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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. I guess it depends on what you think best shape for a sale is. This time next year we could well be without a manager, lose 3 key players for nothing and once again finish low allowing other teams to gain a financial advantage over us. If you think that's putting us in a good shape for a sale then I guess you can't complain, I however think he's making it more difficult and making us less of an attractive option the longer this goes on. Seriously, if no one wants us now why will they want us next summer?
  2. I have reason to believe that is about right. The real problem though is the wage bill and the wages we can offer, even if Lambert wanted to spend that on one or two players it is unlikely that he could afford the level of wages they would command. Well, if that's all the club can afford then fine. I can appreciate the need for the club to be self-sustainable (though it completely sucks). But if Lerner is trying to make back the money he's lost by not making it available for transfers/wages then we're in Ellis territory. Be interesting if anyone who is much smarter than I am can figure it out. I don't believe its all we can afford.
  3. What a depressing read that article was. Depressing because of how accurate it is.
  4. How can anyone not impressed with the last two years be short sighted? Its been 2 years for people to form an opinion based on what they've seen. I can see why some want to have faith in the manager and can see valid reasons as to why he's struggled. But I can't see how its short sighted to disagree with it.
  5. How do we have no idea what his actions are? We've all seen what's happened at the club. Unless you're choosing to ignore that. A bit premature? The season starts in 2 weeks. In terms of what he's doing wrong well that I don't know, but I do know we're not sold yet and I can't see how his actions are making us more attractive or will make us more attractive next summer.
  6. I don't need to know his personality to see he doesn't care. His actions show that. Like I said if you can show me what he's done in the last few years that shows he cares I'll happily debate them with you. What's he doing wrong? Is that a serious question? You don't think there's anything wrong this summer? Manager not being backed, contracts to key players not being renewed, there's a couple of things to start with.
  7. I'll respond in the Lerner thread so not of take it off topic.
  8. I think nzogbia can play left, right or central really. I hope grealish is given a chance early on. I think he could be a spark we need to get off to a positive start.
  9. If we finished a season with 44 points that would be considered poor. That's what we'd have if we continued the average of 34 points from 29 games throughout a whole season. So how is that not poor?
  10. I can't see what's changed from the end of last season to now with regards to peoples concerns. So I don't agree that this one result has set it off.
  11. But does off set the things I mentioned? Surely having key players contracted to the club for a few years would be attractive to a potential buyer, more revenue through a good league finish, good attendences with a positive happy fan base. Surely all those are going to be areas potential buyers will also look. IMO Lerner is making us much harder to sell, especially if he is insistent on the reported price he wants for us. But if you go on what's reported, Lerner is flexible on price...I fear the real problem is there is no interest at any reasonable price.... Which is probably down to the state of the club and that certainly won't improve 12 months down the line.
  12. If we'd been run better I think it would make a difference.
  13. The fact a newspaper could, with quotes from members of these supporter groups show its bad PR.
  14. I can't see a new owner sticking with him, he will need to have an unbelievable season for the majority of fans to be won round again. I think if we barely survive or get relegated he's destined to work at a lower level before a prem club gives him another chance.
  15. If they haven't been laid out like this before then i question the timing. Why provide an opportunity for a negative response through the local media and fans when the club is in the current state.
  16. Have these rules ever been laid out like this before?
  17. I just can't think many premiership owners will be jumping at the chance to appoint Lambert as there manager. If he left here I think he'd be rebuilding his reputation in the lower leagues.
  18. But does off set the things I mentioned? Surely having key players contracted to the club for a few years would be attractive to a potential buyer, more revenue through a good league finish, good attendences with a positive happy fan base. Surely all those are going to be areas potential buyers will also look. IMO Lerner is making us much harder to sell, especially if he is insistent on the reported price he wants for us.
  19. How are we becoming more attractive though? Contracts running out, more teams getting higher prize money a decreasing fan base attending games. What's attractive about that?
  20. Its hardly hysteria, just another example of how poorly most areas of the club are run at the moment.
  21. I think its completly a financial decision. No one is going to throw away a large amount of money, especially when they'd probably struggle to get an equivalent job.
  22. Or good ol Aston villa making another mistake. Like blandy said, the way it's worded is just asking for it to be taken in a negative manner.
  23. Yeah I'm the same. There is no reason to not allow some spending. Surely the club has generated enough to allow that. What's he keeping the money for? I can't imagine he's going to take it our for himself and surely it would be better to improve the playing squad to attract an investor.
  24. Everton are embarrassing us when it comes to running a competitive football club. Fair play to them, I'm extremely jealous of their supporters.
  25. I think this question will start to be asked more and more as the season starts. I hope the fans turn against lerner and not lambert even though lambert's the easier option.
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