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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Just a quick heads up Sam, I left Dashers last night and rejoined BOTS.
  2. Not everybody. Just stupid people.
  3. Page 2 lads! Deary me!
  4. Ian Robothan narrowly loses touch typing contest in first round
  5. I'm actually surprised more Christians don't get laughed at. If I went to work and said I believed in the Tooth Fairy, I'd expect to be sniggered at. Well at least you didn't cut and paste your answers straight from Jehovah's Witness websites like you did last time there was a debate about evolotion/creation.
  6. Because they're scientifcally impossible and defy all logic. I god created the laws of the universe he isn't going to go around letting people break them willy nilly.
  7. Whether or not the bible is historically accurate is neither here nor there. The only thing that matters is if there's a god or not, if he created the earth, whether he wants to be worshipped and whether there's a heaven. My answer is a resounding 'no' to all of them.
  8. Yes, I can see how believing that an entity powerful enough to create the universe is bothered if you eat pork or not would make more sense than the other brand of fairy tales.
  9. Why would anybody want to be a Christian? Worshipping a jealous god, who doesn't want your family to spend eternity with you if they don't worship him? How many people died because of Satan according to the Bible? And god?
  10. Yes he did. In fact he went to great lengths to say that all his previously held Christian beliefs were wrong.
  11. That's not evidence, that's a lack of understading on your part.
  12. Exactly. If a person is a Christian, and the rest of their family are not, then according to their beliefs they're going to spend eternity in Heaven while the rest rot in Hell. Does that sound like a "loving god"? Does it heck.
  13. If there is a god, which I'm fairly certain there isn't, then he's a miserable, jealous, self obsessed entity, and quite why anybody would want to spent eternity in his company is anybody's guess. I'll take rotting in the ground over that any day thanks. Also, does anybody really think that a being powerful enough to create the universe would be bothered that a few insignificant mammals follow some frankly daft rules like not eating pork or congregating to sing hymns one day or week? Really, religious behaviour is a form of mental breakdown that if attached to any other facet of life would see people spending a good proportion of their life being prescribed powerful sedatives in a secure psychiatric unit.
  14. It's because you just don't need to. Now I've got CC, other than sheeping the odd ally I come across, I never use it in instances. In TBC, you really couldn't do places like heroic mech unless you had at least one CC class. Now even tanks with mediocre gear can tank whole packs at once. I just can't see why after TBC they made everything so easy.
  15. I agree, one 10 or 25 man raid a week is rubbish, especially as VoA, Malygos and OS only take half an hour each. Add to that the fact all the heroics are piss easy, and there isn't much of a challenge at the moment. Even Naxx isn't remotely as hard as Kara was. they've equalised the classes too much, brought in Deathknights that have taken over the game, and taken away any sort of difficulty. Take the Obsidian Sanctum. It's similar to Onyxia, Gruul's or Magtheridon in that it's a short instance where you kill a few trash before starting on the main boss. Then you have the "difficult tactics" you have to master. In Onyxia it was dealing with the whelps and avoiding the deep breaths, in Gruul it was maintaining DPS while avoiding the shatter. Obsidian Sanctum? Looking for a gap in some very slow moving wall of flames. Don't quite make it? Doesn't matter. I fear the sense of achievement from completing the likes of BWL or even SSC is lost forever.
  16. 5.99% for 5 years, or the tracker is base plus 2.29% for 3 years.
  17. We're just about to take the plunge again, and get back on the property ladder. Got our mortgage offer, but not sure whether to go for a tracker or a 5 year fixed rate. Any advice?
  18. Wow, Everton fans beimg racist tossers, who'd have thunk it? As for the Heskey song, embarrassing as usual.
  19. I've been saying that for a while, in my opinion they haven't got WOTLK pitched quite right. I've been in pugs to heroics where a death knight who you can tell has only been playing the game for a couple of weeks has done twice as much damage as everybody else. Most of the heroics are really soft, there are only a couple that are even mildly challenging. Most classes are a lot easier to play than they used to be, I've never finished a fight out of mana for example, whereas in TBC mana conservation used to be a real issue. The Black Morass was a really difficult fight at first for example, but the Violet Hold, which is almost identical in set up, is far easier. Anyway, dailies. The ones I always do are: Icecrown. The two that start in Shadow Vault, ie the burn the roof one, which takes about 10 seconds, and the other one where you have to kill 15 Vyrkyl (or whatever they're called) and plant the stake in their corpses. Takes less than 5 minutes easily. i don't bother with the one where you have to shoot down the drakes, as I find it a bit hit and miss and takes too long. These give you Ebon Blade rep by the way. Then if the Horde zep isn't too far away I fly there and do the "Slaves to Saronite" daily (Argent Crusade rep). Another really easy one, that takes less a few minutes. Also near there is the Yrmheim daily where you kill another 15 Vyrkyrl. I reckon that's 4 dailies, which with flight time you could do in 20 minutes. Then I head to Sholazor and do The Oracles dailies, although this depends on whether you are friendly or hated with The Frenzyheart or the Oracles. Three really easy q's that take about another 20 minutes. If you've completed the stupidly long Stormpeaks chain quest, you'll be able to do Sons of Hodir dailies. There are 5 of these (6 when you get to revered) that probably take about an hour in all. I did these until I was exalted so haven't done them for a while i was sick of them, but they're particularly good if you're a skinner as there are lots of beasts to kill. In all I'd say if you have a couple of hours you'd look to rake in about 150G from quest rewards, plus more from drops of cloth, skinning, green shite etc.
  20. Risso

    Brummie VTers...

    No, lots of people do, eg Geordies and Mancs to name two.
  21. I'm with Mark, where's the satisfaction in buying gold exactly? It just ruins everybody's game playing, as it creates a market for the **** gold spammers, creates "inflation" in the WoW economy and rewards players for not actually doing anything. You don't have to spend hours grinding to make gold either, I funded most of my 8K mount from work done in the AH, eg buying arctic furs cheaply when it's VH heroic day (one drops every run) then waiting a few days and turning them into either Frothide or Icescale leg armor. I also save any Frostweave Cloth until it's obvious a tailor is buying up stacks for his flying carpet or whatever. Also flogging your greens on the AH rather than vendoring them is a good way increases your cash a fair bit. Buy stacks of stuff cheap, and sell it when there's a price rise....takes a while. Do the quick and easy dailies, I bet I make 100G an hour from those no sweat.
  22. A rather trim 32". Was 38" 6 months ago.
  23. Bugger, even us accountants aren't safe. KPMG to offer staff 4 day week (I don't work for KPMG by the way)
  24. Yes, you just have to do it while dressed up like Frodo Baggins.
  25. Have you done all the Sholazor quests yet Si on the DK? If not get them done, as there are lots of "kill x amount of rhinos" type quests, and as a skinner, you'll clean up. 1 piece of Heavy Borean Leather usually sells for between 5G and 7G, so I make loads of G a day from skinning my own and other people's kills. As you know if Arctic Fur drops that's another 60-70G. If you do the Sons of Hodir chain q in Storm Peak, the dailies there give great skinning opportunities.
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