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The initial ROM that Samsung still seem to be shipping is JF3 and that's the one with the lag issues. Following things at XDA keeps you pretty much up to date.

What seems to have happened is Samsung made the phone with the specs and didn't really implement Android particularly well, especially with Touchwiz. They suddenly started to sell a boatload and thought 'shit, we'd better make this work properly quick' and apparently brought almost all of their RnD into SGS Android development and very quickly fixed things. I'm now running JG5 with the SD-card /data cache mod, which is why I get stupidly fast Quadrant scores. Since then there has been almost a new firmware every day from Samsung, with the early Froyo build (JP3) the current latest but it's a bit buggy and isn't actually any faster than what I've currently got.

Samsung have stated Froyo will be in late Sept for the SGS, so they've got 6 weeks ish of beta testing from the community, with each Froyo build getting a bit better each time. This is also what I love about the SGS so far, it's easily rootable, you use a tool called Odin3 to just flash a firmware file each time to update it, or to flash a community ROM and the dev firmwares they supply are pre-rooted. They're engaging the community rather than trying to alienate them like HTC and Motorola are doing with their 'perfect' locked bootloaders.

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Don't talk to me about locked bootloaders, I've an X10 after all. I'll hold off for the Froyo update on the SGS so, 6 weeks is nothing. The SGS forum on XDA seems very active indeed.

Also I'm still amazed how light the phone is, it's nearly too light. It's an almost perfect Android phone, few hardware flaws aside. Screen never ceases to impress me.

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Basically samsung will have us updated to 2.2 by the end of september. Any further questions on android totti you can ask away. If you wasn't to ask questions about android and apple use the other thread so comparisons can be kept in there.

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And any iphone specific questions pop along to the apple thread, and I'm sure most of the android boys will be in there anyway chucking in their 2p worth.

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Posting iphone related stuff in the iphone thread is what it's there for. Same as this thread is for android discussion. There is no rule that it's fanboys only in either thread.

So criticism of android is of course allowed and actually welcome in here, criticism of android inevitably leads to improvement of the platform.

Any discussion or comparison of the two platforms goes in the joint thread.

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No problem, you guys seem to hate any form of criticism and would prefer your iphone thread to be apple world. Post on apples forums if you want a sheltered world. We are more than happy to have any android related posts in this thread positive or negative. It's a public forum after all

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I'm holding my New Samsung Galaxy S. I'll switch over on the weekend, too busy to lose my settings etc until then.

Any advice in making the transition smoother? I intend to use both phones, the X10 is insured so I'll be using that on nights out.

I've synched with gmail to store my contacts. I assume I'll need to install all the apps again as only 2.2 lets you migrate and X10 is on 1.6

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Ok this phone is blowing me away. Firstly it has the proper version of swype. The one that actually brings up people instead of puerile.

Secondly the screen looks amazing, so much better colour rendering. But whites, it is terrible at them, they all appear blue. Not even close to the x10 for displaying web pages with lots of white like villatalk.

Also how can I import my message and call history from the sd card? I backed up everything to there.

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Suddenly, i'm not so keen for 2.2

Bah, bloody Vodafone. They've sneakily released a firmware update that includes tons of their 360 guff, at a time when people were expecting it to be the 2.2 update. Apparently, lots of Vodafone apps are installed to your phone and cannot be removed.

Thankfully I haven't had the update pushed on me yet, but judging from the anger on the Vodafone forums, I think i'll be politely declining it.

Rumours are though that the guff will be included with 2.2 anyway :x

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Oh, and now I keep getting "couldn't back up to SD card" errors on my phone, which then makes the SD card inaccessible. It seems the only way to resolve this is to format the card. Everything was going so swimmingly with my Desire :(

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Suddenly, i'm not so keen for 2.2

Bah, bloody Vodafone. They've sneakily released a firmware update that includes tons of their 360 guff, at a time when people were expecting it to be the 2.2 update. Apparently, lots of Vodafone apps are installed to your phone and cannot be removed.

Thankfully I haven't had the update pushed on me yet, but judging from the anger on the Vodafone forums, I think i'll be politely declining it.

Rumours are though that the guff will be included with 2.2 anyway :x

Is this only a problem on HTC desire phones ?

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