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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Filled up yesterday - Shell V-power was 173.9p. While I don't keep a close eye on it, I'm sure that is up quite a bit from 2-3 weeks earlier when I last put some in. I think it was about mid 160s then?
  2. Didn't go into the office last week due to engineering works on my train line. I actually missed it a bit! I still think three days a week in the office is too much for me, but once or twice is ideal, if only for a change of scenery.
  3. I've just been on a results predictor and i've been quite harsh with our predictions and quite generous with Newcastle/Chelsea/Man Utd and I still have them finishing below us. I had us at 66 points, Spurs were 4th on 67.
  4. Exactly. People expected us to win today, people expected Spurs to get something at Fulham. Plenty of twists and turns.
  5. Assuming 5th gets CL then we'll be OK. It would take something of epic proportions for us to fall below 5th. Speaking frankly, we're not ready for the Champions League. The only benefit is financial, as we won't be massively competitive in it.
  6. Playing devil's advocate, if they want people back 3 days, then they have every right to request that. If people are on an office based contract, i'm not sure what the argument Whether it is right/productive is a different question, but they're the ones paying the wages. We were told at our place to be back 3 days in the office, and while people moaned at first (myself included), we did it as we want to keep our jobs! Civil servants threatening to go on strike as they are being told to go back 2 days is a bit cheeky IMO. At our company, results/productivity actually improved when people worked from home as they were doing longer hours as they were working their commuting time generally. Personally, i think 3 days is a bit much, 2 days would have been my preference. There will always be people that take the piss though when WFH, those people should be dealt with on an individual basis. I've kinda drifted off on a tangent here!
  7. In the office/room at the back? I just think conducting a job interview in a public place is not fair. Maybe i'm overthinking it. Perfect for this thread though as it shouldn't piss me off...
  8. People conducting job interviews in coffee shops.
  9. I own(ed) a Man City shirt. Let me give this some context. When I was in the middle of a major gym addition back in the early 00s, I was spending 3 hours a day at the gym, at least 5 times a week. Doing cardio. I started with just regular t-shirts, but they were getting so drenched with sweat, I struggled to take them off! Football shirts were far better. I ended up buying a load of cheap football shirts from somewhere like JJB/JD/Intersport etc, as they were last seasons. Most were overseas teams or national team shirts, but there was also the Man City. It was the Kappa one with the logo down the arms, back when Citeh were plummeting towards the lower leagues. Even today I think it looks like a cool shirt.
  10. One for the Unpopular Opinions thread
  11. Xela

    General Chat

    Sun always shines in the Royal Town.
  12. Xela

    General Chat

    You have a car with a working heater? Very lah-di-dah!
  13. Its about the only thing health wise I can flex about
  14. I hope she is on the new minimum wage structure
  15. It impacts people differently. I think i've had it twice, and nothing more than a mild cold from memory. Quite lucky in that respect.
  16. I went twice as a kid with the blues supporting family that used to live opposite us. it was the 'kids for a quid' time. Must have been the Barry Fry era. Not surprisingly they failed to win either game. In one, if memory serves, they lost in the last minute!
  17. 10 years in WMP and he reckons that game was the biggest injustice he's seen!
  18. To be fair to him, he's probably earning big money for watching football.
  19. Xela


    De Zerbi must be Liverpool bound based on all arse licking Klopp was doing to him.
  20. Entitled prick. He's seen more success as a Man Utd fan than we'll ever see.
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