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Stephen Ireland


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Personally, I think it is a disgrace how Ireland has been treated

Amen to that and, if it's true what MM is saying about a "thaw" on the part of the management, I think SI's refusal to rise to the bait will have helped.

He's been poked, prodded and provoked by GH in the press but has continued to be one of the hardest trainers in the squad and not responded the the public provocation. He's also refused to ask for a transfer, saying that he wants to play here and do well here. Hopefully the management are prepared to give him a decent crack of the whip now.

To be honest I'm glad he never played yesterday, he could have tried, but a few other players around him could have let him down and the blame would have come back to him from some people.

The whole team needs lifting now, not just Ireland.

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one thing i wont understand though if ireland wants to stay and the hou wnats him out, he is linked with a loan move to celtic. this would make no sense to me.

if hou wants money to strengthen and feels he needs to sell ireland to get more money then fine but on loan makes no sense, we might as well keep him. it would only make sense to me if ireland is desperate to leave and doenst wnat to play for us if he leaves on loan

Houllier said on the interview on WM that he don't have to sell to buy.

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He needs to be given another chance when Ashley Young isn't fit. We are severely lacking creativty in the middle, he would have been ideal to come on against 10 men Spurs last week. Don't know if he is injured or just left out of the squad but I hope to at least see him on the bench ahead of Pires if/when he is fit.

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I don't think Pires played that bad when he came on yesterday, he was looking for the right pass, but we lacked any movement ahead of him.

True but at that stage of the game Man City had totally took their foot off the gas and gave Villa license to pass amongst themselves with more time and space afforded than is usual in most premiership games. Can't see him getting that kind of time and space when games are still competitive.

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I don't know what to think about all this. Really, I mean, when Ireland's played he's been awfull, apart from one or two games where he's been okish, sts. But somewhere in there there is a very good player, we all know that. But is he consistant enough? Not enough to build our team around. But I'm all for giving him another chance and I think GH has been very harsh on him. Even though he's had his points.

If we get a new manager I hope we'll get a revival from Ireland with that manager. We could have a very good playing midfield with all the midfielders we have at our hand. Ireland, Young, Downing, Albrighton, Bannan and even Petrov has good passing skills, technique and visions. Some have all thrre of those, all have at least one.

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I don't know what to think about all this. Really, I mean, when Ireland's played he's been awfull, apart from one or two games where he's been okish, sts. But somewhere in there there is a very good player, we all know that. But is he consistant enough? Not enough to build our team around. But I'm all for giving him another chance and I think GH has been very harsh on him. Even though he's had his points.

If we get a new manager I hope we'll get a revival from Ireland with that manager. We could have a very good playing midfield with all the midfielders we have at our hand. Ireland, Young, Downing, Albrighton, Bannan and even Petrov has good passing skills, technique and visions. Some have all thrre of those, all have at least one.

I agree but that said whilst he is on the pitch our players refuse to pass it to him for some reason.. he is clearly in space and even when he asks for it our players repeatedly refuse to pass it to him.

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I don't think Pires played that bad when he came on yesterday, he was looking for the right pass, but we lacked any movement ahead of him.

True but at that stage of the game Man City had totally took their foot off the gas and gave Villa license to pass amongst themselves with more time and space afforded than is usual in most premiership games. Can't see him getting that kind of time and space when games are still competitive.

I agree. Standing at Eastlands yesterday last 20 minutes was like watching a training session at Bodymoor Heath.

Man City didn't break sweat, thankfully, as it could have been a rugby score.

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I don't know what to think about all this. Really, I mean, when Ireland's played he's been awfull, apart from one or two games where he's been okish, sts. But somewhere in there there is a very good player, we all know that. But is he consistant enough? Not enough to build our team around. But I'm all for giving him another chance and I think GH has been very harsh on him. Even though he's had his points.

If we get a new manager I hope we'll get a revival from Ireland with that manager. We could have a very good playing midfield with all the midfielders we have at our hand. Ireland, Young, Downing, Albrighton, Bannan and even Petrov has good passing skills, technique and visions. Some have all thrre of those, all have at least one.

I agree but that said whilst he is on the pitch our players refuse to pass it to him for some reason.. he is clearly in space and even when he asks for it our players repeatedly refuse to pass it to him.

I notice this aswell, he is always moving into space and pointing where he wants the ball but he gets ignored

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I don't know what to think about all this. Really, I mean, when Ireland's played he's been awfull, apart from one or two games where he's been okish, sts. But somewhere in there there is a very good player, we all know that. But is he consistant enough? Not enough to build our team around. But I'm all for giving him another chance and I think GH has been very harsh on him. Even though he's had his points.

If we get a new manager I hope we'll get a revival from Ireland with that manager. We could have a very good playing midfield with all the midfielders we have at our hand. Ireland, Young, Downing, Albrighton, Bannan and even Petrov has good passing skills, technique and visions. Some have all thrre of those, all have at least one.

I agree but that said whilst he is on the pitch our players refuse to pass it to him for some reason.. he is clearly in space and even when he asks for it our players repeatedly refuse to pass it to him.

I notice this aswell, he is always moving into space and pointing where he wants the ball but he gets ignored

Yeah, me too. In some games. I've wondered if it depends on them needing to learn how he plays or if they actually don't wanna give him the ball. If the latter then there's something seriously wrong if they dislike him that much after a few months. I don't think it is.

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I've noticed that too, Ian_Taylor posted in the Houllier thread a few days ago about how we take 2-3 seconds to pass the ball, by the time our players have thought about the pass the chance has passed.

I've seen Ireland in space a few times asking for the ball only to be ignored...Maybe that's all it's down too, they're not ignoring him, they just don't think about the next pass fast enough....It does seem like they've ignored him though, but I can't see why that would be the case, I don't think he would have fell out with the other players....I can see him not feeling part of the team yet though.

This is what he posted, I agree with most if not all of it.

I though yesterday proved a lot about my view of Houllier, and the state of our club that MON left us, especially if we want to compare it with Spurs.

For the last four years, we have been a club that was built around the idea of counter attack, get it wide, and up to the big man. This certainly worked in a lot of cases, although lets not forget the number of times we were 'found out' and there seemed to be no plan B. Secondly MON's signing were all lads who fitted this mould, that he could get fired up to play his way.

Since Houllier came in he has challenged the entire philosophy of the club, the attitude of some players, and a lot of the other stuff that certain ITK's have commented on. He has also changed the way we play into a more 'passing on the floor' style. I am totally for this change of style, as it's played by all successful clubs in the modern game (name me a team that's won much in recent years the way we played) HOWEVER what this has done is exposed the 'footballing' abilities of our current squad!!!

Yesterday's game was a great example, yes they were down to ten men, but we had them pinned back for about 60 minutes and registered 20 shots. So tactically we were good as we had 60% possesion and had them. BUT OUR PLAYERS ABILITY was shocking, Gabby's shooting was mediocre and none of our players can seem to find the right pass. Compare and contrast this with Spurs who when they had the ball looked dangerous in the way they moved the ball (and themselves) the standard of ability was huge, and herein lies the problem. I think Houllier knows this and I expect a lot more FOOTBALLERS to be signed, i.e players who are a lot more technically advanced and are a lot more intelligent. We have players who can 'hustle' (well used to) and go wide and lob a ball into the box. Spurs had players like VDV and Modric, who can shred defences, it's a stark contrast.

When we play tomorrow, watch how long our players take on the ball in their 'decision making' aka who to pass to/should I run/etc.. I reckon it takes our lads about 3 seconds to decided, and usually go with 'hoof it up to Heskey or play the easy pass'. Then watch the City players, I guarentee they will move the ball quicker and make the right choices.

Basically if you've managed to stick through this post, my point is tactically (Managers realm) we've been fairly good, technically (the players we have) have been found out. WE DON'T REALLY HAVE ANY GOOD FOOTBALLERS. Ask yourself how many of our players would get into the Spurs team, or the Everton team, or any other team around or above us? We are crying out for better footballers and I think Houllier might provide us with some.

Keep the faith, Up the Villa!

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Also have you noticed how quickly Stephen Ireland makes a decision on a pass. It's a lot quicker than the others we have and sometimes the forwards have not been quick enough to latch onto the passes. I can think of a couple, one against Fulham in a brief appearance and one that put Downing through against Blackburn. We don't really have anyone else at the club who is capable of this on a regular basis, Young does sometimes and Bannan has the potential to, maybe Delph in time but not right now. We need a forward who makes intelligent runs and is happy with the ball into feet and with the ball at his feet, Tuncay would be a decent short time signing in my opinion.

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Well purely because he isnt going to play right now, we could save on some wages and get one unhappy but clearly talented player out the way short term.

You're probably right of course but I'd just like to see him knuckle down and not take the easy option that's all.

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