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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. maqroll

    'A shed load'

    Hmmm, I wonder if that's where "shitload" comes from.....
  2. I voted Ash....he's playing with alot more confidence lately, which bodes well for us coming down the stretch. He had the defence dizzy at times tonight. Great stuff. Good to see Carew bang in a couple of PK's.....hopefully that kick starts his season. Cup Final this weekend followed by several teams we should take 3 points from. March is upon us, and we're in all 3 competitions..... UTV!
  3. I took a minute to drop a deuce, and I missed the goal :cry:
  4. Great result, but reading the match thread it seemed like we looked a bit dodgy out there. But a win's a win, and we are still right in the thick of it. Hopefully the goals keep coming. Good result in the Liverpool/Man City match, as well as SHA losing. UTV!
  5. The Great Escape... Hopefully we put the screws to them at home, and not fiddle-**** about. Nice to see Stan get a goal... Still unbeaten in 2010 UTV
  6. Been a while since we've played Palace. I always kind of liked them. I'd almost feel bad piling on the misery for them now. Almost.
  7. :shock: :shock: Prolly out of respect for MON
  8. It is a bit worrying how Downing has gone MIA lately.....He seems a bit lightweight and even unsure out there...
  9. I thought Petrov had one of his better games of the year tonight. Shame he went off.
  10. People moaning about a draw against United is a good thing, in my opinion. It means our expectations are higher then they've been for years. Hell, we beat 11 of them at their place already this year! The other results today fell nicely for us, so onward and upward. Time to grind out the WINS.
  11. There is an ease and fluidity of motion to his game that is nice to watch. I can't wait to see more of him. He's pretty frail though, and I can see that as a liability, especially in the Premiership.
  12. **** hell, just had a look at the other results, and my night just got alot merrier.
  13. They bossed us with 10 men. Very poor display, particularly AFTER we went a man up. Besides a good move with Ash and Milner that VDS stopped, we didn't pressure them at all after Cuellar's nice goal. Yeah, a point against one of the top sides in Europe is good, etc. and so on....but we should have won that. That said, when our attacking options are what they are, the goals are going to be hard to come by. And that is something that Lerner and MON are going to have to accept. After all, WE have to accept it. 4th place isn't looking too realistic right now.
  14. I can't believe how short their "football" season is. You would have thought that, being an American sport, that they would keep the season going as long as possible, to really milk such a huge cash cow. I would hate to see David Garrard after 40 or so consecutive games though, bearing in mind how often he gets sacked. Now what do they do for 6months anyway ? The formula is to get everyone starved for it again. And it always works.
  15. He said they were practicing the onsides kick all week, with the intention of definitely using it. Payton said they thought they had a 70% chance of recovery, lol. Still a huge gamble that could have put the game out of reach for them
  16. everyone is on about GS, but id rather raid w/ someone with a lower GS who can play their toon and be prepared for the fights
  17. Gridiron is a beautiful game too =) Another great Super Bowl, delighted for NO, sad that another season has come and gone like poof
  18. I'd like to see Freidel Cuellar Collins Dunne Young Petrov Downing Milner Young Delph Gabby
  19. USA, 100%. But, I root for all the English speaking nations to do well, particularly England and Ireland. When Michael owen scored that beauty against Argentina, I was jumping up and down, yelling my lungs out, lol. Go figure
  20. Another game without a goal. Such a shame we can't compliment the defence with a decent attack.
  21. My gut says 1-1. My heart says 2-0, Villa. So make it 2-1, Villa
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