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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Yep. Showed last season, it's incredibly difficult to close these gaps at the top
  2. Is he playing that great. Nearly just cost us and flapped at a corner that should have been buried first half. I'm glad this is his last game.
  3. Let him go and then played tuanzabe at rb. Get the feeling bruce wanted out.
  4. Think that's wishful thinking. More that xia was in a mess and it was an opportunity that represented good value.
  5. True but doesn't really paint an accurate picture. The loans and free signings we have been able to make, smash everything other clubs have done out of the water.
  6. Yes, a real pity we didn't build a premier league team round barry bannan. Could have been really special.
  7. You do know Dean Smith has spent £7 million replacing a player signed only months ago.
  8. Why? Are goals and assists not enough?
  9. Shit player is still shit. What a shock
  10. They score so many late goals. That's a good sign. I think 2nd place is out the window. Those 2 and west brom will not drop enough pts for us to catch them
  11. Yep. 2nd place dropping points and 6th place dropping pts. The 2 positions we are trying to reach.
  12. DCJonah


    With all due respect, you have ignored it then. There are posters criticising the victims for being too sensitive, excusing this disgusting behaviour by mocking the 'current generation'
  13. DCJonah


    Disgusting behaviour. Wonder if more will know feel confident in coming forward. Get rid.
  14. Wait, have the new guys in charge not heard of de gea. It's a given that all Nyland needs is time.
  15. DCJonah


    Its a terrible and weak argument
  16. DCJonah


    Oh that's ok then. No one has claimed he bullied every kid he coached. Do you think every abuser attack every single person they are associated with? Just because he didn't make cahil feel suicidal doesn't mean a thing in this case.
  17. DCJonah


    I'm not the one claiming that multiple people who felt bullied are just too sensitive.
  18. DCJonah


    Right. So you were there and witnessed it all?
  19. DCJonah


    Wow. I think the world is **** because of attitudes like yours towards people who need support. It's a shame.
  20. DCJonah


    Just because he was able to handle it, doesn't excuse the style that has made multiple children and young adults feel incredibly bad about themselves. Not acceptable.
  21. DCJonah


    Feeling depressed and suicidal is a bit more than being a bit sensitive. Old school aggressive coaching has no place in football if it leads to kids feeling like this.
  22. When you see the changes we have made in such a short amount of time, it just backs up my opinion giving bruce 2 years was a ridiculous decision. The endless excuses made for him become more laughable every game dean smith has. Who are they going to get better than me? He asked back in September. Didn't take long for us show what a daft question it was, from an arrogant man failing in his job. Thank god his time here will be a short stain on our history.
  23. Just in response to some of the nonsense posted by the few fans he had left at the end.
  24. You mean like when RDM was sacked? And then Bruce managed to finish 13th. Then yourself, TRO and other die hard bruce fans changed the story to, he just had to keep us up and he needs more time. Brilliant.
  25. God, bruce really **** us up. Imagine being someone who felt he needed more time, or that this squad wasn't good enough. Brilliant
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