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Everything posted by Xann

  1. François De Roubaix for 'Les Aventuriers'.
  2. Ross Bagdasarian - 'Gotta Get To Your House'
  3. Xann


    https://www.windy.com/-Waves-waves?waves,51.454,-24.126,4 Psychedelic Atlantic.
  4. Xann

    Christmas 2023

    Elstree & Borehamwood train station is a place where a trainspotter could hang out with their autograph collecting friend.
  5. Xann

    Christmas 2023

    @TheAuthority - 'Eastenders' is Borehamwood, next to Elstree Studios.
  6. Xann

    Christmas 2023

    A friend's kid gifted us a murky jar of pickled wild garlic they'd picked themselves, earlier this year. It was the absolute tits with a Comté.
  7. We finished the German nosh a couple of days ago, it's just beer now
  8. Paul McCreesh & The Gabrieli Consort - Praetorius 'Christmas Mass'
  9. Xann

    Christmas 2023

    Give me the chocolate. I got a pair of LL Beans, and feeling 75.
  10. Completed the 'Space Oddities'. The missing Estardy title came with the full Brexit sting, but I got a nice sticker
  11. The majority of the fat price rises in the UK are down to the Brexit mugs, but elsewhere the margins have been nibbled at to the extent it's not worth sellers listing the cheap stuff. How good an album is isn't directly linked to the price. Some of the greatest albums were produced in great numbers, and aren't expensive.
  12. John Wilson & The Sinfonia Of London - Ravel 'Daphnis Et Chloe'
  13. Verge It's also actually not working very well. The database hasn't clicked on the transition to the new format. Lots of incomplete searches.
  14. Rees-Mogg wife's ancestral home benefits from £7.6m state rescue. Chinese nuclear power station. Wanted Chinese comms network because senior Tories on the board @ Huawei. Putin approved, until the Brexit PM realised he'd been played. There's actually quite a lot about Cameron that's been forgotten, or missed entirely that affects the country now and will do for years to come.
  15. John Peel was there a lot. Was there a school nearby?
  16. Bandcamp, Spotify and Discogs have all recently been fecked over by the suited scum.
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