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Everything posted by AntrimBlack

  1. I thought that this season. And I fear for next season. I sincerely hope you guys who are convinced that Bruce can take us up next season are right, because if we do not go up next season our future could be very bleak.
  2. Thanks for that, OBE. Much appreciated. Great to get a report when unable to watch the match.
  3. You are correct. Next season will be different. Winning will be the priority, to achieve promotion. Performances will be secondary.
  4. We will have to disagree, Eastie. I really do think the performances are more important than the final table position.
  5. Glad you pointed that out. Gee, I would never have thought of that. I am not talking about galvanising the players. Promotion was the target for the players this season - look how that went. I am talking about posters using top ten as a yardstick for the retention or otherwise of Bruce. If we scrape wins to get us to top ten, but the performances are poor, it means nothing in my opinion.
  6. Why would we aim for top ten, or use it as a bench mark. Totally unimportant - I don't care. I want to see performances that indicate that we have a chance of going up next season.
  7. Short is looking for big money for them to cover his losses. Unless they get taken over, they are in deep shit. A shame really - a proper club - one of the originals.
  8. 139 posts, JE-, and you joined us in February 27. You have become very noticeable in a very short time. Where were you before February?
  9. Yes. I am a big fan of leaving a fast player up the pitch to occupy a couple of the opposition players.
  10. Reading through the thread, it would appear we only have to wait for our luck to change. Not sure I am happy with that as a way forward.
  11. And I understand what you are saying, but my eyes are now firmly fixed on next season.
  12. Whilst it would be great to get a result, I am more interested in the performance. We need to see this team play like a team, to give us any hope for next season. Scraping a dire win, excellent though that would be, probably would not tell us very much.
  13. You have used this in your last couple of posts. Just to please a cranky old man, would you consider using Aston Villa instead? AVFC hurts my eyes
  14. Absolutely, and I am delighted that we won, but it is because of the manner of the win that I remain doubtful.
  15. Forgive me, but with this squad in the Championship, I would be expecting this as a minimum.
  16. From what I hear about the performance, I am far from convinced.
  17. Can we please not call him Greenade.
  18. Always look on the bright side - I like that, Brommy.
  19. I think you may be overestimating how much people notice or even care about us nowadays.
  20. I agree with what you say about explaining their decision, but I was not actually referring to that, though I may not have made that clear. What I mean is where the referee will say, ``White, 10, back'', to prevent them committing a foul, or almost coaching them about various actions in,for instance, the scrum. I find it quite fascinating.
  21. Would you agree with me that he needs to be judged at the end of the season at the latest?
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