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Where is my god damn pc version, getting tired of this. Really wanna play it on ps3 again but trying to restrain myself so when it does come out it will be a little bit more sweet. They said fall so anything beyond Nov 1 would mean they "lied" right?

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I think it's safe to assume there will be a delay, I hope I am wrong though. Have not played this game since I got a ps4 in Jan.

I was getting bored of online to be honest, grinding was boring and the cheating was at epidemic levels. I'm still convinced that the ps3/360 versions were betas for the current gen. Looking forward to seeing what the new gen versions have to offer.

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Can't believe the heists have not released yet, I think they will use them as a marketing ploy to sell the new gen version so I'm pretty sire they will be released at the same time.

I hope they will include more ways of making money such as drug and arms dealing and legit businesses.

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I feintly remember them saying an in-game economy would be used, sort of like the stocks&shares in offline mode.


Shame that didn't really happen.  Be much more fun to earn money through blowing up certain companies vehicles etc than doing the same mission over and over and over.

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The suggestion from the info found regarding zombies is that was going to be some single player DLC, although I dare say they could expand that in to the online aswell.

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Zombies really don't do it for me.

A real working economy would be superb, owning legit businesses as a front for organised crime. Wealthy crews bringing in huge amounts of drugs for distribution down to less wealthy crews and then right down to street level dealers. The possibilities are endless.

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Casinos will deffo happen considering there are audio files that leaked several months ago that says it outright. I remember Rockstar said at the end of last year that there would be single player dlc, not like those packs that we have seen so far. And heists should also come out soon. No doubt they will probably try to intertwine these things so you have more of a reason to "double dip" for the game. Personally I am getting it for pc for higher frames and eventually the mods that will come. This game is gonna be a blast probably in 3 years as well because of that. But I want it now, nothing is really on the horizon for this year for me so this can't come fast enough.

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the possibilities are endless i just feel the DLC's they release dont expand the online experience as much as they could

I think the DLC's so far have been released just to keep players happy and interested. Once the current gen game is released I think we will see much better DLC's for online.

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Same here, i didn't even finish the story, I only play games online so any single player dlc does not interest me.

Is online still full of cheats? I had about 2 billion the bank at one point which was given to me by hackers, this was removed and my only character has about 150k. This was back in Jan though, not been on since.

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they always find new ways to cheat.i just go on invite only sessions..sell a gallivantor..wait for a armoured truck to spawn n do a car grab for simeon if hes messaged asking for cars..then i grind out missions like mixed with coke,trash talk & judgin the jury cuz i have got the Buzzard attack hele

i never go into online with other players as the majority are idiots

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they always find new ways to cheat.i just go on invite only sessions..sell a gallivantor..wait for a armoured truck to spawn n do a car grab for simeon if hes messaged asking for cars..then i grind out missions like mixed with coke,trash talk & judgin the jury cuz i have got the Buzzard attack hele

i never go into online with other players as the majority are idiots

Doesn't that make the whole thing a bit dull? If you only play in invite only sessions and do missions you may as well be playing the single player where the game looks/plays better IMO

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