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ve just discovered that you can use the phone still whilst wearing gloves, this wasn't possible on the iphone!

It depends on the gloves.

Most gloves you stand no chance. You can actually buy gloves that will work with capacitive touch screens.

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Depends on what you want,

Desire has the slick HTC Sense UI which is the best UI there is out there. The Galaxy S has unmatched hardware and a simply awesome screen.

The thing is what one man considers a pro another will see as a con. For example it being light is a huge plus imo, while it's a turn off for others, same thing with big screens, some people want smallers screens others larger. So on and so forth.

My only little worry about buying the Desire is it's getting on now, HTC will surly be brining out it's replacement in Q1 next year. While the SGS2 is going to be a different size with a 4.3 inch screen and wont be out until Q2 and going up against the Desire HD.

I'd really wish for Techradar to redo their Galaxy S review like they did with the Desire to take account of the benefits of Froyo upgrade as I think it's solved pretty much all the problems I've had with the software and certainly resolves many of their criticisms in the original review.

Anyway, The Galaxy S, Desire and Desire HD are easily the top of the Android tree.

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Depends on what you want,

Desire has the slick HTC Sense UI which is the best UI there is out there. The Galaxy S has unmatched hardware and a simply awesome screen.

The thing is what one man considers a pro another will see as a con. For example it being light is a huge plus imo, while it's a turn off for others, same thing with big screens, some people want smallers screens others larger. So on and so forth.

My only little worry about buying the Desire is it's getting on now, HTC will surly be brining out it's replacement in Q1 next year. While the SGS2 is going to be a different size with a 4.3 inch screen and wont be out until Q2 and going up against the Desire HD.

I'd really wish for Techradar to redo their Galaxy S review like they did with the Desire to take account of the benefits of Froyo upgrade as I think it's solved pretty much all the problems I've had with the software and certainly resolves many of their criticisms in the original review.

Anyway, The Galaxy S, Desire and Desire HD are easily the top of the Android tree.

When is the new galaxy due out? I bought mine sim free but due an upgrade in the summer, will probably give this one to my girlfriend like i did with my iphone, she already wants it.

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I'm looking at swapping my iPhone 4 for the SGS or the Desire as I want to get back into customising my handset which isn't possible on the IPhone. SGS has probably the better specs but Desire better quality and probably better support going forward.

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I'd hold off until the new year mykeyb, there will be a raft of new announcements after Christmas.

I'd think it'd be a no brainer getting the Nexus S, it'll always have the quickest updates as it's a Google phone. Samsung hardware, Google do the software and it'll ship with Gingerbread. You'll always be the first to have the latest version of Android.

I'd say if we had a poll on here Desire, Galaxy S or Nexus S the latter would get well over half the votes, hell possibly 3/4rs.

But HTC seem to release a phone every 3 months so I'm sure they'll have a 4inch Gingerbread phone lined up for a Q1 release which is always going to be top notch given it's HTC.

As for Samsung, excellent hardware but they need to get the delays with the software worked out. They might just do that, you never know. We'll see how long it takes them to release Gingerbread in relation to HTC. But the Froyo release is very good, late but it is much quicker and bug free so far.

You want a mid range screen size I'd take it 3.7-4inch?

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Probably worth mentioning again (though it is entirely subjective of course...) that the Galaxy S feels like it's made out of stuff from the arse end of the periodic table and, to me at least, feels cheap tacky and not very nice at all.

Desire HD feels much more quality in the hand to my mind. Battery life for it unless you use it like a saint, by most accounts, is dire though.

Prefer the HTCs software too.

I think they best thing you can do is go to a store and ask to have a play with both (the original Desire is a great phone but it's probably too old to really consider if you want something near the top end now).

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Well I have 6 months left of my current contract so it's really so I can dabble with Android and then be more knowledgable when I'm ready for upgrade time.

It seems that most people have reinforced pretty much my thoughts on the 2 handsets before I posted which is that Samsung has better specs, HTC has better build quality but both handsets do pretty much the same thing at the same speeds.

I an swaying toasted the Samsung purely as it has the slightly bigger screen.....

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Exactly Chindie, each person will have a different opinion on things. You may say the Galaxy S feels cheap, while I think it feels fine and would much prefer it made out of plastic to keep the weight down than metal to give it a better feel. Like I pick up a Desire and think it's heavy, despite a smaller screen.

One thing I must stress is that the build quality of the Galaxy S is superb, the materials were consciously chosen to keep the weight down, not to save money. The phone is packed full of top of the line expensive tech, they were not making it to a budget.

Anyway that's the thing, Android gives you the choice of many phones. So people can make up their own minds on every aspect. Screen size, weight, feel, screen type etc.. there is no right and wrong only opinion.

Anyway at this stage mykeyb both the Desire and Galaxy S are running Froyo, so the software will only become an issue when they are upgraded to Gingerbread. But if you are happy to mess about with your phone Samsung have an unlocked bootloader, meaning they let you do what you want with the ROM you run. So you can flash any roms you like on there. As you'll have known Dirk has had froyo on his SGS since August. He flashed early firmware and some custom fixes from lads at XDA.

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I don't think I ever denied that it is a subjective thing, you just seemed to take it quite personally I had the gall to diss the Galaxy ;).

Also worth mentioning the Galaxy S has no flash, which is crap if you're likely to be using the camera in poor lighting conditions. Even though most phone flashes are pretty low end, not to have one is just bizarre.

Still weighing up options myself on an upgrade. Nothing just yet has swayed me enough to make the dive in. Pretty much the entire range of thing I'm looking at has a flaw that stays my hand.

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I was more responding to the fact you make out like it's built cheap and mykeyb picks up on that by saying HTC has better build quality. It doesn't, they are both exceptional in their build quaity. Different materials yes, better build quality no.

Also agree baffling lack of a camera flash. Though it is true to say a remarkable number of people don't use their cameras at all yet rate having a decent one pretty high, myself included hence my purchase of an X10 originally.

Nexus S though is like taking a Galaxy S and fixing all the problems with it. Shaping up to be the perfect Android phone.

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Build quality I would say always will struggle to escape from the materials involved. Materials themselves have a certain quality to them. I'm sure something could have superb build quality (on it's own merit - i.e. well made), but if the materials themselves aren't as quality theres a problem there, and the impression of build quality will suffer.

I would always perceive 2 items made with equal skill but one in steel and the other plastic to have differing build qualities simply because of the materials inherent. And I'd perceive the steel to be a better quality product over the plastic.

Hence why I'm quite damning of the Galaxy S and I daresay most people would agree with me. Plastics can be quality, as any car manufacturer will tell you. But they tend not to be of the type Samsung went with it. There is a definite lack of premium feel to it (I go so far as to say it feels cheap, because to me it genuinely does. It feels like Samsung's of old aimed at the PAYG market designed to wow people with 'Shiny!' to my mind) and it's something that has repeatedly come up. I'd say you were in a severe minority in liking it.

Nothing wrong with that, of course.

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Will I'd like to point out that myself and others have owned Galaxy S phones for awhile now almost half a year and it it in mint condition. I have no screen protector or anything like that. Just the phone as it came and nothing is loose, nothing is scratched not even a slight scratch on the screen. This phone is superbly made, the build quality is exceptional plastic or not.

So yes it feels like plastic because it is plastic. But I'd not under any circumstances want Samsung to go make this phone heavier just to make it metal and give it a premium feel. Premium feel means squat to me, if it has no benefits. Which given my use of this phone to date it would have, absolutely zero benefits.

So if the feel is important to you, and it clearly is to you Chindie then don't get it. But don't for one second think it you are getting a better built phone that will last longer by buying a HTC Deisre. You are not, they are both excellent in their build quality. They will last longer than you have the phone. I cannot stress that point enough.

Go read techradars review of the phone, they stress the build quality is excellent. If you want a phone that is durable and will survive a bit of dropping etc then go buy Motorola's new phone which is made for that.

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