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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. Thats the trouble with prisons these days,when guys go in,they want to go back.It should be a place that once is enough.
  2. Sorry for your loss,all the way from down under.
  3. PussEKatt


    Thanks guys.As I said I am going to do the golden triangle and was thinking about adding Calcutta to the tour,thanks again.Much appreciated.
  4. Not only that,but if a striker goes "clean through the defence" he is guarenteed to score.
  5. Of course it is,and so is every other prison in the western world.Do you know how much it cost to have 1/2 TVs in every cell ?!
  6. Now thats a silly question.He must have used an old camera,FFS
  7. PussEKatt


    Seriously thinking of a trip to India,mainly Deli,Dargeeling,Calcutta and the tiger park/reserve.Any advice/thoughts would be appreciated.
  8. Not only that but by knowing the gender before birth,is surely like knowing the score before watching a game.
  9. That list should be published predominantly all over the western world so that the ordinary joe can decide if he/she wants to continue buying these products.
  10. I would be happy to NOT kick a dog and have a peanut butter sandwich,or even just a peanut.
  11. I wonder how many trophies Pep.G would get if he managed a team like Stoke,SHA, or even Brighton or WHU ?!
  12. I wont have anything,im trying to lose weight.
  13. Seems to me that Russians are like mushrooms,kept in the dark and fed on shit.
  14. It would be quite hard to become a worse place,with one less rocket polisher.
  15. Reading all this stuff makes me wish I had read the bible,instead of just looking at the pictures
  16. If anyone gets a bit hungry,I can make peanut butter sandwiches.
  17. I havent taken a picture, but it is a green lizard ( called a Bontail ) and they are all about 6/8 inches long,fully grown.
  18. Same here,reguarding opening hours.The only difference here is that shops dont close for holidays.
  19. Its different for me.I prefer instrumental music,so its not too hard to pick a best vocal.On the other hand,if I had to pick a best instrumental,then there would be 4/5 maybe even 6.
  20. We have the same thing here with Bobtail lizards.If you put food out for them on a regular basis they come and even wait for it,but apart from getting fed,I dont think they consider us as friends,just someone that brings food.
  21. Why is it that people can make friends with birds and animals but not with reptiles ?
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