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Everything posted by Danwichmann

  1. Genuinely spent most of the last 5 minutes trying to work out if Veretout was actually playing. Sinclair almost as anonymous. They are both wasted at Villa and should be working for MI6. Clark needs to come off as well, 3 substitutions are not enough.
  2. BBC says veretout is playing? Can anyone confirm because I haven't seen him.
  3. Yep, fair play to anyone who still bothers to go, but I'm not going to feel bad about saving £40+ every week and doing something that isn't fully depressing.
  4. Said exactly the same last week. How this is fixed I've no idea, because it goes from the very top right down to us fans.
  5. I've reached a really nice place as a football fan. I no longer care when we loose, that's simply the expectation. But I still get enormous pleasure when we win. Villa may not give me a lot of pleasure this this season, but they can't disappoint anymore either.
  6. Apart from an assist, a few tackles and generally playing quite well first half.The whole team capitulated in the loser style of the club we've become accustomed to. Gabby is no more at fault than anyone else for this and to try and make him a scapegoat just makes it look as if you have a vendetta against him. No vendetta, I just think he is crap. A perfectly justifiable opinion, but he was no crapper than anyone else today (and quite a bit less crap than some) so singling him out really looks more like a vendetta than a reaction to the game.
  7. Apart from an assist, a few tackles and generally playing quite well first half. The whole team capitulated in the loser style of the club we've become accustomed to. Gabby is no more at fault than anyone else for this and to try and make him a scapegoat just makes it look as if you have a vendetta against him.
  8. Sherwood got it right after the FA Cup final, we're a team of losers. It's got very little to do with individuals, performances, errors or ability. We're a club of losers with a losing mentality and we all know it. It includes us fans, at 2 0 up I still had a feeling we'd lose and I know I'm no where near alone. I don't know how it's fixed, sports phycologists, hypnosis, brain transplants or whatever, but it needs sorting.
  9. If we could have sold or loanded N'Zogbia for any sort of fee to anyone we would already have done it. We'd have to pay him off like Spurs have Adebayor, or possibly loan him somewhere probably paying 100% of the wages. Not that I'd be against us doing that to get Adebayor in.
  10. The Athletico Madrid game always sticks in my memory. We may have gone out but I still regard it as the best game I ever went to.
  11. Any use? Can't comment on his footballing ability but he was good enough to give me a decent tp a week last Sunday #hadhiminthebackofmycab You really must have said something to him?! About all I said to him was "ok", "£23 please" and "cheers mate!" Don't believe it, I'm sure you told him about the TS facial. Or maybe even gave him one of your own....
  12. Any use? Can't comment on his footballing ability but he was good enough to give me a decent tp a week last Sunday #hadhiminthebackofmycab You really must have said something to him?! Certainly interesting but the question is - is it a good change? I'll try to bite my tongue on the whole net spend thing for now so let's just do a quick comparison with that team above vs who we have sold/replaced/released/loaned Given Lowton Vlaar Baker Luna Delph Cleverley Herd Sylla Benteke Weimann Subs: Bent Helenius Tonev Stevens Burke Now, if those two teams faced each other who do you think would win? My opinion - the released team. Even if you argue it'd be close or narrow either way, we finished 17th last season. We needed more investment this summer and this wasn't good enough and was just a 'clever' way of disguising the fact we've stood still, at best. Does anyone really think the new XI would beat the released XI?! Disagree, I think the new team looks much stronger at the back and in midfield. It's only upfront we looked better before and we were never going to be able to replace Benteke like for like, even with a £50m net spend.
  13. If this is true then I guess Baker has played his last Villa game. Loaning him out and bringing another in on loan.
  14. Didn't see this one coming! Sorry if there is already a thread, I couldn't see it. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~4972909,00.html
  15. I think this should be a good move for everyone. Bristol are a decent and ambitious team where he will play a big part. If he can get through a season as a key player for them, without major injuries, he'll come back a better member of our squad.
  16. According to Niall Quinn, de Guzman is already our player. But he's a goalkeeper so not how he would get on up front. De Guzman had a medical at Bournemouth this afternoon and is joining them on loan. We must be signing a new keeper then.
  17. According to Niall Quinn, de Guzman is already our player. But he's a goalkeeper so not how he would get on up front.
  18. think there are quite a few Ibis hotels in Birmingham, perhaps narrow it down a bit?
  19. Didn't Trent just imply he has a medical at west ham on Sunday? Maybe he simply gets off on having a medical. Finger up the arse and that. Who doesn't? My wife, despite my best effort.
  20. Scoring two today is great if you have 3 or 4 chances. With the chances we created today we should have been out of sight.
  21. After today's game I'm really hoping we get Lescott and Adebayor done. Defensively I don't think any individuals have been disastrous, although mistakes have been made and punished! But we're not quite a unit yet and Lescott's experience could make all the difference there. Upfront, we created so many chances we're just begging for a proven goal scorer to put them away. I think Adebayor would thrive (although clearly if he signs I'll actually have to learn to spell his name.)
  22. Gutted, we really need to be taking maximum points from a match like that. Adebayor and Lescott could make such a difference, because we're not that far away.
  23. No, he literally was not. Literally mate. Literally.
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