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Everything posted by ozvillafan

  1. He played his best football when paired with Clark in central midfield (back under Houllier). I think most of our central midfielders (Clark, KEA, Westwood) would benefit from a proper DM to do all the dirty work for them - we just don't have one. Herd, perhaps?
  2. I'd argue they are all missing a proper defensive midfield partner to break up play for them and ease the burden.
  3. Didn't Milner end up putting in a transfer request? You can't keep a player who doesn't want to stay.
  4. Surely it means players we are paying for but not utilizing? Otherwise it just becomes a list of unpopular players (remind me as I've forgotten: Is Bannan, Ireland, Holman or Clark our latest scapegoat?) That being the case, only Given and Hutton could be considered "deadwood" - though even Given got a couple of cup games.
  5. Its the telegraph reporting it - they are guessing as to the reason for him being frozen out. I suspect it has more to do with his similarities to Warnock, Hutton and Collins than his performance against Bradford. That is, you either toe the line and work hard under Lambert or you find yourself another club - regardless of how much you are being paid.
  6. There's always 1 unmarked player from any throw in: The thrower. All you need to do is get into a position between the defender and the thrower, receive the throw to feet and pass it straight back to them - thus utilising the extra man and retaining possession. They teach this stuff at Under 8 level. Why can't we do it?
  7. I'm still not sure what goes through Lambert's head sometimes. He throws in Bowery from nowhere and puts Baker wide in a change to a back 4. He won't die wondering, will he? Ballsy move. Credit where it is due - he got it right today.
  8. of course he has, he isn't perfect and all managers make mistakes. I would argue his are highlighted more due to the circumstances surrounding the club Interesting that you did not give former managers the same option.
  9. Holman is not a wide player, sadly. His "best" position is just behind the strikers.
  10. Bent? Benteke? Holman (signed on a free, wasn't he?) Westwood? If we sell any of the lads that came through our academy and signed under 1 of those managers, does that count as a profit?
  11. Criminal that the proceeds of a sale of one business isn't used for another? How does that work, exactly?
  12. Agreed. He'd be a much better DM where his 1-on-1 marking and lack of pace aren't as exposed and his ball control and passing can come to the fore. He played some of his best stuff for Villa as a DM partnering Bannan - albeit that was 2 years ago now.
  13. I'm with you. I still think he is struggling a bit with the pace of the PL but will come good. He could use someone like Petrov with him, though.
  14. Its a bit of Chicken and eggs, if we had of reached CL it would have justified the investment, we didnt and it didnt. And playing in the Europa league didn't help. It doesn't turn a profit unless you reach the final and we always treated it as second rate.
  15. Agree with this - and would add KEA (I still think he'll come good). That's the benefit of a scouting network and not a "buy Britain" policy. Now if only Lambert could get the best out of them.....
  16. Nah, he's not a poor manager for not getting proven quality - that was never suggested. I think some of his "lower league" signings will still come good. He just has to do the best with what he has - and I don't see that happening. His tactics, formations, line-ups and substitutions have not helped. What I have seen too often is a side so disorganised, discouraged and lost for ideas that some of their performances wouldn't be acceptable at League 1 level.
  17. Because you end up paying wages for more players to replace the crap ones. I believe that was the point being made.
  18. I can't help but feel you have contradicted yourself there. If the players "aren't up to" the manager's "forward thinking ideas of how to play football", then he needs to move to "Plan B". Not having a one - especially when you are bringing in players from lower divisions - is guaranteeing failure and the sign of a poor manager. It's Lambert's job to get the best out of his players. One way to do this is playing a style/formation/positions that suit them.
  19. I rate Clark - but not as a defender. His speed sees him struggle and to compensate he sticks tight and grabs his opponent - as we saw for the first goal. I know it's not his main position, but I think he's better suited to DM as he's usually comfortable on the ball and can play a pass well.
  20. I've seen the replay. Not only does Fellani push him on numerous occassions, he got a telling shove in the back from another Everton player (Anichibe?) that put him in front of Fellani as the ball was delivered. Perhaps that doesn't excuse it - but who else was going to mark Fellani? Clark?
  21. I wonder if things would have been different if we got Lambert instead of McLeish?
  22. 1. 6 games in. No preseason. Massive injury crisis (as did McLeish, tbf). Milner gone. Cracks in the defense papered over. 2. As compared to those same players under McLeish and now Lambert? The constant denominator is....? 3. So he gets the blame when things aren't good, but no credit when it turns around. Seems fair. 4. I can't argue with that. Signing him was a risk, keeping him on was not remotely possible. 5. This is also true. Just as with MON, not everything wrong with the club at the time was attributable to him. 2.
  23. With Lowton and Bennet playing outside those 3 in Lambert's midfield 5 - where are the opportunities coming from? None of them are creative. If not Bannan, then perhaps Ireland? N'Zogbia?
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