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Everything posted by romavillan

  1. yep, i'll third the all in the head theory. after the baggies scored all of a sudden the ball to any of the three forwards wouldn't stick anymore, simple passes went astray, less pressure on the ball, sinking back torwards our own box leaving us strung out faaar too looooong where we had been compact in the first half... i don't think it's PL's fault (directly) either, i think it's to do with the young players already having seen good situations slip and then shitting it when things start to go wrong.
  2. hmmmmm. please someone ITK post something about 3 chairs and a press conference or something!
  3. delph had got a knock so his hand waas forced a bit there to be fair. i don't think he has ot go either! we looked great first half and he'd done a very good job of sorting them out after the bradford game. i was expecting us to be shit and we were far from that today. very fine line, had lichaj scored the third, had brunt's shot been a couple of inches to the left, if the defender hadn't slipped in the build up odemwengie's goal... i don't think that was lambert's choice, i think our players shat it.
  4. yup, looks all the better for it, playing him wide left is a bit of a waste when he does a lot of his best work from the right. as stated on beeb site, best half of his villa career. early goal to take us 3 clear please so i can avoid a heart attack.
  5. shame lichaj couldn't finish for 3 coz it'd be alittle more comfortable. hopefully no goals in second half or we scroe first, as everyone's been saying 1-2 early and things could go tits up. massive 3 points if we can take them home with us...
  6. guzan lowton vlaar clark bennett herd bannan westwood carruthers weimann benteke or... guzan clark vlaar baker lowton KEA westwood bennett carruthers weimann benteke as you can see i'm trying to fit carruthers in here
  7. exactly and that's how we know that zero is the first letter of the alphabet. what happened to dale stephens being "holed up" in brum by the way? there really is not much mention of us getting anyone that sounds even remotely like a deal being done is there?
  8. he likes to play through the middle i think, but he's got a better left foot than right if that's what you mean
  9. never happen in england as we value the real competition in the lower leagues too much (rightly). the barcelona and real madrid b teams can't get promoted so it makes the league a bit false. i'd like PL to play samir instead of ireland/holman centrally at least for 30 mins or something. he could give us something going forward that we lack. anyone able to provide stats for how many assists he's given weimann in the reserves?
  10. those of you voting for douglas are either too young or have short memories.
  11. have to agree with richard, the rot had gone to the core and our only plus point as a club was promising youth when he came in. the more experienced playing staff were and in some cases still are leeching huge sums of cash off us and offering no value. 6 months is nothing in the scale of 140 years of history and we have to take a long view here. i could be wrong but i believe PL is the right man to sort this shit out. talk of replacing him now (whilst i understand the frustration completely) is premature. he has never said anything about quick fixes he has maintained quite rightly that he is workign on a long term project. i think the ideas he has are right and were voiced by many people on here, that we shoudl try and maximise what we have produced from an excellent academy and build a young team that can play together for a lot of years together and become something great. i appreciate that right now we look a million miles from that, but i want someone at the helm who believes in that and tries to set about acheiving it.
  12. " If you were told budgets would be slashed in a bid to prepare for more spending in the future and that Lambert was having to do a lot of dirty work this season to make it possible to improve next season would you accept it? If the team surives?" i'd accept it all day long Hairyhands!! someone needs to be taking a long term view and there needs to be some patience. all the people crowing for lambert's head are dead wrong in my opinion. also the people talking about feeling humiliated and then spouting off on an angry rant should grow up UTV
  13. cheer up fellas, always darkest before the dawn and all that. chin up. last night was a terrible result, we were pretty wastefull and pretty unlucky combined with some terrible marking on a few corners. we will get better and i still think PL is a good appointment for the long term. 6 months is short term. keep the faith.
  14. 1. he's building a good young side 2. he inherited a **** awfull situation 3. he's got the bollocks to see it through even in the face of some clearings in the woods calling for his head after half a season as for the game, we're down to a freak goal against the run of play. we have the second leg at home and 1 - 1 in that case is alright with the away goals rule. better than 0 - 0 anyway. who knows, we might turn this around just like the ipswich game. PL's claret blue army.
  15. um, by that logic, then we *could* have had 4 or 5 ourselves! not as a direct response to the quoted post but easy on bennett and bannan lads. i'm a bannan fan and he's had an off night for sure but for **** sake he's let's not just cane them for that.
  16. early doors. let's not shit ourselves too soon ay. made some good chances, they are ahead because of a fluke.
  17. well he went in the first place i spose, i'd like ot think that could be a motive seeing as i prefer roma as it is though the ultras of pretty much all the big clubs, lets say, lean a little to the right. as in a little to the right of hitler.
  18. nice to be linked with a player like this i spose. he hasn't pljayed much but has looked good when he has, although he's been playing in a side that have been flying this season (boo!). prob more chance of this that coutinho but to be honest he'd be daft to throw potential CL football next year away to come to england so soon. he'd be better learning his trade in a place where defending is an art, getting some CL experience if he can push his way in to the first team and then make a move to the uk for big bucks.
  19. not seen the corriere today, i'll pop down to the bar for a coffee after lunch and see if i can find it. if it's the same sort of "british press think..." type article then i'm pretty sure it's knackers.
  20. found this... http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/?action=read&id=412163 "Sirene inglesi per Philippe Coutinho. Il giovane attaccante dell'Inter sarebbe finito nel mirino dell'Aston Villa. Secondo la stampa britannica sarebbe pronta un'offerta da 10 milioni di euro. A quel punto la palla passerebbe all'Inter, che però non sembra disposta a privarsi del suo giocatore." which is pretty much... English temptation for Philippe Coutinho. Inter's young forward seem to have ended up in teh sights of Aston Villa. According to the British press there could be an offer of €10m ready. At that point, the ball will be in Inter's court, who don't seem willing to let their player go though. so not looking all that likely!
  21. as much as i'd love it to happen, can't see coutinho coming to VP. would LOVE to be proved wrong though. doesn't seem to be much gossip around does there?
  22. a little of a and a lot of b i would say. if we get lescott and he's a total rock for 3 years then i doubt it's be much of a problem! one good CB would really help, we could then have 4 with first team experience with clark and baker both showing good form at times as cover for vlaar and someone else. ireland going would free up some wages, with which you'd think we could get 2 midfielders to give us more competition and quality there. then i think we're looking a whole lot better all of a sudden with just 3 additions.
  23. lescott would be nice for a couple of reasons, one, he's a good player, two, he's a villa fan. depends on how much number two is close to his heart really. finishing your career at the team you wanted to play for as a kid could work in our favour a bit. that said, no resale value and woudl go against what lambert has been doing so far. i think mr henke may have a couple of surprises up his sleeve for us.
  24. i don't think our jam will seem quite so bad after the next few games and giving two of our most promising youngsters a run out in the legue cup against bradford is not going to hurt our league position either. they don't have to start both legs! i did just say a run out!
  25. i'd love to see carruthers and johnson get a run out personally, coudl potentially help out the first team soon
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