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Everything posted by eholm

  1. I kind of see your logic but you are seeing all of this through the lens of a normal fan who can never and will never be able to influence the success or otherwise of any club through physically playing for them. Jack is a professional footballer whose principal career aim is to achieve personal success at the highest level he can whilst being recompensed accordingly. It is impossible to compare his type of‘fandom’ to ours. Although similar in many ways the two diverge drastically at the point where my previous sentence kicks in. Dont get me wrong, I’d love it if he saw the club as we do but unfortunately we are to some extent comparing apples and pears
  2. You simply HAVE to separate fanaticism and personal ambition and achievement. The two are not conjoined twins I’m afraid. Jack will always be a fan of the club whether he stays for the whole of his career or not.
  3. Gotta love this forum.... 10 pages ago - we love you Jack, don’t go, we need yiu Now - **** off Jack, you disloyal snake, can’t believe you’d treat us like that, hate you, hope you fail ...tongue in cheek obvs but...ya know.
  4. aaaannnnndddd we all love Kaveh now (even though he hasnt got a bloody clue!!)
  5. Semantics maybe? I hope you're right. This is JG's biggest decision by far in his Villa career as there is now clear, serious interest from a CL club.
  6. Still think its 50/50. Jacks recent comments re playing in Europe to showcase his talents around the world or words to that effect are quite significant. Heart says new contract with minimum double your pay terms.....head says opportunity to sign for City prob too good to turn down...hopefully closer to 130-140M IF he goes.
  7. I think all of this is the START of any potential sale process. Its not inconceivable that some interest/bids are going in and now its down to us to decide what happens next.
  8. Valid point and i think we do tend to ignore the fact that he's not a stranger to the physio room to say the least.
  9. It is but if the current climate gives us less value for him, then why not wait unril next Summer and get better value?...unless there is some pre-agreed bits and pieces.
  10. Strangely, I'm probably more annoyed at the price than the fact Jack may well be off. It was going to happen at some point but he's a once in a generation player and we should be looking at closer to £150M, imo.
  11. Not really denial, mate. Just very dubious about the information source.
  12. Jim White in 'lets generate calls/texts to TalkSport' shocker. Jeez.
  13. Never underestimate the benefit of having an experienced, serial winner in the dressing room. Many top pros consistently refer to this winning mentality enhancing a squad - especially with such a young squad. Clever signing if it is a goer, imo.
  14. Yep, Young’s a winner....can never have too many if them in a dressing room.
  15. 100% too lightweight. JWP again a bit of an identikit Smith midfielder. Power and presence required.
  16. Excellent post mate - could not agree more For fear of repeating myself, arguably the most important signing we will make.
  17. Way too early for that considering Jack's injury issues. The lads only had around 30 mins of PL football and at 17 should be the back up to the back up so if/when Jack is out there is not immediate huge pressure and expectation on him.
  18. Hope so mate. Also needs to build up his strength as too easily knoced off ball at presnet. Loads of potential even though he is 25. Could be a huge player for us next season.
  19. More of an obsession than a tendency Reckon Smith will be looking for a right footed, quick RW in Summer so may reduce any potential overcrowding.
  20. My thoughts precisely. I still think he's harder to nullify if playing centrally and it will improve him even more. Varies our attacking as well instead of being so LHS dominant.
  21. Fair point but as long he is getting minutes and being involved shifting him across wouldn't/shoudn't impact him too much, IMO.
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