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Everything posted by Jarpie

  1. Yeah, pundits in BBC are horrendous, and would need hefty culling. I can't belive how Lawro is still employed, same with Gobby Savage, at least Hansen is gone from MOTD. Does BBC have somekind of rules written that they're only going to employ ex-Liverpool players?
  2. I've been watching motd and bbc/sky/itv broadcasts through internet for number of years and I dont get the Lineker hate. I think he's been very good presenter and impartial from what I've seen, certainly lot more than gobby savage or muppet lawro.
  3. He got two match ban for collecting ten yellows.
  4. if it'd been either one of the top 6 teams (Manure, shitty, le arse, tottingham, liverpodge etc) or lower league club it'd be hailed as "The Magic of FA Cup".
  5. Young central defender inconsitent in the new league after long injury? that's not exactly surprising or unexpected.
  6. I was mistaken, according to transfermarkt his contract with city is till 30.6.2016, but loan deal has option to buy according to them.
  7. Oh wait, his contract with man city is till next season, not this one.
  8. He's out of contract in the summer so if he wants to sign with us, we get him for free.
  9. Jarpie

    Carles Gil

    Also keeps the players on their toes, I don't think no one has definite spot on the starting lineup.
  10. So far so good, good start for Sherwood, hopefully he'll keep it up.
  11. Great second half, but need to sort it out so the players can play two good halves, instead of one good and one shit. Sinclair my MOTM. Sign him up.
  12. Why can't be string two great halves together?
  13. NZog started to look knackered so understandable change, but I'd probably put Gil ahead of Jack.
  14. Muppet-Lawro sounded so disappointed when he said "Save" as Given saved that.
  15. Do they practice set pieces at all in training?
  16. One step forward on tuesday, two steps back today
  17. Clark is on 9 yellows so might be out because of that. Bugger that.
  18. Jarpie

    Carles Gil

    He's not dropped, he's obviously being rotated.
  19. English football people are so **** desperate to get new talented players that they will ruin everyone of them by giving them big contracts when they show the first signs of promise.
  20. I love Hutton's "take no prisoners" attitude, and he is one of those players who will bust his guts out but it can backfire like yesterday which easily could've gotten him red carded.
  21. I don't believe in luck in sports, "You make your own luck". We should've had penalty in the first half anyway. Without us pushing on till the very end, we wouldn't had gotten the late penalty so I wouldn't say it was luck.
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