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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Xela

    General Chat

    There are a few sports memorabilia auction houses with websites. Not sure how much they would charge though.
  2. Damn, I was hoping it was this year
  3. In a way I'm glad I grew up in an era that never had widespread internet usage or mobile phones. I think it got me out more and also made me read more as well. Nights out were organised on landlines and everyone arranged to meet at a certain time in a certain place (9pm in Circo Bar being the usual!) I never went on the net until I was about 18, the same age I had my first mobile (a NEC DB2000), which would have been 1997/early 1998. I can see how kids nowadays are more isolated with the technology. Slaves to social media and keeping up appearances on the net 24-7.
  4. And there is you saying you don't like New Years Eve!
  5. Realistic sex robots. Like Gemma Chan in 'Humans' Just waiting to place my order...
  6. Anyone remember this? I think @NurembergVillan was narrating
  7. One I haven't seen mentioned (I don't think) is Extras. Probably lives in the shadow of The Office but it is very very good.
  8. Highcroft where I grew up. Fancy apartments now https://www.martinco.com/property/to-rent/137481
  9. Plus he seems like a decent guy as well. Marrying his childhood sweetheart and not a drinker or into hanging out in clubs. A perfect counterbalance to Dele Alli, who displays none of Kane's good traits.
  10. Band of Brothers has always been on my to-do list, just never got around to it
  11. Not been mentioned (i don't think) but always makes me laugh
  12. I do like The Trip. "I will not bury another Batman"
  13. Sexy Beast - one of the best UK films. Winstone, Kingsley, McShame... acting masterclasses from all of them Outstanding.
  14. I'm a bit of a Cruise fanboy but I didn't really have great expectations. Pleasantly surprised though. Crowe was good asDr Jekyll. I like the premise of the Dark Universe.
  15. As long as you aren't sending requests for meetings at 1pm!
  16. I don't have a set time, some days I'll work through but i'll generally try and get a bit of fresh air at about 12:45pm If I'm busy and working on completing on a number of deals I might not get out until about 2:30pm
  17. Been said multiple times... People who book meetings for 1pm. Accepted it. Never went to it, went out to lunch instead. When will people learn?!
  18. BBC weather map detailing the imminent snow - the one on the left
  19. The Mummy, the Tom Cruise version. It was decent! Lot better than I thought it would be.
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