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The VT Musicians Thread


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So after a crazy November & December playing the Radio City Music Hall Christmas show, my January has been a little less crazy.

Just a few Broadway shows and a trip down to Florida to play the Joseph Schwanter piece "Chasing Light." Very much in the modernist/minimalist composer mould. Think John Adams Light."

If anyone has any interest I'm playing as part of the Lincoln Center Trombone Choir this Sunday night and it's going to streamed on Facebook live. https://www.facebook.com/lincolncentertrombones/ 7pm EST so midnight in the UK.

Lincoln Center is home to the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic. So it's the regular guys from those bands and they asked me to join in!

The 1st piece on the program is written by British composer Dereck Bourgois and so it seemed apropos that I should say a few words after it. One question VT'ers, Should I wear my Villa tie? ;)


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Alright I'll wear. Just for you MJ :D I'll also be wearing my Villa cufflinks :thumb: 

(Although on a FB live stream that will be difficult to verify so you'll just have to take my word it.)

Edited by TheAuthority
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Are Pop Lyrics Getting More Repetitive?

By Colin Morris

In 1977, the great computer scientist Donald Knuth published a paper called The Complexity of Songs, which is basically one long joke about the repetitive lyrics of newfangled music (example quote: "the advent of modern drugs has led to demands for still less memory, and the ultimate improvement of Theorem 1 has consequently just been announced").

I'm going to try to test this hypothesis with data. I'll be analyzing the repetitiveness of a dataset of 15,000 songs that charted on the Billboard Hot 100 between 1958 and 2017.


The Pudding

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1 hour ago, Xann said:

Get you a pint if you can play all these by Christmas? :P

Pretty steep curve for the opener :)

Oh ha ha. If I could play like that I'd want more than a pint, I'd want a recording contract. 

I'm more of a "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" man. With mistakes. 

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9 hours ago, veloman said:

I had you down as a more 'Classical Gas' (Mason Williams) man.

Oh, I've tried to play that, all right. I give up after the intro. 

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