is up to scratch as this is a massively important summer...
  25. I know you mentioned you're finding the horse controls irritating but from what you've posted above, would I be out of line in maybe suggesting you've not fully understood them? It's just that you don't have to keep tapping. Starting from not moving at all, a double tap will get you trotting (holding down the second tap to maintain that speed). Another double tap ups your speed again then another ups it even more. A succession of taps will quickly take you to full speed (top speed should not be mistaken for stamina sprinting which is just that, sprinting). When you get to a speed you like, just hold down the A button, pumping it only if you want a quick burst of sprint speed. The idea that you have to pump the button on and off to moderate speed isn't the case. What I usually do is just vigorously pump the A button from stand still until I'm going full pelt and hold A from there. If I want to reduce my speed, whilst still holding A, I tap the right bumper with each tap decreasing my speed even further. It's certainly feels a bit alien at first but once familiar with the logic behind it, it's a pretty inspired system that feels fluid and frees up the pad for other actions. Despite my own initial confusion, controlling the horse is absolutely second nature to me now. Also, rounding up wild horses on horseback with a lasso is quite something. Lassoing a bolting deer in front of the random cowboy I met in the wilderness not so much - deer had enough speed to drag my face into the dirt when the rope went tight, making me look like a right plum. Still, he thanked me when I shot it for him then we parted ways. And that wasn't a mission, just some passing NPC. So yeah, the whole game for me is sublime in it's technical prowess, it's presentation and its ability to utterly absorb the player. The world feels truly alive and full of impromptu moments that elevate the game to something special. The writing is outstanding with every character so far being endearing, charming and believable. The Guardian's reviewer described the game as a tour de force and I find myself in total agreement. I think Rockstar have outshone GTAIV with this. Agreed, once you get a grip on the controls, which doesnt take too long, it really becomes obvious what a work of art this is, im enjoying every minute so far.....
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