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Everything posted by claretman

  1. Abysmal. Not interested. Lethargic. Spineless. Where were the changes? We are fast becoming the new Birmingham City which is desperately worrying.
  2. I watched Insidious and thought it was a pile of pap. However, when I went to bed having just watched it, it really played on my mind and I had a fairly restless night thinking it over and over - felt a bit of a girl in the morning!
  3. I am quite a fan of the often used mocking headlines of Mick Hucknall's beach look, namely "Trunks are too tight to mention". I must have seen that at least 4 times over the years, but The Sun wins with it's caption under a photo one year adding "Mick looks Simply Rediculous"
  4. Are you insane??!! You've not had sex for over a year and you are thinking about this? This sounds like a weekend of No Strings Attached sex with a hot girl. If you try and distance any emotion you had then you will have an immense weekend! Get in there and DHUTWU
  5. I tell myself I'm not going to watch, but I do because I'm a fan. And when I watch, I know I will be disappointed, but I continue to watch because I think it will get better. And I watch, it doesn't get better, and again I am disappointed. And so it goes on....bring on next week!
  6. Bloody hell, what a shock - great VT poster. Way way too soon. RIP.
  7. Just watched the film 'Skyline', an alien flick with no big name stars. It's utterly shit.
  8. I'm not a great fan of goalies being captains. Given may be respected, but I just can't see him bellowing out instruction and rallying the team on. That said, I don't see Petrov doing it too often. As things stand I'd give it to Dunne, someone who appears to be giving his all for the cause at the moment.
  9. I never wanted to believe that my Dad stole from his job as a road worker, but when I got home, all the signs were there.
  10. So I was s****ing some bird over the kitchen table when we hear someone trying the front door. "Quick, it's my husband, try the back door" she said. Looking back I probably should have legged it but you don't get invitations like that every day!
  11. I said to my son, "Where you going?"He said, "I'm off to meet a girl."I said, "Don't forget to wear a... you know."He said, "What?"I said, "You know."He said, "Do you mean a condom?"I said,"No, a **** hat you ginger word removed.
  12. Absolutely superb thread! Wiping away tears - keep it coming chaps!
  13. We DO support Aston Villa and will do so despite this rubbish, we are not 'Small time'. We have every right to feel a bit pissed off. None of the other 'derby' cities would be happy with managers moving between clubs so why should we be? And this isn't the real reason most of us are annoyed - its because McLeish isn't good enough.
  14. Just bumped into my Everton supporting mate and he is genuinely worried, very worried. They love him up there. Its going to be Moyes! (Possibly!)
  15. Watched Platoon again the other day. Great film.
  16. This is really depressing. We just don't appear with it at all.
  17. Took the kids to watch Tangled today and found it mildy enjoyable; typical disney offering if you like that sort of thing. Daughter loved it. Oh, and I watched the Running Man again last night - crazy film, but great fun to watch.
  18. Utter gash. NRC my MOM. If Young hadn't gone down every time someone breathed near him we may well have got that penalty at the end as well.
  19. How about this amazingly clever French inspired one for Jean Makoun - to the ooh-ah Paul McGrath chant. C'est une deux Jean Makoun, C'est une deux Jean Makoun.
  20. I thought he did more in 15 minutes than Carew did all game tbh.
  21. Ok, fair point, fair point. £10 to Villatalk when Houllier is sacked.
  22. You can tell the natives are restless, the site has been running like tar if you are lucky enough to get on. Anyway, now I am on - Absolute shite, subs on 88 minutes??!?! HOULLIER OUT NOW, before it is too late. We need a kickstart, we need to take a leave out of some of the perennial strugglers books and get someone else in to kickstart things. This is not working.
  23. If Carlos doesn't start on Saturday he may as well give up and go somewhere he is wanted. Collins and Dunne are playing so badly, Houllier HAS to drop someone this weekend.
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