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Bollitics: VT General Election Poll #4 - Leaders Debate one


Which party gets your X  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Which party gets your X

    • Liberal Democrat
    • Conservative (and UUP alliance)
    • Labour
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Jury Team (Coallition of Independents)
    • BNP
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Acceptance of this kind? there is a major difference between self defence from a 60 year old bloke to an attack by a young guy on two women.

To be fair, whilst not defending the gentleman in question, I think from the reports that two women were injured when the said gentleman was trying to get to the front. I am not sure if it was an accident or an attack, but from what it says I don’t think it was a deliberate attack. If it was throw the book at him. If it was an accident, still throw the book at him. I am not sure what political mileage can be gained from this. The guy was out of order, doesn’t mean its an edict from head office, as was the guy who tweeted, though he was right about the following;

MacLennan also left a stream of insults about celebrities. He branded X Factor judge Louis Walsh a "****" and referred to show favourites Jedward as "odious little s***s". In another abuse-filled post he wrote: "I f****** hate Paolo Nutini."

Lets be honest here; all parties have idiots in them. Thats the conservatives, thats Labour, SNP, LibDems, etc, etc. They also (bar the BNP) have some nice people in them. The notion that Tory=Evil and Labour=Good and vice versa is verging on the silly. Many Tories like Beavers (Alan Clarke was very fond of the European Beaver], many Labour supporters like Beavers, many Lib Dems are big fans of Beaver (You know that Paddy Ashdown likes them), and John Prescott loved Beavers, often those that weren’t his personally.

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why I took offence to your original comment which was quite obviously not a normal question, but a personal dig

I've read the posts concerned a couple of times , and even my post(s) that you took umbrage with earlier in the week and tbh I haven't read any of the posts the same way that you have ( and neither has anyone else it seems)

Snowy gave you his explanation for his post and you just ignored it and have carried on "off on one" ... In the absence of having met people it's easy to assume it's a personal attack but why not give posters the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming they are on the attack ? Why would anyone go out of their way to have a dig you ? there is no ownership of the interweb or cash incentive involved in doing so

Most of the stuff on this and other threads is in jest and often ongoing jokes .. the libs have always been referred to as the woolly party on VT ,it's a long standing joke not some Tory arrogance as you seem to think

I've managed to avoid offending or upsetting most people on VT ..or made my peace with them when i have .... the common theme on this web site is we are all Villa fans , and as such the only people we should be hurling abuse at are Blues fans ..and the French of course

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One prime example is the disgraceful decision by the Tories to make every single person on Incapacity Benefit appear before some Government stooge who's remit is to cut down drastically on the number of people claiming this benefit. This is both cruel and a waste of taxpayers' money.

What do you think the Labour government's policy has been on this?

What are your personal experiences of being on incapacity benefit?

As for the "people like you" comment that was clearly indicating that I don't need people who make unintelligent personal digs...

And yet your post here had to be edited by a mod as it began with a personal insult from you towards Tony.

I don't think we ought to get in to a debate about the relative levels of intelligence, ought we? And you can certainly infer from this that I don't think there has been a great deal employed in the production of yours.

That is my last word on the matter as I am not lowering myself to a slanging match.

Really? Your comments towards me and at least one other poster would suggest that you wanted one from the get go.

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Guest Ricardomeister

You and Snowychap are clearly mates and if you want to try and gang up to bully me then you have got the wrong person! I explained why I took offence at his dig at me.....and it is quite clear that is what is was and I explained exactly why to Richard in a previous post. I did not carry "off on one" at all. I resented having my intelligence insulted and have people make insinuations as to what I should consider an important issue. Why would anyone go out of their way to have a dig at me? You should ask Snowychap, not me.

I am not sure why you mention that I seem to think someone calling the Lib Dems the woolly party is some Tory arrogance as I have never made any comment on that so please do not seek to presume my thoughts.

Yes we are all Villa fans but it is ok to have a factually incorrect dig at me first and then say we are all mates after.

People are obviously free to disagree with my opinions but I do not like it when people make assumptions about what I think (which are invariably incorrect assumptions) or when people insinuate that just because I make a point on one issue that I don't consider other issues to be important.

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Guest Ricardomeister

One prime example is the disgraceful decision by the Tories to make every single person on Incapacity Benefit appear before some Government stooge who's remit is to cut down drastically on the number of people claiming this benefit. This is both cruel and a waste of taxpayers' money.

What do you think the Labour government's policy has been on this?

What are your personal experiences of being on incapacity benefit?

As for the "people like you" comment that was clearly indicating that I don't need people who make unintelligent personal digs...

And yet your post here had to be edited by a mod as it began with a personal insult from you towards Tony.

That is my last word on the matter as I am not lowering myself to a slanging match.

Really? Your comments towards me and at least one other poster would suggest that you wanted one from the get go.

Another pathetic attempt at bullying me!

If it is any of your business then my experience of Incapacity Benefit under Labour has been very good as I have been treated with fairmess and compassion and not treated as a drain on society. I have a chronic neurological condition, diagnosed in 1992, and I carried on working and saving until I had to finish work 4 years ago. Now I cannot fake this condition as I would be rather clever if I could pretend that my nerves don't conduct properly when they do and if I could fake the atrophy of the muscles in my hands and lower legs.

Why should I appear before some Tory Government stooge who will have zero knowledge of my condition (it is the sort of condition that my GP says they read about but are lucky to come across once or twice in an entire career) and who will, no doubt, be targetted on how many people he deems fit for work? I should not have to be essentially paraded in front of someone with no competence of my condition when an expert neurologist and my longstanding GP can give full details and confirm my health situation. The whole Tory benefits campaign is aimed at stirring up prejudice towards anybody on benefits, as evidenced by the comments from Tory supporters in the Tory press. There are plenty of people worse off than me who will also be paraded in these supposed medicals when the assessors are not qualified and not impartial.

Actually my comment edited by the Mods was not a personal insult, as I am sure the mod will confirm and the mod told me that it was "not a biggie!" I merely pointed out that to say that it is a BGT mentality to support the Lib Dems was typical Tory arrogance.

As for me starting a slanging match I merely reacted to a personal slur, which most people would do in that situation.

I have now had enough of your pathetic, childish digs at me. I hope it makes you both feel really big and important!

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Right chaps, this VERY silly argument stops now, no more of it. And I can't be arsed doing the red ink thing (because I've got a frigging stinking cold, its nearly May ffs!) but just imagine this is in red. People please untwist your underpants before commenting further

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What channel is the debate on this evening?

Sky News (and, I think, BBC News channel).

I think its on the new fangled soon to be launched Sky News HD channel, they've had a NASA style countdown clock on it for days on end now

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Another pathetic attempt at bullying me!

Why is it bullying you? :?

If it is any of your business then my experience of Incapacity Benefit under Labour has been very good as I have been treated with fairmess and compassion and not treated as a drain on society. I have a chronic neurological condition, diagnosed in 1992, and I carried on working and saving until I had to finish work 4 years ago. Now I cannot fake this condition as I would be rather clever if I could pretend that my nerves don't conduct properly when they do and if I could fake the atrophy of the muscles in my hands and lower legs.

Why should I appear before some Tory Government stooge who will have zero knowledge of my condition (it is the sort of condition that my GP says they read about but are lucky to come across once or twice in an entire career) and who will, no doubt, be targetted on how many people he deems fit for work? I should not have to be essentially paraded in front of someone with no competence of my condition when an expert neurologist and my longstanding GP can give full details and confirm my health situation. The whole Tory benefits campaign is aimed at stirring up prejudice towards anybody on benefits, as evidenced by the comments from Tory supporters in the Tory press. There are plenty of people worse off than me who will also be paraded in these supposed medicals when the assessors are not qualified and not impartial.

It sounds as though you are one of the very lucky ones.

I'd count myself as rather lucky, too, as I have only had to attend one 'independent' assessment by a 'government stooge' (or retired GP working for Atos) in order to assess in 20 minutes or so the level of depression from which I was suffering.

I haven't had to attend another one of those assessments yet but I'm pretty sure that it was also this government's policy to have everyone who was in receipt of IB reassessed in the next couple of years (except for those in very rare circumstances which might apply to you) with the intention of reducing the numbers on IB because it was, apparently, obvious that there were too many.

This was David Freud's policy; it was the policy adopted by Purnell and it is the policy adopted by the Tories.

For 'Tory' stooge, read 'Labour' stooge or, rather, 'government' stooge.

In another case, my mother has a close friend who has been working since she left school up until last year (even though her GP and her specialist at the Royal Free Hospital suggested that she give up work a couple of years ago) when she was made redundant. At this point her GP and specialist pretty much insisted that she give up work and the idea of trying to get back to work (she is just approaching 60 so will retire some time in 2011) and she applied for incapacity benefit. A 'government stooge' told her at her assessment that she was perfectly fit to work (contrary to the detailed advice laid before them by her specialist, one of only a handful qualified to deal with her particular, rare illness) and look for work and denied her claim. Even after appealing (a process with which she was given no assistance except by a voluntary agency), the same conclusion was reached (by, I believe, a solicitor and someone else thoroughly unqualified) and she was told that was the final decision.

So, you see, it is government policy now that expert doctors (and GPs even with their knowledge of a patient's medical history) are ignored in favour of the approach that parades people in assessments supposed medicals when the assessors are not qualified and not impartial.

Both parties are about 'getting tough' for the sake of populism and, often, at the very real expense of those who are the very worst off.

I think you really need to reappraise your notion of the incumbent government and any future Tory lot especially when it comes down to a particular subject (IB claimants and the move to ESA) where they most definitely are very, very close together (the origin of both parties' policies being the same man and the same report).

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What channel is the debate on this evening?

Sky News (and, I think, BBC News channel).

I think its on the new fangled soon to be launched Sky News HD channel, they've had a NASA style countdown clock on it for days on end now

HD? :shock:

What would that do for Cameron's tan? :P

Let's be thankful the Beeb don't have a 3D channel.

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What channel is the debate on this evening?

Sky News (and, I think, BBC News channel).

I think its on the new fangled soon to be launched Sky News HD channel, they've had a NASA style countdown clock on it for days on end now

HD? :shock:

What would that do for Cameron's tan? :P

Let's be thankful the Beeb don't have a 3D channel.

Yes just imagine Brown's oversized head and weird gulp in 3D, be a bit like watching Doctor Who as a kid, hide behind the sofa time

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I cant be arsed to pander to Murdoch so listening to this and reading the #leadersdebate on twitter.

The twitter lot are massive down on Cameron - obviously I am biased but its hard not to agree - he has given a very poor performance again - mixed up and lacking any sort of real policy statement

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