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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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Well, i will say this much, Holborn have really earned their money. Well done guys. the whole thing about sitting down over a beer to agree the deal was brilliant, lerner and his crew have certainly followed Holborn's brief to the letter, even down to stressing the link between Brum and Cleveland as industrial heartlands.

I'll tell you this though, I'm not entirely 100% sure that i would 100% trust someone who's PR was as slick as this. it reminds me, and I really hate to draw this comparison, of Tony Blair, and how great his PR was pre winning the election that kicked the Tories out.

Still, there is no argument at all that AV06's PR sucks horribly, they seem to be really poorly advised in this regard, perhaps not appreciating the slickness of the opposition

Still, its not about PR, right?

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Well, i will say this much, Holborn have really earned their money. Well done guys. the whole thing about sitting down over a beer to agree the deal was brilliant, lerner and his crew have certainly followed Holborn's brief to the letter, even down to stressing the link between Brum and Cleveland as industrial heartlands.

I'll tell you this though, I'm not entirely 100% sure that i would 100% trust someone who's PR was as slick as this. it reminds me, and I really hate to draw this comparison, of Tony Blair, and how great his PR was pre winning the election that kicked the Tories out.

Still, there is no argument at all that AV06's PR sucks horribly, they seem to be really poorly advised in this regard, perhaps not appreciating the slickness of the opposition

Still, its not about PR, right?

The PR may have been slicker than a Penguins arse but it is backed up by what has gone on with the Browns, the calibre of his board, the calibre of his managerial appointment. His actions thus far have confirmed what's been said by his PR and others.

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I think whoever is slurring Lerner seriously has no idea of fan support.

And Padfields' undermining of Lerners bid, along wiht trying to say 'look Im richer than him' is again somebody who seriously hasn't a clue as to the mass support Lerner has.

Why? Cos after years of a chairman that couldn't keep his trap and face out of the media we actuallyy could have a guy in charge who seems a genuine guy, who isn't gonna put his foot in it and make us a laughing stock.

I know Padfield is just the frontman but so too was Keith Harris and he kept quiet throughout the Lerner deal.

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It is a simple situation...

We have a fantastic bidwhich has the good of the club at heart and making us competitive without destroying the soul of the club.

Any alternative bid would need to prove it is better than that.

AV06 are failing, so time to put up or shut up!

This is going to be a horribly long 9 days.

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I am a big fan of the Learner bid. However as John Maynard Keynes said "Sir, when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?". Learners bid seems good to me, but it is possible for a bid to be better. I will look at the facts and form my opinion in the light of them and not before. Right now Learners is the only bid and my favourite. AV06 change my mind I dare you.

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Well, i will say this much, Holborn have really earned their money. Well done guys. the whole thing about sitting down over a beer to agree the deal was brilliant, lerner and his crew have certainly followed Holborn's brief to the letter, even down to stressing the link between Brum and Cleveland as industrial heartlands.

I'll tell you this though, I'm not entirely 100% sure that i would 100% trust someone who's PR was as slick as this. it reminds me, and I really hate to draw this comparison, of Tony Blair, and how great his PR was pre winning the election that kicked the Tories out.

Still, there is no argument at all that AV06's PR sucks horribly, they seem to be really poorly advised in this regard, perhaps not appreciating the slickness of the opposition

Still, its not about PR, right?

Perception is EVERYTHING - especially so when running a football club. Its this savvy use of the media that will start the revolution at VP, and is one of the key reasons for me having such optimism with regards to Lerner's bid.

Villa have always, well, in my lifetime, been awful at this - just about stretching to keeping the local journo's onside (sometimes not even that!) - The Lerner approach tells me that the guys in charge appreciate the power of image, at all levels, and just by concentrating on that alone for the next 3 years will, IMO, make him a substantial profit on his original investment.

The Lerner camp have won hearts and minds, and if they can win ours then they can win others too - others that include the great and the good that can make a strategic difference to the Football Club.

I like the Lerner approach, even if it is 'spin-orientated' - its something Aston Villa has never taken advantage of, and it makes a nice change IMO

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And lets face it - The Glazers didn't exactly endear themselves even with a huge PR attempt behind them.

Fans didn't like the direction they were taking the club and many still don't........ and no amount of decent PR could change that. So The Glazers went on the offensive and won.

But ultimately are they the best bet for the club?

I guess only time will tell but at the moment they still have a mountain of debt hanging over them and some fans still unhappy about the way it was handled.

The total amount being paid to loans for their purchase is £660 million, on which interest payments has been reduced to £62 million a year!

And to think, Lerner has offered basically that amount for Villa.

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AV06 are ''supposedly'' bidding next week. I think they have made this statement to try and stop shareholders sending in their acceptance replies before the 10 days are up, slowing up Randy's bid.

That tactic will fail IMHO. If they are not up-front they haven't a hope. The acceptances will be in by then.

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You just get the feeling the the Lerner deal has been done, well, properly.

I feel that too,

I really don't think either Neville nor Padfield really have a takeover as well planned as Lerners.

I wouldn't want an Abramavich style takeover, jst throwing money at the team, we need the whole infastructure of the club rebuilt, Lerner's bid outlines this.

Can Neville and Padfield's team put in a bid as complete as Lerner's in less time?

I think Lerner has the majority of fan backing too, AV06 and Neville have not endered themselves to the fans by constantly coming out with statements to the press. We've had a chairman for 38 years who liked the sound of his own voice we don't need a new owner to do the same.

Anybody notice that as soon as Bill Howell returns from where ever he's been (someones arse) the Evening Mail starts putting out aload of Bollox article, Graham Hill did some very steady journalism last week (i bet Howell isn't allowed out of the country).

Howell's AV06 article is immensly flawed, i wish someone would boot him in the bollox and releive him of his duties at the Evening Mail.

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Can Neville and Padfield's team put in a bid as complete as Lerner's in less time?

And thats a good point.

If reports are accurate, Lerner has been in discussion over the possible TO for a couple of months, carefully assessing for some time now.

AV06 by their own admission is well behind in the timescale of events..... and I wouldn't want cut corners from them simply to achieve a goal of buying the club.

I don't have a problem with any counter bid that might better what Lerner is offering in all areas, but like the attempts Neville has made, there are some areas of the AV06 bid and procedure I am not at all happy with.

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If Lerner's PR from the very start is as good as PB suggests it is, is there any possibility that these unattributed noises are actually coming from Lerner's camp to discredit AV06 in the eyes's of the fans. The quotes just seem to have to many holes in them for my liking.

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If your bid is so good why not submit it last week or could Padfield not be **** bothered on holiday

Didn't Ellis and Padfield meet last Tuesday? Ellis probably didn't like what he heard. Job done.

Is this a ploy by Ellis to get the price increased, using his lackey Bill Howell?

Howell has no friends left at Villa park and is trying to stir yet again. I honestly think that the deal is done with Lerner. Ellis and Lerner have made official statements to the LSE. As much as I hate Ellis, I dont think he will go back on this deal. The only nagging doubt I have is his "last laugh" mentality.

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