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Everything posted by limpid

  1. On what basis? All they did was phone a number provided by the OP. It wasn't repeated so couldn't be considered a nuisance and the content of the call wouldn't be distressing.
  2. Please read the posting guidelines.
  3. In that case they probably shouldn't have called it. I'm not sure why you mention legal, what exactly are you accusing them of? Breach of contract is civil law and if you won, damages are limited to the amount you can show you lost by the breach. It's unlikely you'd get awarded costs for what the magistrate would feel is a trivial case. If you wanted to use this as an excuse to break the contract, you'd probably be on better ground. If you breach, I don't think they'd persue a claim once they heard your reason. ofc, IANAL
  4. I suspect someone was ill or had had an accident then. I don't think you're likely to find grounds to complain tbh.
  5. You gave them a number, they called it. Did you agree with them what constituted an emergency?
  6. Looks like CPW have them too, but my local store won't answer the phone. That's not ironic.
  7. Before you do anything else, learn Swype. Settings->Language and Input. Install Chrome Beta and then login to your Google account from within all your other Chrome browsers.
  8. limpid

    Linux Server

    TBH I haven't a clue. You went for freeNAS and I've no experience of that, I don't even know what software it's using under the hood. You could try running tail -f /var/log/syslog try deleting something and see if it logs an error. (ctrl-c to exit).
  9. limpid

    Linux Server

    Can they be deleted when you are logged into the server?
  10. Placebos work even if you know they are placebos. But I agree with Yillan, there's nothing to lose if there are no contra indicators.
  11. Facebook's business methods are at best troubling, but I agree that it's unlikely they'd have the arrogance to think that people would move to their hardware just to stay up to date with people who they don't really know. A more likely buyer for RIM is an established hardware manufacturer with a gap in their product range shaped like a smart phone. Someone like HP. It's hard to see why HP would try again with anything but Android though.
  12. The S3 pebble blue page says that and also says just below it that "Samsung are unable to confirm the arrival date of Galaxy SIII". Seems unlikely to come into stock on a Saturday,
  13. limpid

    PAC Codes

    I don't think that's right Levi, not in the UK anyway. AFAIK Orange have always insisted that contracts are paid up before they'll release the PAC.They aren't holding you to ransom, they are using the only leverage they have to make you pay the rest of your contract. It'll take you longer than September to get this to court, so I think you need to play their game and ask for a copy of the contract or phone call where you agreed to the extra term. You can do this by submitting a DPA data subject access request if they won't take you at your word. However the rule with Orange has always been, dial again. You often get different answers from different reps.
  14. limpid

    PAC Codes

    I think they are within their rights to hold you to the contract. Ask them to explain the settlement figure. (insert Giffgaff plug).
  15. The cynic in me says that if you buy some ads from facebook, all your problems will go away.
  16. Can you borrow a work SIM and try it at home / work / commute? Vodafone is terrible where I live.
  17. Why would adding people you don't know be a problem? Isn't that what facebook is for? But sorry, I have no advice. Yet another reason to stay on g+.
  18. Looks like 22nd June from posts in my g+ android circle.
  19. Midnight is usually the start of the day, however, I suspect they mean the end of the day. Of course, if someone has a clock which displays 24:00 (and isn't a joke) then I could be wrong.
  20. Fancying a change is a perfectly valid reason, I challenged you because you said that it was maps that swayed your decision.
  21. Why will an inferior mapping tool be a draw for you?
  22. True, but I like that everything can run in a browser.
  23. The arrow is a non-printing character indicating a tab to the start of text following the bullet. Put tabs on the ruler bar in the places you want them, rather than the defaults and you'll be fine. But seriously, don't deal with MS Word unless someone is paying you to. Use Google Docs and stop paying the Microsoft tax.
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