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Everything posted by eholm

  1. I see your point around the 5 sub rule but he needs regular 90 minute matches as this is the only way he will learn all of the aspects of his game, his role and men’s football in general - both mentally and physically. 10 minute cameos here and there will do very little for his development IMO.
  2. Head over heart for me regarding TI. As has been said looks very comfortable on the ball, an athlete, physical etc. However, he’s an 18 yr old kid with no experience of men’s football. We all know that the CDM role is pivotal for next season and that SG will be buying one as well as a more defensive 8. This will push IT further down the pecking order and limit his game time. The boy needs regular football at this stage. IMO, give him some game time between now and the end of the season as preparation for a Championship loan next season. This will be the best way to allow him to develop. He has the potential to be a first team player soon but just not yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see him as a regular starter ASAP but let’s let the lad grow as a player before pinning all of our hopes on him.
  3. Persistence and determination is admirable, however, there is the danger that his 2x10's system is just not robust enough and/or creative enough for the PL. I can't recall any other team playing this way. Not to say it couldn't work......but even with a stronger midfield the signs are not encouraging at present, IMO.
  4. Exactly this. I agree that players are currently significantly underperforming (as per TRO’s comments) but for me the system is the main issue here. As long as we continue with our FBs playing as wingers we will always need our 8s to fill in and cover them. This will then constantly result in us vacating central midfield and so be very easy to play through. Tbh it doesn’t matter who we have as CDM, there is just far too much space for one player to cover. Initially we were very compact but that has now changed. I don’t see SG changing his set up just yet...he still probably believes more coaching of the system is required so patience is the key. One relatively simple tweak would be to only allow one FB to attack at a time and the other one retaining their defensive position. This then means thatat least 2 of our 8s stay central so we have more control and presence if we lose possession. Personally I believe the system is too open for the PL but accept that SG will give it as much opportunity as possible to succeed. Also I’m 100% certain that as much as we are all attempting to analyse its weaknesses, SG, MB, GMac et al are all fully aware of the current imbalance that the system is creating at the moment. Gerrard will look to improve performance by changing the personnel initially before contemplating a structural change, IMO.
  5. I think Gerrard’s set up is a very complex one with players constantly having to move into positions that are unnatural to them e.g. our 8s moving into the FB positions. This results in a lot of positional movements to process so maybe the lack of coordination we saw yesterday is due to this. Granted the collisions were when we were in possession but I still think the players are trying to process a lot of tactical info during the game and errors result. Part of me thinks our poor set up is still due to a lack of familiarity and that it will takes time to improve.....the other part of me thinks the system is too open for the PL and so needs changing.
  6. Huge test for SG and co now. The compactness that we had in the first few games has gone with huge spaces opening up once more. Hence we are so easy to play through and so few passing options available that result in us losing possession. I do wonder if Gerrard, Beale et al will look to adapt the system as currently it’s not working. If we are to continue with both fullbacks bring predominantly wingers then we have to become more compact. Not sure if you can play PC and EB in the same team with full backs bombing on. System worked in SPL but concerns that too easy to play against in the PL. Beale is a very highly regarded coach so l trust them to make the correct adjustments. Although we were poor today...I do think it is the team structure that is causing us most issues.
  7. Agree. That makes a lot of sense and that’s how a quality squad should work. Could well be a period of mental adjustment for them both if they see themselves as the regular CF starter.
  8. Indeed. As an aside I think this probably means it’s an either/or in relation to Watkins and Ings. The only real way they could have both started in Gerard’s formation was shoehorning one of them into one of the narrow 10 roles. Can’t see that happening now so they are now only playing for the CF role.....puts a more focussed dynamic on them as individuals now. Great to have this level of competition....but will either accept extended bench time? Interesting times.
  9. A far more progressive player than I thought he would be with an excellent eye for a pass. Also strong in the tackle. He is the epitome of a genuine number 8 and, fitness allowing, I think he will be in the starting XI in a very regular basis.
  10. Good description. Also, he didnt smile a lot....minor point but its as though he is here to get to work and not to make friends. Again, a subtle difference perhaps from Dean....?
  11. Agree. Excellent interview (with the caveat it is just words at this point). Comes across as a very different man to DS; seems very authoratative as you say. Interesting that when asked about the 'huge array of talent in the squad you have here' he made no reference to/aggrement that and just said its up to the players to take on board what I tell them (or words to that effect).
  12. Only way we could add one more is if CH gets his loan move. I’m pretty sure we’re done but wouldn’t be shocked if one in/out gets done before deadline.
  13. This. He completely changes the attacking dynamic of the team. Stretches, unsettles and bullies defenders. Top, top PL CF and now our most important player in the final third.
  14. Indeed. I bet he woke up this morning tired, sore etc but overall in no doubt whatsoever how tough the PL is in terms of pace, physicality etc. A fantastic step in his development and the perfect opposition for him as Brentford are very physical and relentless pressers. He will probably know himself that there is plenty of work to do but should gain confidence from his first start. For me, not a starter for us yet but his potential is bloody scary. Well done young man
  15. Yep, fair point. Has hardly played him though. Maybe expected him to be better on the ball...just speculating really. Also, could have been his foray into CDM territory and now he is reverting to type. Again, pure guess work.
  16. I think it’s pretty clear by now (and has been for quite some time now) that DS just doesn’t favour a physical dominant CDM. As has been mentioned numerous times, he has NEVER bought this type of player. DS has always been a possession based manager who believes that if you have the ball the opposition can’t score. Therefore the CDM will primarily be more of a deep lying CM who has the ability to intercept effectively through their reading of the game, decent in the tackle but above all else can retain possession and initiate attacks from the base of that middle third. He will also be very comfortable in taking the ball off the CBs and progressing it forwards. Thus would then also reduce the amount of ‘Mings-ball’ required. Another key attribute is game intelligence with the player able to demonstrate discipline to hold their position and the ability to cover defenders when they need support or have ventured forward. With that in mind, JWP is precisely the type of player that he wants and why Marv never will be, IMO. If the price is acceptable we sign JWP. If not, I think DS May hope that Luiz develops and improves in all the above attributes to make that position his own. Personally, I don’t agree with Dean and see that dominant physical presence as a key missing link for us. However, Dean has his own philosophies and I can’t see him changing those anytime soon.
  17. Yep; it does feel that due to squad size and existing numbers in CM we are waiting to move people on before adding. DS referenced ‘good numbers’ intimating that outgoings are needed for additions to be made.
  18. Very interesting point. Admittedly I always thought we needed a tall CDM for that reason....happy to be proven wrong.
  19. Would be excellent...although unlikely IMO.
  20. I would still prefer a more physical, commanding CDM but if we could get JWP in it would be a massive statement of intent and show the rest of the PL what we really are about post-Grealish.
  21. Exactly. I think we need to move on from the notion that any of our forwards will be wide forwards/wingers and so will contribute less in terms of goals.. Look at Liverpool - Mane and Salah both operate on the left and right of Firmino/Jota yet still score plenty of goals. OK, so obvs an upgrade in regards to quality but the premise still remains. As you say, our front 3 will play narrower as inside forwards instead of being wide/wingers although they will have the pace and running to provide more width when needed. I imagine DS sees the 2 Matts as providing a lot of width as well so imperative we get that CDM for covering those forward runs. Overall a much more fluid system which will give flexibility and unpredictability - something we haven't had for years.
  22. I did and I see your point. However, he is not and never will be as disciplined as a genuine CM in regards to the defensive side of the role...and we don't want him to as he will be most effective in the final third. I am merely expressing concern that we could possibly get over run in that area between the 10 and our back four due to the quantity of naturally attacking platers we will have on the pitch. That CDM (upgrade/competition for Marv) will give us that insurance we need, IMO.
  23. Lots of good points made about Buendia's defensive work rate which appears to be very effective. I guess my main concern is that he will be making those tackles/pressures higher up the pitch that may lead to some lack of cover in front of our back 4. Hence, a CDM upgrade being required......
  24. Agree with this. To me it looks as though we will mirror the Liverpool system. However, having Buendia in CM or 10 will really increase the workload for our other 2 CMs, hence, another dedicated CDM I am sure will come in.
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