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You have no need what so ever to root either a desire or a galaxy s. They will have all the updates quite quickly after they are released by google. Rooting is just like jail breaking an iphone. You don't need to do it, but can if you wasn't to. To be honest there isn't much advantage to rooting with android.

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Ok an example for you , i get a Galaxy S , they then bring the 2.2 upgrade out a month later , how would you download that , would it be a case of them texting you the upgrade or is it a case of plugin the phone in the pc and just letting it do its stuff ?

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Totti basically if you get a galaxy s say I wouldn't waste time trying to do all this fancy stuff at all. Just pick a nice live wallpaper, and enter your email and facebook details and you're done. You can go customize more further down the line if you wasn't but you don't have to. I did nothing fancy at all with my phone at all. I still haven't actually, unless you think getting apps from the market is fancy?

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Titanium backup, screen capture without having to use a pc, true apps2sd where everything can be installed to SD, the custom roms often have better performance and battery life due to more aggressive downclocking and overclocking of the cpu...

There's more than a few reasons to root. Titanium backup being a massive one on it's own.

"quickly" with the updates really depends on your network as well, at the very least I'd debrand the phones so you avoid having to wait for your network to customise the rom with a ton of crap you don't want.

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You'd hook you phone up to your pc and update through the accompanying software kies. As simple as people updating their iphone with itunes.

I do understand that because there is endless ways to customize your android phone, and we talk a lot about it. It seems as if it's all complicated stuff. It's not, just because you can, doesn't mean you need to do any of that at all.

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Ok an example for you , i get a Galaxy S , they then bring the 2.2 upgrade out a month later , how would you download that , would it be a case of them texting you the upgrade or is it a case of plugin the phone in the pc and just letting it do its stuff ?
It'd be OTA, you'd get a notification that an update was available, and it'll download it and install it over the network (preferably over wifi).

Alternatively you can download the update.zip manually, stick it on your sd card, boot into the bootloader and apply it manually. Or if they release an RUU then you just download that connect the phone to the pc and run the RUU on your pc.

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Best advice is to do things at your own pace. If you get an android phone you don't need to worry about anything like rooting until you want too. Also it's simple beyond simple to do on a galaxy s.

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Cool , i basically want to do what you do on yours CVB , as in media stuff like watching films , listening to music and stuff the fact the galaxy supports so many different media things is a major plus point , watching a youtube review of it showing off how it looks playing video off youtube is impressive , i mean i can play stuff on there with my current phone but the picture quality does suffer . As a Galaxy user CVB do you find this a big plus point?

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There is no smartphone on sale that is better for watching video than the galaxy s. Simple as that, it has the best screen and best hardware.

Plus the tv out feature is awesome. You can put any video file format on the phone, no resizing needed and simple hook the phone up to the tv and watch you're movie or tv show. It's an excellent feature.

It also has a simulated 5.1 surround sound which works a treat. It's a mobile media phone basically. Music, movies, web and games. I'm going to put the playstation emulator on soon. Would love to play final fantasy 7 on the go.

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Sweeeet , so watching a film for example on your phone via DivX , you could simply plug the phone into the tv and watch the film ? If you could that would be superb the only thing that could make that better is if the TV out could be plugged into a HDMI then surely you could stream HD quality onto a HD tv ?

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The speed at which phones are coming out, means a new one is on the way every quarter. But the htc desire hd still has the same processor as the desire and does not have the super amoled screen of the galaxy s. Nor does it have the tv out feature. Also it's certain to be heavy and very big. It's very similar to the htc hd2.

I'd be interested when there are official specs released. If it sticks with the desires processor then it will remain behind samsung in the gpu department.

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The speed at which phones are coming out, means a new one is on the way every quarter. But the htc desire hd still has the same processor as the desire and does not have the super amoled screen of the galaxy s. Not does it have the tv out feature. Also it's certain to be heavy and very big. It's very similar to the htc hd2.

Says who exactly?

There's been no actual specs leaked for it, just rumours which aren't even consistent from one week to the next.

Lets wait for some actual information on it before we condemn it.

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Says who exactly?

There's been no actual specs leaked for it, just rumours which aren't even consistent from one week to the next.

Lets wait for some actual information on it before we condemn it.

Yep it's rumours I'm basing my opinion on. That's why I said we'll need to see the full specs. But the rumours I've read are LCD screen and same cpu as the Desire. I think the LCD is almost certain due to a deal with Sony for a shit load of LCD screens.

It's more than likely an cousin to the Evo/HD2 family of HTC phones, ie. Snapdragon and 4.3inch LCD.

Anyway Totti, I have an Xperia X10 which I got in April, but when I saw my friends Galaxy S the other week, my heart sank. It was vastly superior to both my X10 and the Desire. The screen was breathtaking, and how they packed an internal memory card and made the phone super light was astounding. Combine that with how powerful the cpu is from Dirks posts.

Basically, the phone blew me away. I had to get it. Hence I'm still gushing with my praise, there is no reason in my opinion to buy a Desire or X10 over the Galaxy unless you need a camera flash.

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there is no reason in my opinion to buy a Desire or X10 over the Galaxy unless you need a camera flash.

I saw some pictures before taken on the galaxy in low light, they're not that bad really.

The lense has a larger aperture than most smartphones, so it lets in a fair amount of light.

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