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Bollitics: VT General Election Poll #5 - Leaders Debate Two


Which party gets your X  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. Which party gets your X

    • Labour
    • Conservative (and UUP alliance)
    • Liberal Democrat
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    • SNP
    • Plaid Cymru
    • UKIP
    • Jury Team (Coallition of Independents)
    • BNP
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His "mistake" if you want to call it that seems to be getting caught saying what he felt. Good on you Mr Brown I say, now tell us what you really think of that snivelling little shit Osborne

Ian if that had been Cameron, you would have torn him a new one for saying what Brown did.

Your no different to the Sky news you keep saying is biased.

All tories polices rubbish and all Labours good? ;)


Oh and the BBC covering it, they conservatives pro now as well ;)

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His mistake is apologising to her - he was being honest something you see rarely in any politician - the woman is a bigot

And if that had been David Cameron.........................

Sky would never have been so quick to release this to the world :-)

His "mistake" if you want to call it that seems to be getting caught saying what he felt. Good on you Mr Brown I say, now tell us what you really think of that snivelling little shit Osborne

And what if it had been David Cameron........

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c) to be able to vote in this country means you must be a citizen, it is not racist to suggest that someone who is not a native to the country who wishes to become naturalised at least be proficient in speaking the language

Hence all the emigrees from the UK **** off to Australia and the NZ...

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So what did the woman ACTUALLY say? I'm assuming all she did was point out the immigration problem we have at the moment and how that can adversely affect public services in certain areas.

I think it was about the legal immigration of EU citizens from Eastern Europe.

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Risso, you are totally missing the point. The part that I pointed out was racist was not the part that everyone should be encouraged to speak English. You will see that I agreed with that.

The point that I took exception to is where he said:

"this i agree with i think if you cant speak the language you shouldnt have the opportunbity to vote"

That is racist, not just by my definition. If he wants to carry on with those attitudes then it is up to him but someone will pull him up eventually.

It's you missing the point. Under the new immigration rules, if an immigrant doesn't become proficient in English, he won't be given full citizenship. What does your "top law degree" say about the inherent racism in that? In essence, it's no different to what Demitri said.

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What are you going to do about men called Ian in the Sheffield area who support Aston Villa? Are you going to send them back to where they come from?

I am going to do nothing about this. These men are well behaved hard working decent citizens. They have contributed enormously to this country, particularly with the humorous quips
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His "mistake" if you want to call it that seems to be getting caught saying what he felt. Good on you Mr Brown I say, now tell us what you really think of that snivelling little shit Osborne

Ian if that had been Cameron, you would have torn him a new one for saying what Brown did.

Your no different to the Sky news you keep saying is biased.

All tories polices rubbish and all Labours good? ;)


What I find really interesting is that Ian immediately took Browns side without knowing exactly what the woman had said to Gordon Brown.

Asking the PM about immigration apparently now makes you a bigot. How judgemental!!

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Guest Ricardomeister

Unfortunately Risso it seems as though I am not allowed to voice my opinion and state facts of law, so I will not be posting again on this thread.

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And what if it had been David Cameron........

I'm sorry - didn't I answer that just? ................... mumbles something about being a thicko .......... Note: Said for :-) effect

The lady in question comes out with comments apparently about Eastern Europeans and immigration - a very emotive subject and one that is often associated with bigots of this world - see UKIP / BNP policy etc. Brown states in what he thought was a private moment the B word and the media throw that out asap. Brown quickly apologies and now its apparently a major issue.

If Cameron had said the same then so be it and I suspect that certain media outlets would not have shown the same "outrage".

So Mike - are you appalled by Browns actions here?

I know we can all shake hands with a baby and kiss a pensioners head or something like that ......

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So what did the woman ACTUALLY say? I'm assuming all she did was point out the immigration problem we have at the moment and how that can adversely affect public services in certain areas.

I think it was about the legal immigration of EU citizens from Eastern Europe.

But what exactly was said? Is there a transcript somewhere?
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Unfortunately Risso it seems as though I am not allowed to voice my opinion and state facts of law, so I will not be posting again on this thread.

It's probably for the best. Your opinion is insulting, and your "facts of law" make me wonder what they actually teach undergraduates at university these days.

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What I find really interesting is that Ian immediately took Browns side without knowing exactly what the woman had said to Gordon Brown.

Damn you have a camera watching my every move do you? So how do you know that I didn't see / hear what the woman said? - Stupid comments Mike and made just to cause problems.

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His "mistake" if you want to call it that seems to be getting caught saying what he felt. Good on you Mr Brown I say, now tell us what you really think of that snivelling little shit Osborne

Ian if that had been Cameron, you would have torn him a new one for saying what Brown did.

Your no different to the Sky news you keep saying is biased.

All tories polices rubbish and all Labours good? ;)


Oh and the BBC covering it, they conservatives pro now as well ;)

Sorry Jez but WTF? - and why the silly smiley thin?

All tories polices rubbish and all Labours good? ;)

Another reasoned debate will no doubt follow ................ Pah!

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And what if it had been David Cameron........

I'm sorry - didn't I answer that just? ................... mumbles something about being a thicko .......... Note: Said for :-) effect

The lady in question comes out with comments apparently about Eastern Europeans and immigration - a very emotive subject and one that is often associated with bigots of this world - see UKIP / BNP policy etc. Brown states in what he thought was a private moment the B word and the media throw that out asap. Brown quickly apologies and now its apparently a major issue.

If Cameron had said the same then so be it and I suspect that certain media outlets would not have shown the same "outrage".

It's not just the "bigots" of the world who are concerned with unfettered immigration though Ian, particularly when talking about that from Eastern Europe. England is now the most densely populated country in Europe, and several high profile non-bigoted people have expressed their concern at the effect on communities, with regard to pressure on schools and health care etc.

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Unfortunately Risso it seems as though I am not allowed to voice my opinion and state facts of law, so I will not be posting again on this thread.

You haven't posted facts of law you have posted your views and opinions, which you are entitled to do, however people also have the right to challange them especially when you label them or their views as being racist.

As Risso has just pointed out you seem to be missing the point in relation to the new rules in regards to immigration.

If you don't wish to continue to post in this thread that is up to you, nobody though has told you not to post your options so long as they are not opinions on posters themselves.

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What are you going to do about men called Ian in the Sheffield area who support Aston Villa? Are you going to send them back to where they come from?

I am going to do nothing about this. These men are well behaved hard working decent citizens. They have contributed enormously to this country, particularly with the humorous quips

he's telling lies - I am not from Sheffield nor am I hard working (its VERY hard working - in case boss reads this) ....... too many stupid bigots on VT keep interrupting me ............. p.s. if he does want to pay for me to go back home can he send me the petrol money please?

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It's not just the "bigots" of the world who are concerned with unfettered immigration though Ian, particularly when talking about that from Eastern Europe. England is now the most densely populated country in Europe, and several high profile non-bigoted people have expressed their concern at the effect on communities, with regard to pressure on schools and health care etc.

Mart that is fair enough if you hold those views. Typically though views of people like the BNP, UKIP and such like have a view on immigration, especially from eastern Europe. Those views are not the ones of the tolerant, but those of the bigot. If Brown thinks that woman had shown at that time bigotted (SP?) views and said so in a private conversation then so be it. It would be a refreshing change, as said, is a politician did actually say what they meant rather than what their sponsors wanted them to.

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From Twitter Viz top tips

- DAVID CAMERON Seize the moment by announcing you went jogging with a bigoted pensioner just this morning

- HANDING IN YOUR NOTICE? Save paper by wearing a radio mic and calling a fat northern racist woman a Bigot


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