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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Now that we're out of that grueling cup run, we can concentrate on the league! :?
  2. Inspired substitutions by O'Neill. :shock: Heskey for Carew on 80 minutes, and that was it..... PATHETIC No imagination or risk from the manager, just the same old, same old. Who cares about a poor ref's decision, when you're your own worst enemy? Terry was right, and it played out again today!
  3. I think Webb thought Gabby was trying too hard to sell the penalty. That said, it WAS a penalty. The pitch is awful again, the FA can have no excuses for it, it is an embarrassment. Happy to be in the semi-final, but why are they playing them in Wembley? The whole thrill of an FA Cup final is that you work your way to the cathedral of football for the ultimate event. Now it's a bit of an anti-climax once you get there. Villa dominated the first half and are unlucky to not be ahead. Let's hope they keep the pressure on and that MON doesn't bottle it when it comes to making substitutions.
  4. maqroll


    It can't help that your avatar is upside down, Dub
  5. Surely Fiorentina will be dumping Toyota after this season
  6. A guy I know has recently had to quit WoW due to it causing marital problems. He had a 4 year old and a wife, whilst spending 5 hours a night 4 days a week online. I guy I know had his wife leave him cuz of his WoW addiction
  7. The thing that sucks about basketball is when there's a close game with two minutes remaining, there begins an string of timeouts, fouls, more timeouts, and commercial breaks. It sucks the drama right out of the game. They should impose a rule that states "No timeouts with under three minutes remaining". That would force the players to use their heads more, and raise the intensity of the game and atmosphere in the arena.
  8. Now before I get crucified, I personally think MON should stay on for at least one more season. But I think we all have our gripes with some of his methods, and I think the aura of genius that accompanied him here is gone. It's possible that he will move on, one way or the other, within the next couple of years. So with that in mind, who would you like/expect to see take over as manager?
  9. I can't tell if this is pure sarcasm or not
  10. With Rafa on his way out, Ancelotti maybe as well, the Celtic job potentially open, and maybe even a club like Forest in the market, what are the chances MON bails on this experiment?
  11. Apple would be tops. But does Apple do kit sponsorships? I'd also go for Honda Mercedes Ford
  12. Just saw the scoreline. WTF happened? Did he put the same team out there again? Who was at fault for most of the goals? Was it a collective collapse? Spurs won....think we're done?
  13. I do, actually. So **** you.
  14. I forgot the food poisoning incident. They did sweep that under the carpet VERY fast too, with no inquiry. Doesn't constitute max fixing though. It could have just been an Arsenal fan who cooked the meal at the hotel or whatever. I think that was a unique situation. I think the Tevez thing has more merit to it in terms of real corruption. In my opinion, one has to have blinders on to think the PL is 100% free of corruption, even as dastardly as match fixing.
  15. After 10 years, I just quit my job I don't even have another lined up :shock: But I don't care!
  16. SPR was complete dung other than the beach storming.
  17. Wow....I thought the last 3 games would be huge for us.....as it turns out, they were. Just in the wrong way. No striker in Jan=No CL spot. Nice :cry:
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