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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Didn't know there was Monday game so pretty relieved. Would've been absolutely gutted if that had been us.
  2. absolutely anything? I have a paper cut. Could I get a week off work? Based on some of the sicknotes I've had to take, probably.
  3. there were 10 german bombers in the air, there were 10 german bombers in the air, there were 10 german bombers, 10 german bombers, 10 gemrna bombers in the air and the RAF of england shot one down... there were 9 german bombers in the air... still think its sang in the pubs etc before england games but its pretty much been outlawed in wembley, like i said it wasnt 10 idiots chanting it like those chelsea fans, it was an entire train platform full of villa fans in hamburg and then it carried on in to the train, sure it was chanted in the holte when england played there too, they'll do well to get rid of that chant To the tune of '10 green bottles'. Very embarrassing and small time. My German friend finds it hilarious and often sings it to me to.
  4. Well let's hope 30,000 Villans can get it rocking next month!
  5. I have found that doctors will sign somebody off work for absolutely anything.
  6. The new Wembley is a great stadium and there's not a bad view in the house, but it does lack a bit of character and magic.
  7. Next Wednesday morning then when it gets to 6 home games. Surely this will sell out?
  8. 10 German bombers is more embarrassing than anything. I sat that one out in Brazil last summer.
  9. They also probably cite Didier Drogba as their hero. **** morons!
  10. and me.. Just can't see us beating an organised Pullis team. Much more likely at home though. He does have a knack of turning his teams home grounds into fortresses.
  11. Lerner looks awful in that picture, is he sick? He's gone grey and bald in the last 3/4 years… Just like most of our fans! maybe he is one of us afterall!
  12. So this hypothetical final. I believe both clubs get an allocation of 27,000. Whilst no longer a season ticket holder I'll have been to every FA cup fixture (semi shouldn't be a problem as a bigger allocation), so with us now having less than 20,000 season ticket holders I should be good for a hypothetical final ticket right?
  13. So (and I'm not blaming him) he's had to much input this season. Or he's done a good job because our defence has been by far our best area this season.
  14. Why are people putting so much emphasis on experience. You have to start somewhere. It's not the be all and end all, football isn't as scientific as people like to think. if he was ever going to have the ability to organise a team effectively then he'll already have it.
  15. You received a yellow card for wearing another teams colours in the home end?
  16. It's one of my favourite programmes but she is putting a right dampener into the middle of the show. Painful viewing.
  17. Work sometimes offer free tickets in the box at Reading. Oh go on then, I'll be your plus one.
  18. Reading away or Bradford at home please.
  19. Yep. I suppose at least he hasn't done a Houllier saying we are a top 10 club. Because nowadays we aren't. We finished top 10 in Houllier's season.
  20. The fans approval on our last three appointments: McCleish 0% Lambert 100% Sherwood 50%
  21. Horrible man, but maybe what we need. You have my full support Tim. Will he take charge tomorrow?
  22. histrically though - managers who have been out of the game struggle when they come back. Would love it if we lured Pullis - can't see it happening though Really? I think it would be quite embarrassing if we lured Pulis. Club would lose any dignity it has left. We wouldn't be the most embarrassed entity by it.
  23. I don't really want Pulis but it would be quite funny.
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