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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Use steady aim with everything, it's easily the best second perk. Though I suppose it also depends on how much you hipfire, but a steady aimed assault will match an SMG at close range.

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That's what I have DJ, in red.

I tried the fal again after your recommendation and had some success. It's definitely a medium to long range run, up close you get punished if you are not accurate. Might have to try the M14 again.

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M14 is just a shitter version, and you have to have a grip with it too, meaning you have to use Warlord as the iron sights are wank.

My k/d with the FAL is 2.73 and I have 243 kills with it!

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Have had a couple good rounds with the FAL now. It's quite good at taking out snipers, which is always a gratifying experience. Really annoying when you run into one of the jumping clearings in the woods (this isn't Halo, FFS :x) though.

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I really, really hate having to work for these pro perks. I've just got to share 9 more care packages to get Hardline Pro, but I was seemingly incapable of stringing 4 kills together yesterday. Then, when I finally called one in, for the first time since I've been playing CoD games no **** actually wanted to take it. Normally the scabby bastards are all over them! :x

To touch on killstreaks, whilst working towards Hardline Pro (specifically the '7 killstreaks in one match' criteria) I had them setup as Spy Plane>Counter Spy Plane>Care Package and even though I've done the 7 killstreaks, I've haven't switched from that setup since. Completely negates the need for Ghost, plus I can envisage it being even more effecive when I hit Pro and can re-roll that Care Package.

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Counter UAV is probably the most underrated killstreak on the game, and definitely one of the best. I rarely run it, but I hate when the other team uses it. I might use it with hardline actually, UAV, Counter UAV then whatever I want last. I can rouhly get counter UAV up every life with hardline, so not having ghost wouldn't be a problem.

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