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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. Oh and I am surprised to see Delph currently winning MOTM - Guzan made 3 good saves to keep us in the game till near the end. We could have been down 2 by HT - Guzan MOTM for me.
  2. Apart from West Ham away, I have been to all the games so far and this one summed up the huge problem we have in midfield. They make absolutely nothing happen in the final third. However with the current options I cannot see how it can be changed. I cannot remember one incisive ball being played by the midfield. Ireland is massively over-rated and disappeared for large parts of the game. Holman is still full of energy, but not a great footballer IMO. Delph & KEA seem to be competing for who can pass the greater number of sideways or backwards short passes. N'Zogbia must be one of the most unispiring wingers we have ever had - when he came on he made no impact whatsoever! The fans were brilliant but sadly we didn't seem to make any difference. Bent, Benteke and Gabby can score goals but only if they get some f****g service - that said I would be tempted to give Weimann another try - he had the energy to make something happen for himself.
  3. I am not blind to Bents faults, but given our current situation, I think it would be crazy to sell him till we have a proven alternative - Benteke is definitely not that yet.. For that matter I cannot understand why Bent was dropped. For all his faults he can score goals and could be the difference that keeps us in the premier League.
  4. If that is the case it is not surprising that we have problems. Who is supposed to make the "defence splitting pass" or to make the forward run and pass into the channels then? From what I have seen during the last two games, it is Delph that is playing the deeper "link man" role picking up the ball from defence, so I would have thought KEA is supposed to be more the advanced MF player.I reiterate that I do not have a problem with short passing but given that we are set up fairly narrow, I would have thought that KEA should be pushing on, playing throughballs etc Maybe you are right in that it isnt KEA's game but in the absence of Ireland someone has to play that role.
  5. You miss my point. I am not saying short passes are wrong, they are obviously vital to keep possession but at some point someone like KEA has to play a more penetrating pass.
  6. Where have I referred to him being a "highlights" player? You're deluded if you think there is a comparison with Barry. Barry was much stronger on the ball, very strong in the tackle, often played a pinpoint pass, could make driving runs etc - he was not a flair player but KEA isnt in the same league. 85.5% pass rate is meaningless if 99% of them are 5-6 yards. As regards my claim that he loses possession, frequently was the wrong word but I have seen all the games this season and he has lost the ball on a number of critical occassions often because he dallied on the ball. Rather than claiming I am talking "frankly bollocks" why do you think he is "great" & howabout some examples of his greatness
  7. I am amazed how anyone can say "He's been great for us so far". Give me an example of his outstanding play. What I saw a lot on Sunday and in previous games was a lot of short passing, frequent losses of possession, and very few if any pin point passes over 20 yards. I agree he needs more time & could develop but it is ridiculous to claim he has been "great”
  8. Agree, I think Benteke will start to score regularly soon. However if I was Lambert I would start with Bent and bring Benteke on as the impact player. He is more mobile than Bent and would be a real headache for tired defenders.
  9. Exactly although Spurs were always a threat by the end of the first half they had gone very flat. Their flukey goal meant we had to push on and the 2nd, although a very good strike by Lennon was partly we were pushing forward. Had Benteke scored I think we could have got at least a draw against a very good Spurs side.
  10. Cannot see how you can claim "the midfield yesterday was a change to try and match Tottenham" El Ahmadi, Delph; Albrighton, Holman, all started against WBA as well.
  11. In fairness, our full backs were facing Lennon and Bale probably two of the most effective wingers in the prem.
  12. I went yesterday and was very pleased with our performance in the first half and up to their flukey first goal. At the moment at least i am optimistic that the tide will turn, but it is going to be a rocky ride! As you say we are trying to win games. I also went to this fixture last year and although it was exactly the same result I left the ground feeling very down - we were really depressing last year, whereas this year, we should have been in front Via Benteke's sitter. Just shows what a funny old game football is! However we have big problems in midfield, as I have said in a previous post, we simply don't have enough quality. Holman is the stand out player but the rest imo are average at best.
  13. It's strange times indeed. On one hand I feel positive on the other when I think about it too much I wonder if i am kidding myself. There is a feeling of renewal about Villa; after two terrible years we have a more positive manager, but our squad in parts looks very weak. My hope is that our totally new defence will strengthen as the individuals get to know each other and "gel". I am most optimistic about the attack as I feel that Bent, Benteke, Weimann and Gabby will get the goals if they get the service from midfield. However it is midfield that I most concerned about. With the exception of Holman we are really lacking class. I said early on that I didn't rate KEA and having now seen him more, I still don't - he gets dispossessed too often, seems a bit lightweight and doesn't make enough telling passes. IMO neither Bannan or Albrighton are premiership class. For me the jury is still out on Herd and it is still to early to comment on Westwood. As for Delph I had great hopes when he first joined but for all his running and short passes against West Brom he struggled to get the ball forward. N'Zogbia has pace but his end product is abysmal. And what of Ireland? On paper our best midfielder but unless he has a head transplant I cannot see him returning to best. Yes we fell apart when he went off against Southampton but I didn't think he was as good as some think in the first half. Sadly IMO Holman is the only decent reliable midfielder we have and If we are too survive this season we need we need to buy more class in January. I would love to proved wrong and see some of the new recruits come good or the youngsters mature but I am not optimistic. As to whether we may get relegated - I will reserve my opinion till February.
  14. My first game was 14th November 1959 (Aston Villa 11 Charlton Athlectic 1 :-) ) I havent kept count of how many games, but have had a season ticket for many, many years at various times in the Holte, Witton Lane, North Stand and now Trinity. Following marriage, kids etc my attendance was poor to middling in the mid 80's to early 90's. My "heyday" in terms of travelling to away matches would have been beginning of 70's through to early 80's - however for the last 10 years the average has probably been 5-8 away per season. So purely an estimate but reckon with cup, home, away etc somewhere in the region of 1500 - 1750
  15. Fantastic result - on the basis of his first goal alone Gabby is MOTM for me - great goal!
  16. Bradford at home next please. :-) maybe our luck is changing!
  17. "The better team..." But 1-0 down. Maybe we will see a miracle in the 1st half :-)
  18. So do I. He is a bundle of energy and constantly looking for space. If only Gabby could take a leaf of of his book he would be a real threat again.
  19. Pity we had to loan him to help out the clearing in the woods who said we were: ' a half arsed place that used to be famous' Can't stand 'rent a gob' Holloway!
  20. Fabulous day! MOTM: Holman but could have easily been a few others. Thought the Holte also found their voice again! We were outstanding and while I don't want to tempt fate... PROUD HISTORY BRIGHT FUTURE!!!
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