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Everything posted by Santa_Rosa

  1. I hope you both brushed your teeth.
  2. Gone for the Jayhawks lads in the end. Asked our lass if she wanted to come and see Gary and Mark, and she thought I meant those Manc Monkeys from Take That. No hope for her I'm afraid. Well, last night was just brilliant. Great band, great venue, great seats and I got to have a chat with them and get them to sign a couple of CDs afterwards. I got to meet two of my musical heroes who wrote the songs that were the soundtrack to my late teens and early twenties - songs which I've turned to during good times and bad for nearly 20 years. I'm still buzzing now.
  3. Settled Down Like Rain - The Jayhawks. Just wonderful.
  4. Stairway, no contest. Coincidentally, I found a bustle in my hedgerow last night. Against Zep's advice, I was alarmed. I'm alright now though. Freebird doesn't do it for me at all. Redneck rock. Don't mind a bit of Tuesday's Gone mind. Going to California?
  5. Yep, me too. Although I am an angel Are you always off-side? Yeah, and I've never fulfilled my potential either. Maybe a trip to the states is required
  6. Yep, me too. Although I am an angel
  7. Still is according to our kid who saw them at Twickers last year :nod: I was there and can indeed verify that this is true. Curiously Dickinson's predecessor, Paul di'Anno fronted an incredible live band. Having seen Dickinson as the front man for Samson prior to his Maiden days I can only conclude that it is the band as a whole that has that on stage wow factor, rather than its front man. Never got to see them with Di'Anno (boo) Mind you I was 6 when he left (hooray) From what I've seen he certainly gave them a different energy, and more of a punk vibe. But then their songs back then were more condusive to that. There's no doubt that having 'Arry and the boys backing Dicko makes a difference, but then so does having some belting songs. My knowledge of Samson is limited but I son't think they had anything in the same league as Hallowed By Thy Name or the Trooper. Didn't he try to convince people that his name was Bruce Bruce in the Samson days?
  8. Trainspotting. Reservoir Dogs should be an option too.
  9. Never got a chance to see them unfortunately, but Mother Love Bone's Andrew Wood was supposed to be quite the showman, in the Mercury mould. That's him below with his hands on Jeff Ament's (now of Pearl Jam of course) head. Seb Bach from Skid Row was always entertaining too. I did get to see them at Donington 92 and a jolly good time I had as well.
  10. Still is according to our kid who saw them at Twickers last year :nod:
  11. Aye, I can appreciate where you're coming from Mike, it does detract from the sensory experience of running somewhat and safety is a concern. It's the Nike+ motivation thing that swings it for me. Q quick touch of the screen tells me how far I've gone, at what speed etc. Before I had that, I didn't run to music at all. If I was in a club, or a Fun Run I wouldn't dream of using it. Antisocial like you say. As it's our lass' iPod touch I have to use to get the Nike+ thing working I have little music that is to my taste on it too (although Living For The City by Stevie came on last night and that turned out to be a great tune to run to). I need to get a decent running playlist with tunes on it that will negate effect of the rhythm and speed changes that you mention. Mind you, I'm not out long enough to get through many tracks anyhow
  12. Oh I dunno. Signing up to a few challenges on Nike+ has provided a great deal of motivation for me. Just signed up to do 60 miles before the end of August. Not exactly a major distance but certainly challenging enough for where I am at the minute.
  13. That'll do you more good than a quick short distance sprint
  14. I used to have this bother. Persevere though mate, get into a slow riddim (dub, not DnB on your iPod). You'll go much,much farther, feel a lot better for it and maybe even get the bug.
  15. Thanks boys. I'll pass the results to the non-beleivers.
  16. Maybe the cake variation is a northern thing then. Although there are many up here in the 'made' camp, there are just as many who insist on 'cake'. I think this unanimous poll should put them right.
  17. I'm hoping to settle an argument with some northern monkeys on this old favourite.
  18. Don't be ridiculous. I mean, how inconvenient would it be waiting until after we had gone out to do all that?
  19. Indeed. I've always thought it was impossible to number 2 without a bit of number 1. Known as 'upgrading' I believe.
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