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Everything posted by limpid

  1. Time as it is currently defined in physics did not exist before the singularity. The time dimension came into existence at the same time as all the other dimensions. We don't have a model which allows for something to have happened before the singularity. Such a model would involve something like division of dimensions which is (currently) meaningless. Trying to go further back in time than the singularity is like going to the south pole and then continuing to head south. The great thing about science is that if we develop new models which explain things, we can then apply those models to create experiments to determine whether they are true and revise our understanding as we confirm things. A lot of scientists are trying to determine whether there was something before the singularity. At present it's just thinking. Thankfully rational thinkers aren't required to believe in unchanging contradictory stone age fairy stories edited multiple times to fit an agenda and interpreted to suit a different agenda. Let alone to have "faith" that the fairy stories are real.
  2. Considering the hundreds of billions of solar systems in our galaxy, and the hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe and the tiny amount of time humans have been around, then if a god exists, how likely is it that it has even noticed us? And if it has, ins't it more likely to perceive us as at best a symbiotic life form and at worst a cancer? If we can undergo a little cognitive dissonance and accept that we can talk by magic to god, shouldn't we be stopping the religious from praying in case they make god aware we're exploiting its creation? I mean, look at what we do to things that shouldn't be growing in us. Of course, rational people know we don't need to worry. There isn't a god.
  3. by the VT match previewer Aston Villa finish their 2011-12 season with a tricky trip to take on Norwich at Carrow Road on Sunday, but will know that their Premier League status is safe after picking up a point against Tottenham last weekend. Despite this, it has been a massively mediocre season for the Midlands club, one to forget even and Alex McLeish will look to give the travelling support something to cheer about before the summer break. The main problem this season for the Villa Park club has been a lack of incision, which has meant few goals. With Darren Bent injured and potentially missing the European Championships (see latest England odds on Betfair), the club have struggled to hit the back of the net, and with 37 strikes in 37 games have the second-lowest tally in the division after Stoke. Seven wins out of 37 games has been painful viewing for the club's supporters, whilst 17 draws is five more than the nearest side this term (Sunderland have drawn 12). Randy Lerner and the Villa board have some real soul-searching to do in the summer, and a few important questions to answer. The first originates around the team's manager Alex McLeish, who started on the backfoot due to his ties to rivals Birmingham City, and has failed to capture the imagination with lifeless performances by his team on the pitch. The Scot is not solely to blame for the poor season however, as the sales of Stewart Downing and Ashley Young were always going to take their toll, and replacement Charles N'Zogbia has found the pairs' boots difficult to fill. Despite attacking midfielder Steven Ireland coming back into the fold, the club needs to replace the two creative players that it lost last summer, and the American owner should put his hand in his pocket and stump up some much-needed financial backing. The signing of Brett Holman from AZ Alkmaar is a start, but more new faces are needed. The team face a stern test against Norwich this Sunday, who have been one of the standout sides in the division this season. Their fearless and attacking approach has drawn many plaudits, and Paul Lambert's men have never even looked vaguely in danger of being relegated, which cannot be said for Villa. The Canaries boss has been mooted as a potential replacement for his countryman McLeish should a managerial change be in order, but the current incumbent will look to prove that he is the right man to lead the club forward with a win at Carrow Road. Richard Dunne and co will have their hands full with Grant Holt and maybe Steve Morison, and the attacking threat of Anthony Pilkington and Wes Hoolahan in midfield should not be overlooked. However, with nothing but pride and a more flattering league position to play for, hopefully McLeish will send his side out to entertain and play free-flowing football; something the Villa faithful have seldom seen this season.
  4. If it's a professional placeholder then I'd just pay a designer to build it for you. You might find a couple of dozen around this forum.
  5. Joomla or Drupal. I suspect you can get either as an online service if you want to have a play. I can't offer more advice when I have no idea what you use (or want to use) the web site for.
  6. Does someone want to write this up for the front page?
  7. It may be different over there, but in the UK church schools score higher than state schools because they can cherry pick the best students who are not from their brand of indoctrination. They are better because they have a higher proportion of better students and of course that gap widens every year. I find it offensive that my taxes are used to benefit religious privilege. If people want to have their children indoctrinated by Catholics (or whoever), then so be it, but I don't see why my taxes should support this in any way. I believe all state sponsored schooling should be entirely secular. Personally I think the indoctrination of children is wrong and should be illegal. That's still a long way off.
  8. Isn't that fraud? I see Man Utd play a few times a year, but I don't claim to be a Man Utd fan. If you don't go to church, how can you (your family) claim to be CofE? If you don't go to church, you can't say you belong to a church. It's like wearing an "I Good example of cognitive dissonance though.
  9. No they weren't. Dinosaur farts may have raised global temperatures. Dinosaurs didn't get "killed off" by anything, although many animal species were made extinct in a very short time at several points in the past. None of these extinction events were caused by farting. However this is a religion thread so this purely scientific stuff is off topic.
  10. It'd be nice if the message above included "I'll post a link to my preview when it's posted and of course link back to villatalk.com"
  11. That's not true, but this isn't the thread to talk about science, much less science concerning the creation of the universe.
  12. So just like every other thread then? Especially match threads.
  13. I'd see how they handle your problem before thinking about signing up for another 24 months. But of course I'd go the giffgaff route anyway.
  14. Did you take concious action to enable Orange roaming when they merged? If not I suspect that's the problem. Speak to your provider.
  15. Have you activated roaming to Orange?
  16. by John Heroic defending kept us up and effectively brings a close to a sad season that promised little and delivered even less. If this was the season of transition we were warned of I do not like what it has transformed us into! So we did find a point from somewhere and that along with Albion’s point at Bolton has spared us from the last day of the season relegation anxiety that now awaits others. We did not get there with a fifth home win of the season but we got there with a determined rearguard action. The vital point came against a Spurs side who had a Champions League place to fight for and which dominated most of the game even more so when they went down to ten men. Our tactics were negative and involved getting men behind the ball and dropping back deep inviting Spurs to try to break us down. It was not particularly pretty to watch but it proved effective and the players gave a whole hearted performance to secure our safety. We started well but created little and often found our defence included our midfield as might have been anticipated given the number of defenders that started in it. Spurs had the lion’s share of the possession but troubled our keeper only rarely and we were able through dogged often last ditch defending to stop countless corners and forward momentum producing more then one goal. So a plucky last home performance sees us survive and limp over the line to reach 38 points which thanks to our vastly superior goal difference on those who are below us will be enough. But it was way too close for comfort and it was not in any way acceptable for a club of our status. Without changes and investment we will most likely face another relegation fight and the more of those you face the more likely it is that you will lose one. It is a season that has offered little by way of entertainment and one in which we have produced the least ever home league victories of any team in Aston Villa history. That is not the proud future or the type of history we were expecting Randy! My player ratings from a game that demonstrated the gap between these two clubs that was none existent a couple of seasons ago are: Shay Given – 7 – Produced a splendid one handed save on his near post from Bale on 38 minutes and clutched another effort from the same player from inside the box on 82 minutes. Cool, calm and effective when called upon. Alan Hutton - 6 – Not the best of starts but he did reasonably well at the back before a dangerous challenge by Rose led to him being substituted and left Spurs down to ten men. Carlos Cuellar – 7 – MOTM - If this was to be his last home game for us then it was a very solid one. Looked very comfortable in the centre of our defence until his flexibility led to his spending most of the second half at full back and he then looked solid enough there as well. I guess we cannot afford to pay his wages anymore as a football club because I do not see his departure as a football decision rather than a financial one and I do not see us paying the money in wages or transfer fee to get someone better or more adaptable than him. Richard Dunne – 6 – One moment of madness spoilt an otherwise sound central defensive display but the penalty he conceded could have cost us the game and threatened our survival and it was a silly challenge to make on the edge of the box on Sandro who was posing no immediate threat on goal. Might have made up for that on 76 minutes when he all but forced home a header from a good N’Zogbia corner. Eric Lichaj - 6 – A solid performance again from a player with a big future at our football club. Charles N’Zogbia – 5 – Some way off his best yesterday but I think he may have come off due to injury had we attacking options on the bench to replace him. Chris Herd – 7 – Kept trying to find a way through and was well up for the fight. But enough of that fracas earlier in the week! Chris owed us a performance and he gave us a big one putting his indiscretion behind him as both he and Clark provided a solid obstacle to Spurs forward movement throughout. Stephen Ireland – 7 – What few things we did creatively came from him and he put a good shift in yesterday. Ciaran Clark – 7 – Gave us the lead on 35 minutes with a speculative shot from well outside the box which took a wicked deflection off the shoulder of Gallas to leave former Villain Brad flat footed and the ball nestling in the back of the net. Stephen Warnock – 7 – Worked very, very hard and covered a lot of ground for the cause almost having run himself to a standstill by the end but then going again each time he was called upon. Emile Heskey - 7 – Did all that could be expected of him as a lone striker and it was not his fault that he lacked support alongside him. Did not have the pace to get a shot in when Ireland intercepted a ball in his own half and then played a nice ball between two defenders for him to run onto but Kaboul reached him before he was able to pull the trigger when running clear on the edge of the box after 11 minutes. Held the ball up very well. Substitutes: James Collins – 6 - Replaced Hutton on 53 minutes and played his part in securing the point. Andreas Weimann – Replaced Heskey on 53 minutes before himself being replaced on 70 minutes having picked up an injury in a challenge with Brad Friedel as he raced on to try to reach a ball from N’Zogbia before our former keeper could. Not on long enough to rate but provided the energy we were looking for until he left the field. Nathan Delfouneso – Replaced Weimann on 70 minutes and was largely ineffective other than for one sweet ball that he played out wide. Nathan has needed to grab opportunities like these to prove he can fulfil his promise but performances like this have seen him fall below the player he replaced yesterday and who is now a distance in front of him in the pecking order. Staying up the Villa and Stay Strong Captain! John Lewis This post has been promoted to an article
  17. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. [table color=#bccde9:03fbf123a5][mrow][mcol color=#8c333c:03fbf123a5]Aston Villa[mcol]1-1[mcol color=#f5ffff:03fbf123a5]Spurs [row][col color=#8c333c:03fbf123a5]Clark 35[col][col color=#f5ffff:03fbf123a5] [row][col color=#8c333c:03fbf123a5][col][col color=#f5ffff:03fbf123a5]Adebayor 62 [/table]
  18. I don't think it's anything to do with skyrim, so it should go in it's own thread.
  19. I probably would have ordered one by now if they came in black. I'm going to have to wait until I can see what the blue one looks like in the flesh. I will not own a white phone.
  20. I thought everyone knew that ads are tailored to the individual viewer. Perhaps you've been to a lot of other sites where people look the wrong way?
  21. CPW are already taking pre-orders at £499
  22. What's the Premier League? Things have names for a reason. Please can we call it the Premier League? Or PL for short?
  23. This isn't the iThread, this a thread for iPhone. The clue is in the name
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