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Everything posted by villa-revolution

  1. At small heath alliance the take over bidding doesn't start at 1p. No. That's where it ends! Talk about being ripped off!
  2. "Jonesy" was our PE teacher at Aston Manor School in the 1970's and often regaled us with tales of his early encounters with Brian Clough at Derby. Jonesy was at Burton Albion at the time apparently. He was a great motivator & was also in charge of Aston Schools. He once told us all how "Sid" a skinny 15 Year old kid of St Georges School Newtown would one day play for both Villa & England. He was right on both counts. In his own inimitable words & for all those who know Bryan, " Neat! Neat! Neat!"
  3. Robert Kraft owns the Kraft group, equity, property, manufacturing etc. He is nothing to do with kraft the food processing people. Who knows? he might just make a Krafty move.
  4. It might be the Cuban's, it might be the Mafia, could be Lyndon Johnson but it's probably the CIA. I'll just go & check out the 6th floor window of the Texas school Book Depository. It's definitely not Oswald!
  5. Carlos Slim Hula - The world's richest man worth $74 Billion. Let's hope it's slim
  6. They let someone at the FA **** a chicken.
  7. We need all them kids from the NextGen series to be pushing for a start next season. let's hope they can make the step up.
  8. LAMBO FIGHTS BACK " Wow! I see the same lot that wanted me in, are now practically the same lot that want me out. Perfect hindsight or what? But ofcourse it was never their fault at anytime ever was it? Jeeez! Talk about givin' a guy a break. They love to dish it out but I bet you they can't take it. Now they're blaming Karsa & Culverhouse. Don't remember that being the case when we turned over Jose a few weeks back. Why does there alway's have to be a scape goat? I'd really love to tell them straight what I truly think of them but their balls just couldn't take it coz they aren't as big as mine, so for now I'll just simply say after my superb European Cup win with Dortmund, " Seeing as I'm such a muppet, show me your ******* medals!" Fans eh? ******* unreal!
  9. Ridiculous. How would Everton fans wanting Martinez out after one defeat be comparable, in any way, shape or form, to villa fans calling for Lambert's head? Your writing as if the Lambert out talk is completely reactionary and knee-jerk, it was going on for long before the Palace game and is completely warranted, imo, as we have completely failed to progress from last season and the football we play seems to have regress. & the `Lambert In` talk was going on long before the fans heralded his in coming by chanting for him at Norwich at the last game of the McLeish era & that was completely warranted. If the majority of the fans now want Lambo out then why don't they just admit that they got it wrong. Not me though. I still love the guy & just want to leave him be & let him get on with his master plan. Lambert In, in, in, in. Tomask NB* I have seen every Villa home game since 1968. Good job I wasn't bowing my head in shame for criticising Lambert as I would have missed this post. I wanted Lambert in, I though nothing could get worse than Mcleish and I thought it was a pretty good coup at the time. Even last season through some of the dismal results, I thought we turned into a decent side towards the end and showed improvement. I, along with many this season, thought we would push towards a comfortable mid-table position. How wrong I was and I apologise to all for this. The arguments for pro and against Lambert have been put forward countless times although I've yet to see any examples of the good Lambert has done but excuses/reasons to why he has done poorly. Maybe you could state why you love him to help me with this? I won't even argue and state the reasons why I'm close to hating him. Your point about the fans wanting him in so they can't want him out is what does get to me. Fans are as fickle as anything yet Lambert has actually been given an incredible amount of patience by them. I'm assuming (I wasn't on the forum at this time) most fans wanted Lerner in too so those now calling for his head (including Pro Lambert fans on here) would be wrong too. And if your wrong you can't change your mind of course even if those people don't deliver (I'd even argue Lerner has delivered far more that Lambert). Guess this club is stuck for the two of them for eternity. Be careful what you wish for. But I could be wrong. *Bows head in shame* Great post Joe - I love your humility & the fact that you don't mind accepting that you could indeed be wrong. So could I. There's no shame in that. None at all. Don't bow your head in shame - Just take a bow son! Take a bow!
  10. Can we include Methusela in that? He was born a Villa fan in 687 AD before Villa had even been invented. He's also a big Paul Lambert fan. & so sagacious I knew his dad Yes. He was the local milk man.
  11. Can we include Methuselah in that? He was born a Villa fan in 687 AD before Villa had even been invented. He's also a big Paul Lambert fan. & so sagacious
  12. So David meets Goliath......and wins. If you are trying suggest our fans are fickle by comparing us with a side that has achieved record points in a season and by comparison we have managed the worst home record in our history and you are making a futile attempt to compare fans in the whinging stakes.....I am flabbergasted at your case. They are both playing well..... we are awful, arn't our fans entitled to whinge. There is absolutely no comparison IMO No. All I have continuously & consistently sincerely pointed out on this thread is that in my opinion the majority of fans on this site for enumerable reasons have not been fair to Lambert or given him enough time to prove his full value. As stated previously I may be completely wrong & I accept that too. In the meantime to those fans who booed Lambert at Palace & chanted you don't know what your doing I say this: "You don't know what your doing, you don't know what your doing."
  13. If anybody wanted lessons in complete & utter failure they would be a fan of small heath alliance.
  14. Has he gone Stark raving mad? I hope so.
  15. I don't want Lambert out (100%) But I wouldn't object to GENTLEMEN in.
  16. Many of them have fortunately. So logic dictates then that if they were wrong about Lambert then unfortunately they will probably be wrong about our next managerial appointment too. Fortunately, for them & us,Lambert remains.
  17. This is just really childish, holier-than-thou BS. If you're going to compare something make sure it's comparable. I hope PL turns it around in the next few games. I will welcome it. If he doesn't are you still going to be waving your ridiculous halo about? Halo, halo , halo.
  18. :cheers: :cheers: There you go R.Bear here's your starter. Villa, Stella, Balti & you'll be fine
  19. Ridiculous. How would Everton fans wanting Martinez out after one defeat be comparable, in any way, shape or form, to villa fans calling for Lambert's head? Your writing as if the Lambert out talk is completely reactionary and knee-jerk, it was going on for long before the Palace game and is completely warranted, imo, as we have completely failed to progress from last season and the football we play seems to have regress. & the `Lambert In` talk was going on long before the fans heralded his in coming by chanting for him at Norwich at the last game of the McLeish era & that was completely warranted. If the majority of the fans now want Lambo out then why don't they just admit that they got it wrong. Not me though. I still love the guy & just want to leave him be & let him get on with his master plan. Lambert In, in, in, in. Tomask NB* I have seen every Villa home game since 1968.
  20. TAKE. A. BOW. SON. Which just goes to prove that there are some absolute GENTLEMEN here on VT
  21. Practically every body on VT lives in a blame culture. There's always someone at fault. Crystal Palace have just turned Everton over in their own back yard. Will the natives at Goodison be getting restless & nailing Martinez's balls to the Glady's Street End goal posts now? Palace have momentum, they had it by winning 2 games before they beat us. Now they have kicked ass at Everton. Please stop looking to blame Lambert every time we have a set back. We go again? Okay then, if we don't go again, what the **** do we do then, lie down & die? Lambert is right, we do go again, what other choice is there? So all of you scape goat hunters here on VT, bow your head's with shame in criticising him for this, stop blaming Lambert, stop blaming Randy, stop blaming Faulkner & stop living in a blame culture. Stop, stop, stop. Instead, do what fans are supposed to do & get behind the Manager, the team & the whole beautiful club. Stop moaning. Stop griping, stop being misery arses & support , support , support. If you need any help regularly practice the following song for Saturday: Paul Lambert's Claret & Blue Army. ps- No nailing anyone's balls to any goal posts unless their name is Lee Clarke
  22. Where you been for the other 30 odd games? Villa have been a shambles for most of the season and all this nonsense with coaches etc is further proof that the club is a shambles! I've watched Villa 40 years mate and I can tell you it's a shambles. So don't give me the whole, "It's not paulie's fault nonsense". He's called a manager for a reason. Paulie's fault?? Have you been watching Goodfella's? The team, the manager & The Club have been severely handicapped by constant injury to our key players & at vital times throughout the season. Had we won the last 4 games nobody would be bleating on about Karsa & Culverhouse. Too many fans are OTT in their judgements without being privy to facts. The facts as far as I am concerned speak for themselves. ie - injuries to key players thwarting the development of Lambert's plans as in Okore, Benteke, Kozak, Nzogbia & Vlaar at various points throughout the whole season. Any other team in tghe Premier League would struggle in the same circumstances. ie where would Liverpool be without their key players Gerrard, Suarez, Sturridge etc etc for long periods of the season. Also, Suarez is Liverpools best player by a country mile in the same way that Benteke is ours.
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