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Everything posted by TRS-T

  1. Gabby. On the games I've seen this season if you judged who cared more out of him and Benteke, Benteke by a long distance. Not really. Benteke just has more ability and is the better player. Doesn't mean he cares more. So what determines Gabby cares more? Is it because he's born near the ground. Yes and he supports the club and is our longest serving player having played his whole career here. He will obviously care more than Benteke who thought we were from London and is an Arsenal fan from Belgium. Also, Gabby has never handed in a transfer request. Not that I have anything against Benteke by the way.
  2. Gabby. On the games I've seen this season if you judged who cared more out of him and Benteke, Benteke by a long distance. Not really. Benteke just has more ability and is the better player. Doesn't mean he cares more.
  3. I wonder if Barcelona would want to quit and join a Catalan league if Catalonia got independence?
  4. Qualified for the U17 Euros in May along with Germany, Holland, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Scotland and Malta.
  5. Thanks to Financial 'Fair' Play, it's not possible for most teams to win the league even with Bill Gates as owner.
  6. overall. he relied on his pace and footballing skill and not his defensive instinct. a good defender but not a great defender. So did Thierry Henry.
  7. You also support Sevilla?
  8. but that seems a mainly English mentality. most other countries care passionately about their national teams Probably because their players care passionately How do the English players not care passionately?
  9. I don't want Gabby to play for any other club. I look forward to his testimonial.
  10. They would agree with chappy. "Why should I support my local team just because I was born here. I didn't choose to be born in this city" Going way off topic sorry mods but I was born and raised in Sheffield and have never lived in Birmingham? Should probably support Wednesday or United... I don't think anyone should have to support their local team. I think you should support your local team unless you have a good reason not to e.g. family. People supporting their local team actually makes football more competitive. Imagine if everyone in the country supported Man U. Football would be dead.
  11. That's fine but they would never have taken an interest in the first place. It's the people who say "I don't give a toss about England anymore" that I'm talking about. But KHV didn't say 'anymore'. He just said he has no interest in watching England because they are 'shite'. Implying that he would have an interest in watching if we weren't 'shite' i.e. he takes more or less of an interest depending on how good we are.
  12. They would agree with chappy. "Why should I support my local team just because I was born here. I didn't choose to be born in this city" I will be in the Commonwealth Games
  13. That's fine but they would never have taken an interest in the first place. It's the people who say "I don't give a toss about England anymore" that I'm talking about.
  14. That's loyal support. I guess you have also stopped watching Villa these last 4 seasons as well then. Loyalty to club and country are two different things. They shouldn't be.
  15. So why did you used to have interest in watching England up until the 2006 World Cup? Did you not support the British athletes at London 2012? I support Villa because I am from Birmingham. I support England because I am from England. So for me there's no difference. If you saw English people at Glastonbury wearing Germany shirts supporting Germany against England surely you'd be thinking WTF are they doing. Nobody chooses to be born anywhere doesn't mean that you don't support your local club or country. Geordies didn't choose to be born in Newcastle but they still support the Toon. Irish people didn't choose to be born in Ireland but they still support the Boys in Green.
  16. For the same reason you are loyal to your club? If Villa signed John Terry, Joey Barton, Ashley Cole, Craig Gardner etc would you stop supporting us? If we appointed Ian Holloway as manager would you stop supporting us? No. You support the club not the players. So why would the same not apply to your national team?
  17. Play them instead of all the friendlies they have now. If there's 54 nation divided by 4 leagues, that's a lot of games. I don't imagine they've worked out those details yet. But maybe they'd just play one round if matches. So 13 teams a league, 12 matches each. Not that many really Each 16 team division is divided into 4 groups of 4 e.g 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. So if you play each team in your sub-division home and away that's 6 games. The winner of each sub-division qualifies for the semi-finals and final played at a neutral venue to determine the league champion.
  18. That's loyal support. I guess you have also stopped watching Villa these last 4 seasons as well then.
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