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Everything posted by Daweii

  1. A Metal Gear Solid Remake starting with MGS3 makes sense if they are going to remake the series in chronological order. MGS3 is the first game is the series from a timeline perspective. The remasters feel more like them getting the series onto modern consoles before they remake MGS, which will likely see sweeping changes made. Konami have likely been inspired in recent years by what Capcom have done with the Resident Evil Remakes. As for Silent Hill. I assume Bloober Team are making at least one of the Silent Hill games in development given the deal they signed with Konami earlier this year. It's all potentially good news. The fact that Konami are willing to work with external partners is the promising part, as Konami themselves are still a bit of a dumpster fire as eFootball has shown the world.
  2. Tying the tutorial in with the narrative. I don't mind tutorials, but if they're not skippable the game is already off to a relatively bad start. Not having separate audio sliders in the audio options. I know devs want to control the experience, but trust the player to mix the audio how they prefer. Games as a service systems such as battle passes and endless end-game content seeping into single player premium games. Loot box mechanics, or any sort of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) systems. I understand their inclusion, but feeling like I have to play the game 18 hours a day, or miss out is not a good experience. Unskippable cutscenes. I understand some games are loading the next area during a cutscene, but streamline your asset streaming process, don't force the player to watch your cutscenes on future playthroughs. Shimmying through gaps. I know this is another way to load, but games especially in the PS4/XOne era were over-reliant on that. "Oh look a cave, but the cave entrance is only 1ft wide for loading purposes", it got old, especially in FF7: Remake. Speaking of FF7 Remake. Slow walking segments while characters talk about mundane shit like plants and how the world is ****. FF7: Remake isn't the only culprit, there are lots of games that do this shit, but it's mega annoying when it happens. Bad gameplay pisses me off. It double pisses me off if they have clearly focused on the graphics. I couldn't care less about the graphics, it's the gameplay I have to put up with for 20+ hours. Constant hints. I hate when the game assumes I have early-onset dementia and reminds me every 40 seconds how to play the game. "You can crouch with square"... Thanks, I had completely forgotten since the last time you told me, 40 seconds ago. Not being able to turn off those hints. Games that follow the rule of threes and nothing else. "I need you to collect three bear arses to unlock the seal of immortality, these bear arses are in three areas, guarded by three bosses". The rule of threes is classic game design, but you can change it up sometimes. Everything becoming an RPG. I love RPG's, but not everything needs a levelling mechanic and skill trees and item rarity. A game is allowed to exist in a single genre.
  3. Daweii

    Fifa 22

    Most people into FUT aren't into FUT, they're into the feeling they get when they pull the card they have been after for weeks. FUT is gambling, now EA will say it's not because you always get something, even if that something is a 69 rated 18-year old from Scunthorpe, but the phycological element behind FUT is the same as gambling. You feel the same lows and the same highs as you would at a slot machine. Those that are into FUT are into the gambling element, and they're also the ones spending hundreds of pounds on it. EA make well over $1 billion per year from FIFA alone, most of it from FUT. It's good to be in the minority in this instance as FUT is literally creating gambling addicts.
  4. Daweii

    Fifa 22

    FIFA likely won't see a huge evolution until the last-gen console are bumped off the release schedule. Some of the best FIFA games are usually the ones that utilise the new consoles fully, but right now all you're playing is last-gen FIFA with a slightly more CPU intensive animation system that is exclusive to current-gen. Maybe my faith is misplaced as EA have no competition anymore (thanks Konami), but at least in the past the first FIFA to take full advantage of the new consoles was usually a bit of leap. We likely won't see that until FIFA '23/'24 though, if we see it at all.
  5. Peacock is a streaming app run by NBC Universal. WWE recently cut a deal to put WWE Network on Peacock which shut down the WWE Network app in the US. From what I have heard WWE Network on Peacock is massively inferior to the version that was shut down (the version that the UK still gets). A lot of the content is missing, and from what I hear they play ads during PPV's for those on the $4.99 tier of Peacock. The unfortunate thing is Peacock is heading to the UK and Europe. So if the same deal extends to us then the WWE Network app will be shut down and we'll only be able to watch via the Peacock app.
  6. It was creative, I'll give them that. WWE Network was the worst thing that happened to WWE PPVs because WWE are no longer held accountable. When PPVs were $50 they couldn't pull bullshit like this, but at $4.99 with Peacock (£9.99 for UK) they can do whatever they like. Nothing in WWE matters anymore, nothing has any importance. Everything WWE does is all about creating a special moment, but not organically, it's all so contrived.
  7. Whatever happens this performance has shown me that we're competitive with the best in this league now. We have not looked out of place here.
  8. I always try to look at it as supporting the hard working developers that just want people to play what they've spent several years working on. I know it's unfortunate that the purchase lines the pockets of some terrible people, but boycotts typically punish the people that did nothing wrong the most.
  9. Currently playing Kena: Bridge of Spirits and my thoughts on the game are mixed. Kena is all about the superficial things. The graphics are superb, the soundtrack is excellent and the cutscenes are literally like watching a Disney Pixar movie at times. That said all of this superficial stuff has come at the cost of the gameplay which isn't great. The platforming doesn't feel as smooth as it should, while the combat never feels a fluid as it should. Everything Kena does is something you have played before, and something that was done better in those other games. Now that doesn't mean that Kena is a bad game, it's just not a particularly amazing game from what I have played so far.
  10. Finished Deathloop the other day and loved every minute of it. The invasion based multiplayer mode is also really fun, I'd suggest people try that if they haven't already. The more knowledge you have of the maps and the objectives the more effective you are playing as Julianna. The amount of times I have killed someone because I knew exactly where they were headed based on the map, and the time of day has been really cool. I love games that reward players for paying attention and Deathloop is definitely one of them.
  11. Deathloop is incredible. The way the gameplay loop ties into the narrative is masterfully done, and at least from my experience it's an addictive gameplay loop. At its core Deathloop is a detective game, but under the surface of that is a very competent stealth action game. Now the gameplay loop is very simple. There are 4 maps, 4 different times of day and your job is to investigate the leads you uncover through playing to hopefully stop the time loop, but it's never that simple and that's where the game gets pretty deep and very interesting. Deathloop presented itself in the trailers as a roguelike, but from my 7-8 hours with the game that's not entirely accurate. Yes, the day does loop back to the beginning at the end of every day, but it's not like Hades, or Returnal where you're going to be resetting the loop through dying. Now you can die in this game in theory (which would reset the loop), but in my 7-8 hours I haven't come close to dying because that's not the games intention. Deathloop is a time loop stealth action puzzle game and the enemies are merely there to serve as friction as you explore these maps, they're not there to make this game extremely challenging. That said I won't say much more about Deathloop as it's very easy to get into spoiler territory. This game is meant to be a mystery and the less you know about Deathloop the better. Everything I said above is in the trailers so I feel comfortable talking about that, but anything else might be something that dulls a first impression and I don't want that. Deathloop is fantastic, I am enjoying every minute of it and I think a lot of people would love this game too if they gave it a chance.
  12. I have it pre-loaded and ready to go on Steam in a few hours from now. I'm not expecting to get much done tonight, but it'll be nice to get the tutorial out of the way before going to bed.
  13. Fantastic match. It's a shame that the crowd were against Emma throughout, and it's a shame that Fernandez is such a sore loser that she feels the need to complain so much. The match was pretty much lost for her when the injury break happened. Suck it up and move on. Congratulations Emma, you're a legend!!
  14. She is having so much fun at this point. Not even fazed.
  15. Get in!! First set Raducanu!!
  16. Bray Wyatt was released due to "budget cuts" which is the standard reason they give these days. WWE have released 119 wrestlers since 2020 with 54 of them happening this year.
  17. Dynamite is the main show that runs for two hours, while Rampage only runs for an hour and is considered to be Dynamites third hour just on a different night. Content wise they are largely the same featuring a mixture of matches and storyline segments. Your assumption was correct. Rampage is currently only available in the UK via an AEW+ subscription on Fite.tv.
  18. The pandemic largely got in the way. AEW set up their base of operations in Jacksonville, Florida over the course of the pandemic, but Jeff Cobb wasn't a fan of how Covid infested Florida was (and still is) so didn't want to return while they were set up in Florida. AEW have since returned to touring so he's more likely than ever to return, but it's likely down to finding a schedule that works for him given he's still doing things with NJPW.
  19. You can sign up to AEW+ on Fite.tv for like $5 a month which airs Dynamite and Rampage live as they happen in the US. The service has replays of the shows after they air so you can always catch up the following day. The current AEW content schedule is as follows; Monday: AEW Dark: Elevation* (AEW's YouTube Channel - 12am UK) Tuesday: AEW Dark* (AEW's YouTube Channel - 12am UK) Wednesday: AEW Dynamite (AEW+ on Fite.tv - 1am UK) Friday: AEW Rampage (AEW+ on Fite.tv - 3am UK) *Both Dark: Elevation and Dark are supplemental viewing. Almost no storylines progress, or start on either show although some matches for Dynamite do get made on Dark: Elevation. It's mostly for talent to get more matches under their belt, while giving local indie talent a chance to appear on a larger stage. You can of course watch Dynamite on Friday nights in the UK on ITV4 if you don't mind risking the show getting spoiled, but a lot of people in the UK at least based on Reddit subscribe to AEW+ on Fite.tv so they can watch it live, or in the morning the following day.
  20. Those awards are pretty much 100% bought and paid for. It's a form of advertising. There is a reason each category only had like three games in them and Elden Ring was in all three. It's advertising, it means nothing and is a complete meme.
  21. Microsoft own them. Every Bethesda game from now until forever is an Xbox exclusive. The only exceptions are Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo which are PS5 exclusive for a year due to contractual obligations that were signed before the buy out. Also just to prepare you for potential disappointment going forward. Microsoft buying ZeniMax Media got them; Bethesda (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Starfield) id Software (DOOM, Quake, Rage) Arkane Studios (Dishonored, Prey, Deathloop) Tango Gameworks (The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo) MachineGames (Wolfenstein, Indiana Jones) ZeniMax Online (Elder Scrolls Online) If you're a fan of any of those franchises then any new games in those franchises are also going to be 100% exclusive to Xbox.
  22. Daweii

    Austin MacPhee

    Same way it works with a football players day job I'd imagine. Full time with AVFC and then when the International break happens and every national team player heads to a training camp he then works for Scotland. Maybe it is more complicated than that, but it seems relatively straight forward on face value.
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