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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Unfortunately it's more likely an example of more penny pinching by Lerner :-/ I'd have thought Keane's not the kind of person to tolerate that. I'm probably just clutching at any tiny straw I can that maybe we will be taken over this summer.
  2. I'm still hoping its in some way linked to the takeover and that's the reason for the delay.
  3. Good post. If hull can afford him and he keeps them in the premier league getting huge amounts of money then surely he's worth it.
  4. I nominate DOL and AM before Lambert. I really do think this is the worst time to manage the club in the Premiership, given the obvious ownership issues and lack of investment. Lambert has fulfilled his remit to keep the club up and alter the wage bill. I do believe Lambert wants to get us back up the table but is really restricted by Lerner, any manager would be to be honest. For his own career it would have been better for him to walk at the end of last season. It is time to get behind him and the boys this year, it could be a really tough year, maybe the toughest yet. It'll be tougher than it needs to be because Lambert is such a very poor manager. Although he isn't the architect of our misfortune, he's added to it by performing so dismally. Yeah I'd have to agree. He's not the cause of our issues but his mistakes have added to it and he's poor performances are doing little to rectify mistakes from the owner.
  5. Toss up between Lambert and McNeill for the worst I can remember. And clearly what you can remember is our entire history? Anything you can't remember you can research and I believe lambert's record is up there with the worst in some areas.
  6. I wouldn't say far from the worst. His record is up there with the worst. He's had a difficult situation to manage in but so far he's performed very poorly.
  7. I think That could depend on who/ if we sell any players of value We only have 2 players of any value this window. Even selling them I think we'd still spend a lot less than most teams.
  8. I wonder if any team will spend less than us on transfer fees this window? If we're not taken over then I can't see it.
  9. It would be nice to have an owner who had a plan and thought long term.
  10. This made me laugh lots but then suddenly stop as I thought 'what if he's serious?'
  11. Looks like he's coming then. I'm not sure what impact he can have. Like with most things at the moment I'm sure its only short term thinking. Hopefully he can add something our manager lacks.
  12. I'm not even sure he would do much better with more money. I don't think he's able to get the best out of the squad he has. While more money will allow the chance to sign better players I don't think his tactical decisions and his approach to the game will allow better quality to have a big impact on the team.
  13. I've not known many examples of a player being given such a high squad number because of an injury. Gardner and delph for example were never given numbers in the 40's when injured long term. I don't think nzogbia was wanted but the continued restrictions and poor squad quality mean the manager will have to change his mind now.
  14. It's very worrying that we aren't making much of an effort towards one of our most promising youth prospects in years when he has 12 months left on his deal. I appreciate Lerner wants to sell the club but surely these are the kind of deals we should be putting a lot of effort into. I'd rather get grealish signed up that sign senderos or Cole. We seem to have our priorities all messed up at the moment. No long term thinking just short term thinking while we're waiting to be sold.
  15. Even if fit I'm not sure how much Lambert was going to use him. His squad number clearly showed how he was viewed.
  16. I don't think vlaar is close to the levels mellberg and laursen performed at.
  17. Seems strange for it not too happen yet. Like others I'm clinging to some hope that the delay is takeover related.
  18. Watched the new x-men and really enjoyed it but one thing is bugging me.
  19. How long have they had their other sports clubs? I don't know much about them so could it be that they've not had enough time to implement proper plans?
  20. That Birmingham mail article seems like a copy of the previous one that mentioned the two americans
  21. But this is the problem. You rate KEA and the performances he puts in so you've decided people who don't must have some predetermined idea about him and refuse to change. With regards to senderos will I be quicker to get on him than others? If I'm being brutally honest then I guess I will. I can't see myself being as patient with him as I will be with grealish for example. This isn't based on me hating the player it's more to do with I know what he's about and him signing for us doesn't make all that went before meaningless in how I judge him. I'd love to say that next year I'll be cheering and chanting all the time for anyone who wears the shirt, and while I'm sure claiming that on here will get me brownie points I know its not the truth. After the last few years I know I'll probably lose my temper quicker with some players than others, and I'll know I'll get frustrated quicker than in previous years as a season ticket holder. Again this isn't because I've already decided which players I like and which I don't it will be more to do with just uncontrollable emotions during a game and a case of getting pretty fed up with watching poor players. I know its a nice dream to picture 45,000 people cheering and chanting no matter what but i don't think it's realistic for any club. I guess my point is that I don't think you can really blame people if they do lose patience with the likes of senderos if he performs poorly.
  22. It sounds like they look for the right investment. They clearly have a lot of money so I don't think we can read much into their approach of Charlton and possible purchase of us.
  23. Sounds promising with the two American names. They sound like the kind of owners we need. On a side note anyone else think its terrible that Lerner won't sanction new deals? I think its bad enough the position he's put us in but to then risk losing key players for no money 12 months down the line just adds a bit of an insult to it all.
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