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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. How about laying off the crack pipe and having a little lie down?
  2. Absolute horseshit for 90 minutes. We are an awful football team, the worst I can remember in my 25+ years as a fan. The gulf between us and the genuinely good sides in this division is immense. Even with investment we're years behind. It's frightening/
  3. Why? I was going to download FM13 but don't understand how Steam works? Would I need to be online to play FM?
  4. I'm not happy to accept it, but it's still a fact and until we acknowledge that simply being "Aston Villa" isn't enough to get us points then we'll continue to be shit. We've let in 12 goals in two matches and conceded 3 or more on another four occasions. We certainly have a proud history but our current crop of players, right now, just aren't good enough.
  5. It sounds so much better the way you say it...
  6. It'll be like a busman's holiday, 70 years almost to the day
  7. How good a bang dya reckon Charlotte Church would be?
  8. Sheepskin coats have been threatening a comeback for a couple of years now, and with men's catwalk designers touting them lately it's a fair shout that they'll be on the high street for next winter. When brands like this are offering them on websites like this you know it's only 12 months away from average Joe... To be honest, though, a grey faux-sheepskin from the 80s sounds a bit naughty...
  9. Oh come all ye faithful! Happy Christmas one and all from the Moderating team here at VT. We hope you've had a great year, and despite the ups and downs (and then more downs) of the football, you're looking forward to 2013 with a spring in your step. We've all enjoyed some great times on VT this year - arguing, laughing, celebrating, despairing, sharing it all with our cyber-mates. With this in mind it'd be great if you could find it in your kind hearts to click on the donate tab above and spare a few sheckles towards the hosting of the site. The costs are likely to keep rising into the new year, and Limpid is paying it all out of his own pocket. If you've enjoyed VT this year, and want to keep enjoying it in 2013 your support is vital. Cheers again all, and have a fantastic Christmas! Lots of love, The Mods
  10. Barry Bannan being a mainstay of our side is one of the key reasons that we are genuine relegation contenders this season. He's played over 50 games for us now, yet still looks like he's making his debut every week. He can't tackle, his positional sense is awful, he doesn't intercept the ball, he gets caught in possession and he's set up one, maybe two, goals for us (by my reckoning - could be wrong though). He's just not good enough. Maybe Championship standard. Maybe. He plays like someone who's had a tough upbringing and his social worker wrote a letter to "Noel's Christmas Presents" saying how much little Barry wants to be a professional footballer.
  11. If we get to that Cup Final I'll be watching it on telly. I'd hate to see us get beat by 5 or 6 at Wembley.
  12. I just don't know what he DOES do. He can't tackle, he doesn't read the game, he can't shoot and his passing is hit and miss at best. I just don't know what his role is. It's like he's won a competition or something.
  13. He's played over 50 times for us now, scored once (a penalty) and set up how many - one, two?
  14. Why have we got players trying to showboat against a far, far superior side?
  15. Holman looks really pedestrian today. There's been a couple of times hes picked the ball up fairly central about 25-30 yards out and you'd really want him to drive at their defence. He hasn't. And one suspects it's because he can't.
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