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Everything posted by privateer

  1. Zog playing a lot better but he really needs to get his ball release sorted.
  2. Finally, Benty. Great again from Gabby. He's really come on this season
  3. **** hell, the one camera angle showed before he struck it the wall was too far too the left.
  4. All-standing terraces. Chinese take away being a novelty.
  5. He was unquestionably dodgy, IMO. There could be some very interesting stuff come out now he's dead. Just by chance a couple of months ago I found myself looking at some of the allegations against him. One trail led to another and the is some seriously nasty stuff doing the rounds about him. If only a fraction of it is true then he was an absolute scumbag, whatever charity stuff he did. The word seems to be that the press have a lot of dirt on him that they wouldn't/couldn't use. It may be that now there is no longer a threat of legal action we will get to find out if what many people suspected or alleged about him was actually true.
  6. Crazy game and shaping up for the right result. **** Chelsea tossers
  7. Yup. I'll see your Sharpe and raise you Brideshead Revisited. Pick up all the chips on the table, mjm. Brideshead is a masterpiece, it's the best adaptation of a book I've ever seen. Actually, adaptation doesn't seem the right word. Realisation seems more appropriate.
  8. Fair play to Jimmy. Two stunning bits of play from him and he wasn't interested in celebrating.
  9. Never expected the title of the episode to be so... literal. Yeah, it was a case of: Walks, "**** hell!", tie gets straightened, "**** HELLLLL!".
  10. I don't know, I don't have Sky but would guess they do.
  11. I'll be watching it this afternoon, it's currently on its way and nearly here but I've got to go out for a while.So a bit later it's BB, Dexter and Boardwalk Empire.
  12. So, an update. ****. Toilet. Addis: Craphole. Big city full of very poor people and lots of destitute spackers. I met up there with the Aussie driver of an overland Africa tour I was on earlier this year who had spent a few years in South America and had traveled a lot of Africa overland to get there. His assessment? "A **** shithole." Lake Tana: The monastries on the islands on the lake are supposed to be great. They **** aren't they're crap. The words removed charge a lot of money to go see then and they are not worth the bother. Gonder: Stunning location and a great drive up from Tana. The town is built in the bowl of a range of surrounding mountains and if you stay at one of the hotels on the hills the view is tremendous. If you go there a trip to the Simien Mountains is a must, the views and scenery are stunning. Only problem was the hotel had fleas. Axum: The stelae are supposed to be great, like the monastries at Tana, but are a bit meh. Don't stay more than a day or so. Lalibela: Where all the fleas live, the words removed live in the churches there and get ported around by the tourists. Quite interesting but once you've seen a couple of the churches you've seen 'em all. Pretty much like the whole country. They have the same bloody paintings everywhere but charge you everytime you want to go into a church. Food: **** crap. No wonder they are so thin, nobody wants to eat it. I lost half a stone there because it was so shit. People: Mostly **** words removed. They are all trying it on if they think they can scalp you, which they do think. Paid 160 birr to the airport in Addis on the way to the northern flights and when I arrived back and tried to go back to the same hotel the first cheeky word removed tried to charge me 300 birr. Told him to **** off and got the next one down the line. My advice? Don't go there. It's a shitehole full of rip-off merchants that has nothing worth seeing other than scenery. Even then, it looks like Wales or Scotland or mountainous areas of Europe. They don't deserve tourists or the tourist dollar. **** 'em all. Let them fester in their poverty and famine. There is a good reason God regularly strikes there, he knows they deserve it.
  13. 1/ words removed 2/ A word removed 3/ No word removed mates for me, thanks.
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