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Everything posted by Robbie09

  1. This, i've been going down the Villa for nearly 30 years and ST holder for most of that and i can't remember a time where it's such an effort to go and watch the club i love. I echo these sentiments. After 40 odd years of holding a ST if i don't renew i don't know what i'd do on a matchday. It does guarantee away tickets but i have to buy 3 ST's in total for the kids as well. It's more than a grand to lay out and that's not taking into account on average 12-15 away matches for the 3 of us each season. It's not that the football is so bad (which is undeniable) it's because there's no sign of it getting any better under this regime and maybe by not renewing it might trigger change. There's no optimism anymore which is the saddest part.
  2. That post tells me nothing you couldn't have gleaned from an Internet stream Why - because it's not littered with dramatic OTT statements like all yours are?
  3. Oh for god's sake - do you also blame him for the credit crunch? Tell you what I will blame him for! Heskey, love or hate him, was doing a great job defensively for the team. It made no sense whatsoever to swap him for Andy Weimann today. Also, why bring Carruthers on for his debut in that situation? Just made no sense to me. This is no defence of McLeish but yesterday Heskey was so immobile he wasn't contributing. I also think McLeish had one eye on the Stoke game given that Heskey is likely to play a role in that game too. I do think it would've been better to switch Gabby to the flank and play Weimann up front rather than vice versa but Mcleish has demonstrated his tactical naivety all season so he isn't going to out think any manager any time soon.
  4. Just back from the match, good point considering we had a few square pegs in round holes today. I'm not a big fan of Collins but he was immense today. I thought Bannan was below average today but he did a job. Heskey's lack of mobility stood out but as TrentVilla points out it's a point closer to safety and a point closer to driving McLeish out once safety is achieved. This isn't a defence of McLeish but he was urging the team forward today but the lack of composure on the ball meant we were being forced back. Hutton was the biggest culprit of this. All in all a decent day out. No nearer the end game as the poster with the awful feeling about today predicted though.
  5. Correct & Baker, the abuse he got off here on Saturday was **** appalling I refuse to take certain posters seriously It wasn't so long ago you called Ireland "a **** prick" because of a press report about him installing a shark tank at home. Pot, kettle, black springs to mind......
  6. Correct & Baker, the abuse he got off here on Saturday was **** appalling I refuse to take certain posters seriously Like those who suggest David Platt or Peter Withe as potential Villa managers?
  7. :!: Well you obviously know something. I can also say that last Tuesday I was at Bodymoor and he was hammering (no sexual puns) an exercise bike. I'm no physio but I wouldnt have thought that was the best treatment for a knee injury that required seeing a specialist. For years sitting on a bike was all Paul McGrath ever did except for the games. I don't know about Zog now, but exercise bikes are rather often used when someone's got a bad knee. Having ruptured both ACL's i can confirm exercise bikes are very much part of knee injury rehabilitation. Good news if he is available for the upcoming fixtures.
  8. Is that your opinion of the day? I remember yesterday you said we should draw with Liverpool.
  9. Why not one of your previous suggestions for manager, David Platt? Great player, shit manager and ony his services to Villa stop me being more insulting Agreed.......my post wasn't meant to be serious. I was being mischievous.
  10. Why not one of your previous suggestions for manager, David Platt?
  11. If it wasnt for his mistake in the cup final the club could have been so different today. My vote for worst individual performance goes to Warnock against Swansea at home. Anyone agree. He was horrendous that day. Disagree. He was awful for the first half, his performance second half was much better.
  12. Yes, a bit harsh perhaps. I am happy to admit this. I hope he has the stomach for a fight as he'll need it. He's playing well. At the risk of upsetting all the Warnock Haters on this forum I personally believe that he does care and has put in a shift every time he has turned out since he was dropped for poor form. The reason he gets injured most games is that he is prepared to throw his body in where it hurts to block shots that may otherwise result in a goal. Agree. Warnock done well yesterday but as you state there are those that are quick to slate him at all costs.
  13. Ditto. And what makes me angry about the whole sorry saga is that it was so utterly predictable once McLeish was appointed.
  14. This. The time to panic is after we've played Bolton if we haven't picked up 4 points, especially given the other teams fixtures. Before we go to the Hawthorns, Albion have got Blackburn and QPR at home and Man City and Liverpool away so they'll either have done us a favour by taking points off teams below us or they will be right in the shit if they continue their losing streak. We could go into that fixture above Albion if we beat Bolton at home.
  15. Agreed, both full backs deserve credit for their performances today.
  16. I still think we'll stay up - i can see us getting points from the Bolton, Albion, Stoke and Norwich games. By all accounts Bolton weren't particularly good today and Albion seem to have switched off. If we need something from the Norwich game i think we'll get it. However it's a bloody disgrace that we are in this position again and Lerner and Faulkner should hang their heads in shame for appointing such an inept manager.
  17. Met Stan a couple of times when my kids were mascots. My eldest was lucky enough to accompany Stan onto the pitch. He took the time to ask him who he played for, what position he played etc whilst my youngest was totally blanked by the player he accompanied. Top bloke, model professional. I'm proud that he's captain of our club. God bless you Stan and get well soon.
  18. Tony Morley, the final piece of the jigsaw.......
  19. Believe it or not we have 5 points from our last 4 games. Richard wont be able to reply, he's out buying petrol.
  20. I'm with you BOF, he's too young to write off just yet especially after the major injury he suffered. It takes at least 12 months to fully recover from a ruptured cruciate.
  21. Clearly you're right. In that case i'll sit there and just accept it. Or avoid answering the question.
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