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Everything posted by Daweii

  1. Cardiff equalise.. It's all over the place today. Three teams have been top of the league today for varying amounts of time.
  2. I think if Jedi starts then we will have a formidable line up in the middle.. Should in theory start bossing these games even more than we have been. We just need our attacking players now to convert chances, we should have won mid-week by like 4-5 goals..
  3. Just looking at the table trying to reassure myself that it's still early days.. We're on 4 points a total I would have considered "decent" given last season but that puts us 14th.. Huddersfield are already on 10 points. Come on Villa I hope you smash Derby today..
  4. I am sure Xia's first question upon arriving at the New Street store was "why aren't we located round the corner in that massive high-tech shopping centre?"..
  5. Lescott is a word removed isn't he.. If he wasn't up for moving why let the deal advance so far? Clearly after the pay off I think.
  6. Ah well in that case it may pay to wait it out either until it gets cheaper or until more content for the game is announced. I wouldn't say this is really anything like any of the game you mentioned.
  7. Which would make us rather strong indeed.. Usually Championship teams use the loans to get one or two players that are too good for the league that they would never in a million years sign on a permanent. In our situation though I think we have already signed some players too good for this league players like Elphick, Chester, McCormack and Jedinak. The jury is still out on Tshibola but he seems quality too. So if we have one permanent yet to do and then a couple of potential out of our league loans we are set. A squad with Elphick, Chester, Jedinak, Tshibola, Grealish, McCormack and Ayew in it shouldn't really be struggling in this league. If we have yet more to come with players like Bacuna also putting in work now I like our chances this season. Maybe over-optimism has set in but when I look at what we have and what we may still add I think we have the strongest starting-XI in the league. Maybe I am alone in that thinking though.
  8. I have a feeling Gabby is waiting for the window to end so he gets paid off.. It seems our plan is; - Tell the players who aren't wanted to look elsewhere.. - Those that find a new club that can be sold will be sold (Sinclair) - Those that can go on a free will go on a free (Guzan) - Those that can go on a free to a club that can't afford their wages we will assist them (Lescott) - Anyone else left that didn't make waves to move themselves on will be paid off I think Gabby is done with football he just wants that bumper payday when he gets the next year or so of his contract given to him in one lump sum. I just think Villa are trying to find avenues that save money, not because money is an issue but because it's the sensible thing to do.
  9. I need to return to this game as no doubt once the Mass Effect: Andromeda release schedule has wound down we will start hearing more about Dragon Age 4, yet I just couldn't get into Dragon Age: Inquisition which is a shame as I need to complete it to keep my save going throughout the series. My main issue with the game was it was apparent that they had some larger scale MMO plans for it before dialing that back. Every area is like an MMO hub area with hundreds of quests in one location that grind you up to a point where you can do a decent story driven quest.. 15 years ago when I was playing Star Wars Galaxies I would have killed for a game like this, but I am so over the MMO style of game design that when Dragon Age used it in a single player game I grew tired of it fast. So at some point I need to suck it up and just grind this game out just to get it out the way and done just so when and if Dragon Age 4 happens my save is ready and complete. It's gonna be dull but I owe it to the quality of Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 not to let that save die out here, I just hope Dragon Age 4 is less MMO-lite and more a decent well made RPG that is interesting..
  10. Depends if you are the kind of gamer that sets goals to work towards, or if you prefer a more curated experience crafted for you by the developers. There is a fair bit to do in the game but on the surface none of it is really all that apparent. It will be getting more content though they have a base building update in the works and likely more to come. So if games like Minecraft are your thing where it's 90% mining and exploring then you may dig this game, if not then it may be worth waiting to see if there is more structured content added to the game eventually.
  11. You can always find crashed ships that may wind up to be an upgrade on the cheap by building Bypass Chips and using them on those beacons at Outposts that emit an orange beam (choose Transmission). These are usually one slot better than your current ship, but you can luck out as my mate did the other day and find a 48 slot ship just chillin'. As for Multi-Tools I am not sure what the max is but mine is 24 slots currently. That one is also luck of the draw. How I manged to get some pretty beast Multi-Tools was at Space Stations, there are some random encounters with the Vy'Keen that result in a Multi-Tool as a reward. I understand how frustrating it can be though as the way the game is wired is it likes to either upgrade by one slot, or downgrade by one slot so finding one that upgrades by 5-6 slots is harder than it probably should be.
  12. Hell Xia inspires me to work harder and I've never met the guy in person or had a sit down pep talk from him. I see him travelling the globe and working non-stop, some guy asked if he was watching the Olympics and he replied that he has no time for such things. I know I am not wired the way he is but he makes me question if I could be doing something more worthwhile when I have some downtime, if he has that affect by proxy over the internet then in person he must be so inspiring to be around.
  13. Daweii

    Adama Traore

    I take that as talented kid on £60k/week not putting in the effort anymore. Same thing that happened to Grealish last season really albeit likely on less money.. Huge financial success at a young age can mess with a persons motivation.
  14. Daweii

    Adama Traore

    Hmm I'm not surprised really. He likely came here hoping to play more but we were not the right club for him in perpetual relegation battles.
  15. Well he dropped the "Real good number 9" tweet several days ago when it made no logical sense to captialise the 'R'. This tweet.. So read into that if you want.
  16. He's still keeping coy on who it might be.. I assume it will be Jedinak, but Xia likes to have fun and he's been playing up this visa taking ages that it could be anyone at this point.
  17. Nailed it!!! I can finally get some sleep after volunteering almost all of my free time to this game..
  18. Okay so it was a bad final 15 minutes.. Maybe even worse than bad, but we are a side still rebuilding confidence and as they say Rome wasn't built in a day so I give RDM far more than pre-season and 4 matches to get this squad built. That aside it was pretty bad towards the end.. Positives.. We could be Newcastle on 0 points right now rather than 4 points out of 3 league games. We dominated the first half and ideally should have scored 5 or 6 but we weren't clinical enough, this should be a 5-1 win ratings and reactions not a 1-1 but that is football. Tshibola, Elphick and Grealish all seem top quality and some others appeared to shine at times today as well. Based on last season if someone had said we would be on 4 points after 3 leagues games I would have taken that, I think my disappointment is more because it was 3 points lost today thanks to 15 minutes of poor football at the end.. All in all it's early days..
  19. I was not expecting this second half but maybe I should have. We are still fragile and considering Huddersfield beat Newcastle these are the teams we should be beating but won't make it easy. Just ride this out please Villa..
  20. He's not. I guess after Saturday he was deemed not fit enough which is understandable he didn't get a pre-season at all.
  21. Come on Villa weather this storm and punish them. This is the same side give or take a sub or two that you just battered in the previous 45...
  22. Exactly.. Unless the commentators were closing their eyes whenever Huddersfield had the ball they only had possession of it for what must have been about 5 minutes of the whole 45..
  23. Not the stats I was looking at but I don't flick through sites to check if what I'm looking at is right or wrong.. So if you say so buddy.
  24. I can imagine. They likely feel similar a mixture of "holy shit we're good" and "I wish we could put a few more of these chances away it's frustrating". Being one of the best in the league is a nice feeling I must admit.
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