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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. havent read many posts so sorry if im repeating,,,, what if these buyers were interested and told lerner at start of season (after LCFC game) that they were interested in us if we go down for a certain price. Lerner didnt want to spend in january because of this...but got new board incase we stay up (risk/reward) ....as soon as we got relegated, the guys who resigned realised their position is pointless (ofc the doubt here why would they resign if theyre going to get paycheck when they are fired...doubts this... but...i have no idea of their previous jobs...but im sure i would be annoyed if i quit my job...to join another job..which might have left me unemployed after 1-6 months without me knowing) and now this statement...i feel its more than just a statement..
  2. still crushing even when other team mates isnt getting as many scorepoints....
  3. variance ^ talk of dembele getting ahead of ali when theres ozil is a joke. We all know if ozil was english he would snap get in there. The guy has been crushing all year
  4. i think remi was introducing him just fine before he got injured. He appears to have many mental weaknesses...aka being stupid af and selfish. Think he will be valuable in championship though, quite a bit. i ddint see the last game he played in because ive stopped watching football recently, because **** villa :(....but before then...so so so so many weakness and teams easily doubled up and nullified him after the first 2 mins he was on the pitch
  5. Surely if hes too stubborn to sign that striker it means they should sign him (otherwise what is he being stubborn about? If Player X isnt good enough and he doesnt sign them,,,then he obviously isnt stubborn) . Again...he isnt stubborn to sign a striker...Hes "stubborn" to sign the right striker. saurez + benzema. shows hes interested in strikers. Literallly nothing at all to do with stubbornness , all about strikers available whos worth the money. ok then,,,Lacazette has proven to be an over rated shite (relative for top teams) striker who ran hotter than the sun. Anyone can tell you that. So theres 2 strikers on your list...
  6. you suggesting players who would be worth spending and an upgrade whilst never watching them before....awsome opinion
  7. heres lapal.....ofc he wouldnt be perfect for them. what kind of post is this lapal. his time at plop has literally shown he wouldnt be perfect...keep your posts coming.
  8. right,,,theres been some talk recently about how aguero is over rated and he barely ever turns up in big games... just want your opinions about it...I certainly see where some of the criticism is coming from...But he always comes across as legit in many games of the season. Just throwing it out there...
  9. is it really just foreign? you got literally about 95% of english fans wanting them to win the league and are following all their games (aka support). Its all the same really. Are foreigners really deciding that theyre full on 100% supporting LCFC? I doubt it...just like many british fans...
  10. you have to be trolling here...like surely...if not then just wow... If you want a top 4 team to start spamming crosses and play deep line to highlight benteke strengths...then sure he'll be perfect...but it just isnt ever going to happen. Therefore he'll be shit for a team like liverpool and will never get a move to a top team... (but im sure youre right about how hes "perfect" for them, whilst majority of top teams scouts/analytics decided to ignore a 32m PERFECT striker lol) 32m perfect striker..hmmm...just think about that a little bit more.
  11. pretty much sums up your previous post
  12. ****, you sure shown him. Whos opinion do i believe more. You literally just shown a very very good argument there compared to bobzy. Im so so confused now. OT: he will obviously be good player in championship lol.
  13. Pretty much this and its kind of annoying how many times this topic has to be discussed. Even if it is the same posters...Its not like hes ignoring strikers for sake of it...He tried to signed Saurez for his "supposed" release clause (**** knows what happened in conversation after that,,,)....interested in benzema....benzema is, imo, the bottom of strikers who is worth the upgrade for money spent but ill wait 3 months until we have this conversation again, with no legit strikers being suggested, and we go full circle once again. p.s i await benteke name
  14. Only mahrez would be worth it for them teams and im pretty convinced that LCFC would happily turn down 40/50m for him in january. If they signed the others (apart from Schmeical, who would always be a very good backup for any of them teams ), in 6 months, the player would be getting slated for being a money grabbing **** for not even being able to get onto the bench. fans will be saying the standard "english players so over priced and over rated, one good season and...", the manager of the team would be slated for signing such poor quality players like drinkwater and albrighton for what they want to achieve Vardy is one helluva a risk for the money they would have to spend to sign a 29 year old. (the amount they would have to spend obviously depends on when he signed the contract extension, i cant remember when)
  15. not really though is it stefan...agile/quick/pass the ball >>>>>>>>>>> tall strikers.....although this depends on the league position what you think the teams should aim for to get a striker.... of course we miss him but no team top team dont want him because hes SHITE...for them.. (still best striker ive seen at villa) easily ANIEC..the most over rated player on this forum...hes good. yes...but just no for what he wanted to achieve
  16. someone going to post my post from start of the year which a few posters lol'd at?! was literally this said many times hes the english muller
  17. Always fun to abuse and joke right lapal? Gg. <3
  18. Yeh same here (both saying the same now) ....England players setup shit....but I did think you was saying it at a more personal level at Kane /English players. ... I think I read your post without Sarcasm/lol England at the end so semi apologies
  19. Don't read too much into it stevo. I said you're name...then followed by another paragraph. ..the only part aimed at you in the semi-paragraph your name in lol....dafuq
  20. Oh so now you reply to me ;)? (If you replied to me before with other quoting...I apologise. ..as I don't fully read...but as it goes...)
  21. A striker close to but not world class every part of his game and people still giving shit. Oh wow Stevo... almost as if there more to being a striker than just yourself. Our midfield fluidity / press / defensive contribution is quite bad. 2 seasons in prem and getting to 20+ goals per season whilst being good at so so many areas on the pitch. Quite confident he over takes ageuro next season (I await people to debate me on this who watch highlights obly) . Before I aid 60mil...probably over 80mil tbh Pretty much walks into every striker positon in the prem atm. He's intelligent
  22. You take my post as touching a raw nerve? Cmon!. Just saying like. ..I just reread my most multiple times and I was actually nice compared to usual here. . You gone defensive in your post if you think I'm annoyed/defence there...
  23. So lapal tells me I'm chatting shit....then continues to lol quote my posts...but he still doesn't explain why I'm chatting shit... I'll keep going whilat you quote my other posts. .. just admit it...you have 0 clue Nothing worse than people who do that. Back up your arguments ffs. Please admit it. Why do people with 0 link up no make it at top teams anymore mate? Please tell me..don't hold to many grudges pal
  24. Criminally over rated? So that means what? So Chelsea tried to pay 30mil? Or whatever it was for a youngster ball player high line defender (who maybe plays ball too much but gets magnified so so much in highlights). ..and you think that's Criminally over rated....love to know your valuation of him lol Its not even close he goes for 20m+ ...snap decision for most teams. 30+ mil is debatable for teams I remember posts about Kane being over rated because he's English. Im 90% sure people see player youngster abilities...then think they're over rated when most people talk about potential ability lol
  25. A youngster not being consistent?? Must mean he's cheap. ...XD. ... stones if obviously very good and future #1 cb.
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