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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. He's been caught Redtube handed, I mean bang bus to rights.
  2. So very true and still boggling my mind. I can feel very disconnected from a world where stuff like this can be said out loud. Regardless of it being said sincerely or cynically, it is finding a home somewhere and the mentality involved is utterly alien to me. I had hoped that the world could find a way to come together and prevent global warming from wiping out all of humanity. Instead one old man on his way out decides to stamp his legacy on the world by moving some lines on a map at the cost of gratuitous human suffering and encouraging the gas peddle going to the floor to secure what remains of fossil fuels. All this effort and energy and pain and suffering being expended to achieve something so utterly pointless at the behest of one man. Mind still boggles. If he really wanted to leave a legacy, screw his own country and piss off all the NATO countries he could just have told the world he is leaving all the rest of the natural gas in the ground and we have X number of years to prepare. Be a leader that actually tried to save the world rather than yet another needle dicked wannabe strongman compensating for it by fearlessly throwing other people's lives away.
  3. It is a handy graph to show just how out of touch with reality he really is. On my screen he is about an inch and a half or one penis out of touch. Which statistically proves that Elon is a penis. This is science.
  4. The mentality of this sort of Russian threat still boggles my mind. The idea that they can do worse than they are already doing is laughable (nukes excepted). They are kidnapping entire towns worth of people, murdering, raping on some horrific genocidal rampage then think they can turn around and say "you had better not do anything to piss us off it you will suffer a fate even worse" A fate worse than a fate worse than death. That is pretty bad.
  5. Wipe out France you say? Oh no please don't fire the weapon at us that wipes out France (said brer rabbit to the fox)
  6. It wasn't even a boxing match, it was a special pugilist operation.
  7. They will form a committee to put together a report to decide if a formal investigation is required. And we will all need to wait for the report. Gavin Williamson will be leading the committee.
  8. Sorry season 3! Will teach me to rely on my memory for actual information.
  9. Evan Rachel Wood is criminally underrated in Westworld IMO. In season 4 her shift between the different personalities that her character uses is amazing. Lots of actors would use a small head twitch or a shake to indicate the change, but ERW just swaps faces like binary code, using what she needs the discarding the trait when it is no longer needed like it was never there. Honourable mention to Jeffery Wright who was also on top form every moment he was on screen.
  10. However releasing the report escalates the story too. It's a tough spot to be in. It's lucky they got all the big calls right, can you imagine how bad things could be for them if they didn't?
  11. Well a good day for Norris now then....
  12. I'm only watching for the moment Max's car breaks down.
  13. Even worse is that because the only option you have is to say the PM inadvertently misled the house means that you would have to lie to say the one thing you are ok to say.
  14. I hear they catch less than 10%. It must look like this along the whole border.
  15. Just finished Ghost of Tsushima. What a cracking game, fighting mechanics were so satisfying. Struggling to work out what to play next as AC Odyssey is on my list but feels clunky and very grindy in comparison. I have the latest god of war downloading instead will see if it can grab me
  16. This post resulted in my rank on this website going up to rising star. I can only assume you get extra points for calling Boris a word removed.
  17. Exactly what I'm thinking. The threat from Russia is basically, "If you don't let us shell your cities flat and go on a genocidal rampage of rape and pillage across your country, we might nuke you." It's a no-brainer now to get into NATO if you can, as the other option is to have no option.
  18. Please note that the people they are sending to Rwanda are asylum seekers not immigrants. There is a big difference and it does not make things better.
  19. A single tweet that could have the plot of Black Hawk Down behind it.
  20. To be fair to Lewis he did fairly quickly explain that he was not complaining about the safety car. He was complaining about being told by the team to back off and run in clean air because his engine was overheating effectively ending his push to catch and pass Russell. This was the impact of a number of strategic choices for the race including how turned up the engine was and how hard he was told to push earlier. All that said it is still an unnecessary poor little me wining moment, but makes more sense than the completely illogical complaint about the safety car.
  21. It's a genuinely dangerous game for a hacker to play. People have fallen off balconies for less.
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