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Break Ups ( need to vent! )


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Although it seems like a lot of money!!!

match.com was on watchdog tonight for ripping people off.

What did they do?

I am looking at eharmony for £39 a month for 3 months for a 12 month subscription. I see their adverts, reviews seem ok. Anybody use it?

people were still getting charged after cancelling their subscription. Mate sod paying that. I been using plenty of fish for a while now, been on a few dates got the ride a few times to. Im taking a girl out sat i met on there she seems really nice defo girlfriend potential all been well

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Although it seems like a lot of money!!!

match.com was on watchdog tonight for ripping people off.

What did they do?

I am looking at eharmony for £39 a month for 3 months for a 12 month subscription. I see their adverts, reviews seem ok. Anybody use it?

people were still getting charged after cancelling their subscription. Mate sod paying that. I been using plenty of fish for a while now, been on a few dates got the ride a few times to. Im taking a girl out sat i met on there she seems really nice defo girlfriend potential all been well

Fair enough, will sign up and see how it goes. As for match, thanks for that will stay away.

Cant you just have a quick tug? Far cheaper!

Where is the fun in that? Its like a dog chasing his tail, better to have a pussy to chase!

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After the thread on here about online dating, I signed up to POF.com for the craic.

**** hell it's weird!

THink I'll stick to bars and clubs.

What happened then?

Weird, you haven't been out on the town on the Isle of Wight have you? lol

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Haha, no I haven't!

Well, from what I can tell on POF, there are 2 types of girls on there:

The first type are ugly. Sorry any girls reading, but I'm being honest. These girls will message you and respond to your messages.

The second type are any women who range from remotely attractive to the odd stunner (most of the profiles of stunning women are fake, watch out for them). From the looks of things they get tens, if not hundreds of messages a day. If you message them, unless you're some sort of sculpted god on your profile pic, you're not going to get a response.

When I first signed up (about 3 or 4 weeks ago) I just did your standard dating profile (I guess), made me seem like a nice bloke, put some normal pics on and sent out normal messages "Hello, how are you, what's your name blah blah blah"

Got jack shit in response. The ugly ones messaged me, including several weirdos whose messages would read something like:

"Show us your cock"

No thanks.

Now I've redone my profile to make me look like a bit of a rocket polisher, put a bit of humour in it and made some messages up to send to girls that will make me stand out, again making me sound like a bit of word removed. The positive is it would seem from the requests on most hot women's profiles that the majority of messages they get r in txt spk innit, or just say "Hi How are you?", so write something different and you stand out

Seems to be working much better now! Started to get responses from the second type of women. Managed to get a date next week with one nice looking girl.

But to be honest I probably won't go. The whole thing freaks me out a bit. I only joined up to see what it was like. As I said, I think I'll stick to the old fashioned way (i.e. getting hammered and pulling some munter behind the bins outside a club) 8)

So there's my advice, if you must use it, make yourself stand out.

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Haha, no I haven't!

Well, from what I can tell on POF, there are 2 types of girls on there:

The first type are ugly. Sorry any girls reading, but I'm being honest. These girls will message you and respond to your messages.

The second type are any women who are remotely attractive. From the looks of things they get tens, if not hundreds of messages a day. If you message them, unless you're some sort of sculpted god on your profile pic, you're not going to get a response.

When I first signed up (about 2 weeks ago) I just did your standard dating profile (I guess), made me seem like a nice bloke, put some normal pics on.

Got jack shit in response. The ugly ones messaged me, including several weirdos whose messages would read something like:

"Show us your cock"

No thanks.

Now I've redone my profile to make me look like a bit of a rocket polisher, put a bit of humour in it and made some messages up to send to girls that will make me stand out.

Seems to be working much better now! Started to get responses from the second type of women. Managed to get a date next week with one nice looking girl.

But to be honest I probably won't go. The whole thing freaks me out a bit. I only joined up to see what it was like. As I said, I think I'll stick to the old fashioned way (i.e. getting hammered and pulling some munter behind the bins outside a club) 8)

Bloody hell that does sound a bit weird. Although saying that, I was out on the Island a few months back and told this girl I play football (which, I do!) and the next day after all that happens she was asking me what team I play for, she was hoping it was Southampton. She was blonde (no offence to our female friend above!) and this girl was dumb. I then found out she was only 17 as well, 12 years younger than me.

Can you see why I am very much put off meeting any decent girls!!?? lol

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POF defo has many weirdos on there but the advantage is you can chat to anyone you think you may like first and suss them out before you take it further. Always get there facebook (if you have it to) before meeting them as you will be able to judge them much better on there. Hopefully you should be able to pick out the stalkers before they have your mobile and address lol

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lmfao, yeah maybe stay away from that site, have signed up but it is asking loads of questions. Still not sure on eharmony so would love to know if that is good for serious relationships. Although I am saying all this and am taking a +1 to my event tomorrow night, maybe see what happens lol.

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It's worth a try on POF I reckon. If i had the motivation to pursue it then I could probably sort out a few dates. But it takes a lot of filtering through the crap.

But yeh, i've had a lot more response since I made myself look a bit of a prick rather than a nice guy. It's startingly reminiscent of that IT Crowd episode.

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How do you do that, make yourself sound like a prick, what do you write? If I write my profile I sound boring as ****!!!!!

"So he is self employed, helps young adults and kids, loves reading and music... so **** what" is the reaction I guess I'd get!!!

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How do you do that, make yourself sound like a prick, what do you write? If I write my profile I sound boring as ****!!!!!

"So he is self employed, helps young adults and kids, loves reading and music... so **** what" is the reaction I guess I'd get!!!

Yeh basically.

Not that that isn't good stuff, in reality, but on there, they aren't looking for that.

All their profiles say "looking for a kind hearted man" or "Any nice guys out there?"

It's bollocks.

My profile is a funnyish headline (it basically just says "don't click this" and then the first line of my profile says something like "Do you always listen that well?") and then a list of about 12 demands from what I'm looking for. Some funny, some basically making me look a bit of a prick.

Then it ends with some bollocks about me getting loads of messages. "I'll try and reply to them all, but try and be interesting and you've got more of a chance."

That's bullshit for a start, but it helps if they think you're getting loads of messages!

Nothing about who I am, what I do, what I'm actually like. But it seems to work!

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