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Everything posted by Robbie09

  1. Great post. Given his cruciate injury, it's far too early to write him off.
  2. Absolutely this. I can't believe that anyone thinks it could be a blessing in disguise especially given that during his absence we will come up against the more physical forwards in the mould of Yakubu and Kevin Davies.
  3. Great post. And you've summed it up precisely by saying the board should be ashamed of themselves. The current state of affairs is soley down to them for firstly allowing O'Neill's spending to get out of control and then with the subsequent managerial choices.
  4. Don't bother dude. I penned one last season during Houllier's reign and as a season ticket holder of 40 years I didn't even have the courtesy of an acknowledgement. Eventually I rang the club to see if the letter had been received and they confirmed it had so they couldn't hide behind the excuse that the lettter had got lost in the post.
  5. McLeish said last week he wouldn't be that petty but I can't think of any other logical reason why Ireland didn't start?
  6. Agreed. Another poor decision by McLeish not to start with him today, was this because of the spat last week?
  7. Tell me you're joking about the fine? Tell me you have understood the point I am trying to make and tell me the final score in that game...! I don't need reminding about the score as I was there. And your point makes no sense whatsoever in my opinion. What don't you understand - there was a lack of focus, togetherness and a willingness to do well. Let me put it this way are you arguing the point that based on the footage there WAS focus, togetherness and a willingness to do well..? If your happy with that then thats your own view. The other point is that Football teams could learn a lot from other disciplined sports such as Rugby. Yawn yawn
  8. Tell me you're joking about the fine? Tell me you have understood the point I am trying to make and tell me the final score in that game...! I don't need reminding about the score as I was there. And your point makes no sense whatsoever in my opinion.
  9. Tell me you're joking about the fine?
  10. This for me. By not spending whilst in the ground then it gets a message across to the board without the players being affected by it.
  11. No you're not, however his bizarre substitutions on sunday has made me question whether the recent patches of decent play are just flashes in the pan. A lot of the better phases of play have involved Keane so the acid test will be when he's gone back over the pond.
  12. Great post. Can I add we shouldn't forget Faulkner's role in the recent demise.
  13. Undoubtedly he's got an eye for a pass but he needs to learn that sometimes a 5 yard pass can be as effective as the 50 yard Hollywood pass.
  14. John Gregory? I loved Gregory when he was here but seriously his record since he left us makes McLeish look like Mourinho. Well Gregory's record while at Villa blows McLeish's out of the water. Hence why I loved him when he was here but since then the guy has totally lost the plot. I think Mantis is either Gregory's agent or PR manager.......
  15. Tell me you're joking? The guy hasn't managed in the premier league for years, has failed everywhere he's been post Villa and you want him as manager? Desperate times call for desperate measures. And Gregory is the very definition of desperate.
  16. Tell me you're joking? The guy hasn't managed in the premier league for years, has failed everywhere he's been post Villa and you want him as manager?
  17. Bang on the money. Nike's Villa training gear is decent so I also suspect that sales of the training kit will drop significantly.
  18. Not according to the pundits. Unless you saw something they didn't?
  19. No they won't. :? Ok, i've exaggerated. But the point is, if he played every game like he played today, he'd be a good fullback. But today has proved even if he has a good game, people just say he was shit. But he had a very poor game (as usual) today. No he didn't have a poor game today, you just cannot give him any credit at all. He made no more mistakes than any other player on the pitch. To deny he has played ok in games this season suggests you are either unable to offer a balanced view or you just have an agenda against Warnock.
  20. You can't give him any credit at all can you? Out of interest did yoyu go to The Emirates or watch it on tv?
  21. Agree with the post, unfortunately the boo boys are too focused on his errors to recognise when he plays well and give credit when it's due, and for that reason the boos won't stop.
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