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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Blokes who walk around with their tops off in weather like this. Seen a few today, either walking along the road or waiting at the train station. Immediately marks them out as being complete scrotes.
  2. I'm struggling more and more on it. I can't drink like I used to and I always feel like garbage the next day now. Even if I've only had 4 or 5.
  3. Green House was rammed earlier today when I went past it. Was the Station busy? I thought the Brewhouse had a new beer garden at the back?
  4. I was meant to meet a mate in the Station in Sutton yesterday at 1pm but there was a last min change of plan and we ended up in Brum instead. Started at the Wellington and was lucky enough to get a table on the roof terrace. Where did you go?
  5. I think I've hit double figures in pints only a handful of times in my life and from memory, its been guinness. Nowadays 5 pints is my limit. After that I just want to eat then sleep!
  6. I don't want anything big. Just a courtyard or something very low maintenance.
  7. That was yesterday all day! Today, i'm feeling a little fuzzy headed and could do with my own space to sit in the sun.
  8. It is weather like this which makes me hate living in an apartment.
  9. Saw a few of those in Brum yesterday. I scowled at them on your behalf Moon Man.
  10. Its not really a rip off is it? Slightly Misleading Britain would be a better title
  11. Few beers in the sun today. Boom.
  12. Brain haemorrhage Best manager ever. Hope he recovers.
  13. Xela


    Did even worse then Hughes. Probably only Pardew's spell at the boggies is worse this season
  14. Old people in sunny weather. Still wearing massive overcoats and hats!
  15. All forums and social media re blocked in our place and I wouldn't have time to go on them anyway! I occasionally look on my phone when having a dump or if i'm on a conference call/webex
  16. Are you going to be able to afford a social life if you take a pay cut? If so then it might be worth going for that role. Depends what you want out of life I guess. I don't mind a bit of pressure and stress as it makes the days go quicker. I think i'd get bored in a fairly mundane role.
  17. Hodgson has done well with Palace this year.
  18. Xela


    13 without a win. He's really turned them around.
  19. They call it a 'teaser trailer' but they have practically shown most of the film!
  20. Xela


    Yeah I have a pair of Merrells as well. What about it?
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